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Raymond H. Stetson Papers


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Biographical File

College-Related Materials



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Raymond H. Stetson Papers, 1890, 1893, 1896, 1901, 1926-50, 1989 | Oberlin College Archives

By Richard Baxstrom

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Collection Overview

Title: Raymond H. Stetson Papers, 1890, 1893, 1896, 1901, 1926-50, 1989Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1926-50

ID: RG 30/013

Primary Creator: Stetson, Raymond H. (1872-1950)

Extent: 4.05 Linear Feet



Series I. Biographical File, 1890, 1901. 1909-50 (0.1 linear feet and flat file)

Consists mainly of short biographies written about R.H. Stetson, including the “Memorial Minute” appearing in the Oberlin Alumni Magazine in 1951. Other materials include observations about Stetson offered by J.M. Pickett in a 1974 letter and a bibliography of Stetson's publications, as well as his diplomas from Elyria Public High School and Ph.D. diploma from Harvard University.

Series II. College-Related Materials, 1893, 1896, 1909-50 (0.3 linear feet and flat file)

This series is made up of a variety of materials that pertain to Stetson's career at Oberlin. These materials range from Stetson's textbooks while an Oberlin student to notes taken by Stetson's students from his class lectures. Also included are a fraternity membership certificate from Stetson’s undergraduate years at Oberlin, his A.B. and A.M. diplomas, and his honorary Ph.D. awarded by Oberlin in 1942.

Series III. Correspondence, 1926-50 (1.6 linear feet)

Original letters comprise the bulk of this series, all written by Stetson to friends and colleagues. The correspondence is categorized into letters written to “Professional Colleagues/Former Students,” and “Personal Friends,” the primary difference being content and the direction and breadth of discussions contained therein. Thereunder, the letters are listed by name of recipient and the letter directed to each individual are filed in separate folders.

Series IV. Publications, 1928-51, 1989 (0.2 linear feet)

Primarily Stetson's publications, this series is made up entirely of printed matter. In addition to thirteen articles by Stetson, there are also several publications by his colleagues and former students present. This material contains specific references to experiments discussed in Stetson's letters.

Date Acquired: 05/13/1968

Subjects: Hudgins, C. V. (Clarence Virginius), 1897- --Archives, Oberlin College--Psychology Department--Sources, Phonetics, Pickett, J. M. (James M.)--Archives, Psychology--History--Sources, Speech, Sperry, Roger, 1913-1994--Archives, Stetson, R. H. (Raymond Herbert), 1872-1950--Archives

Forms of Material: certificates, diplomas, lecture notes, manuscripts, publications

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Raymond Herbert Stetson Papers consist almost entirely of original letters that Dr. Stetson wrote to friends and colleagues. This personal paper collection was constructed by former Oberlin College Archivist William E. Bigglestone. In an effort to preserve the work of the late Professor Stetson, Bigglestone, with assistance of Stetson family members and Frederick B. Artz, solicited letters sent by Stetson to his friends (e.g. Robert Kimball Richardson [1876-1952] and James M. Snodgrass [1908-1994; A.B. 1931]), and over a period of years this collection was assembled. Given the way in which the collection was assembled, however, gaps in the record exist.

The content of the letters is overwhelmingly related to Stetson's research in the areas of speech and motor phonetics. The largest number of the letters center on his laboratory experiments and his subsequent writing on them. Letters to his peers in the Psychology field are the most detailed and useful in terms of understanding the techniques used in the experiments. Of special interest are Stetson's letters to former students and colleagues James Snodgrass, Clarence Hudgins (1897-1962) and Alfred Hubbard (b.1907) the correspondence of which represents the bulk of the collection. There are also letters to Arthur Slater-Hammel (1909-1992), James Pickett (1921-1996, A.B. 1943), and Roger Sperry (1913-1994; A.B. 1935).

The two areas that Stetson wrote about outside of his work concerned governance of the college and his service on various faculty committees. Stetson's involvement in the administration of Oberlin is outlined in his correspondence to several people, including Snodgrass, Hudgins, and Hubbard, but also in letters to associates outside of psychology like Robert Richardson.

Many of Stetson's letters from the period of 1938-45 deal with his views on World War II.

The manner in which Stetson composed many of his letters is to be noted. Stetson, for the sake of speed and space, characteristically abbreviated nearly every word of a letter over five characters in length, normally deleting most of the vowels. One is still able to ascertain the content in his letters, but this unusual style makes the task a bit more arduous for most researchers.

Aside from the correspondence, this collection also contains a number of Stetson's publications, as well as the publications of a few of his peers and students. These publications are useful when trying to place the research reported in his letters into an overall context. A volume of papers by a number of Stetson's former students appeared as a supplement to the American Journal of Psychology, in 1939 as a tribute to the retiring Stetson. These papers illustrate the various directions that Stetson's students took in their own research, and affirm the way in which Stetson's work served as a building block for their work in the field.

Collection Historical Note

Raymond Herbert Stetson (Ph.B., 1893, A.M., 1896, Sci.D., 1942) was born on March 1, 1872, in North Ridgeville, Ohio. Reared in a farming family, he was expected to stay and work on the farm. Stetson showed a strong interest in scientific work at Elyria High School, where he and another student named Ray Cogswell set up the high school's first chemistry laboratory. Stetson's initial curiosity and brilliance (and a financial push from a sympathetic aunt) led him to enroll in Oberlin College in 1890.

Stetson's area of undergraduate study was chemistry. After completing his studies under Frank Fanning Jewett (1844-1926) in 1893, Stetson continued this student/professor relationship by serving as Jewett's graduate assistant. During this same period, Stetson also worked on a master's degree in Zoology under Professor A.A. Wright (1846-1905). Having completed his master's in 1896, Stetson set out to work. He received an appointment as Professor of Biology at Tabor College in Iowa, which he held from 1896 to 1899. These years of experience in the laboratory led Stetson to enroll at Harvard University in order to pursue a doctorate in 1899. There he worked under Hugo Munsterberg (1863-1916), writing a dissertation entitled, “Motor Theory of Rhythm and Discreet Succession.” Shortly after he earned his Ph.D. in 1901, Stetson accepted a position at Beloit College, teaching in the areas of Psychology and Philosophy. He remained at Beloit until 1909, when he accepted the headship of the new Department of Psychology at Oberlin, this new department having been separated from the Department of Philosophy the same year.

Stetson taught at Oberlin College for the next three decades. Along with the research interests he developed at Harvard University, Stetson was influenced by the work of William Benton Chamberlain (1847-1903), who taught in speech and rhetoric at Oberlin. Stetson drew on this background when he began his lifelong research in speech, motor, and skill movements. His main contributions to the field of psychology are in the areas of speech movements and phonetics, an interest sparked by Abbe Rousselot following a year Stetson spent in France with him from 1922 to 1923. Many of his original theories and experiments are considered ahead of their time, and in most cases were not fully verified and explored until the 1960s.

In addition to his teaching and research commitments, Stetson served on a number of governing committees, including the Graduate Study Committee and the Appointments and Budget Committee of the College Council. Formally retiring in 1939, Stetson nonetheless remained active in college affairs until his death 11 years later.

Stetson's influence during his lifetime was hindered by factors such as his refusal to “politic” within the field of psychology and some limitations in his written presentation of data. Nonetheless, Stetson was recognized as a pioneer within his field. Stetson's practice of allowing undergraduate students to make meaningful contributions to his research (a rare practice, even today) resulted in a number of his assistants later becoming very prominent themselves within the field of Psychology. Some of his more famous students include Roger W. Sperry (1913-1994; A.B. 1935) and Robert Galambos (b.1914, A.B. 1935).

Stetson never married. From 1924 until his death, Stetson lived with Oberlin History professor Frederick B. Artz (1894-1983). Artz is identified as Stetson's partner in the 1940 and 1950 U.S. Census.

The mid-1930s saw the onset of intermittent claudication in his legs that, as time went on, limited Stetson's ability to walk and eventually led to the amputation of a leg in 1948. It is these developments that led Stetson to have an elevator installed in Peters Hall where his laboratory was located (initially at his own cost), and forced him to buy a car and employ a student driver.

Stetson remained active in retirement throughout the 1940s, but as the decade wore on, his health became a severe limitation. While working on a publication entitled “Motor Phonetics,” Raymond Herbert Stetson died on December 4, 1950.

For more biographical information see Louis D. Hartson’s 1951 biography located in the student files (28).

Subject/Index Terms

Hudgins, C. V. (Clarence Virginius), 1897- --Archives
Oberlin College--Psychology Department--Sources
Pickett, J. M. (James M.)--Archives
Sperry, Roger, 1913-1994--Archives
Stetson, R. H. (Raymond Herbert), 1872-1950--Archives

Administrative Information

Repository: Oberlin College Archives

Access Restrictions: Certain restrictions to access apply and are noted on inventory.

Acquisition Method: The papers of Raymond Herbert Stetson were received under 11 separate accessions between 1974 and 1979. Most of these accessions were the result of mail solicitations made by William E. Bigglestone, former Oberlin College Archivist. In October 1974, letters of R.H. Stetson were received from Alfred Hubbard of Urbana, Illinois, J.M. Pickett of Gallaudet University, and Roger Sperry of the California Institute of Technology. Additional materials were sent in November 1974 by Eldora Speigelberg of St. Louis and A. T. Slater-Hammel of Indiana University. In October 1978, Mrs. Ruth Hudgins of Northampton, Massachusetts, sent one carton of letters from Stetson to Clarence V. Hudgins to the Archives. Other Stetson correspondence was sent to the Archives by Pickett in July 1979. Additional writings by Stetson were transferred from the Oberlin College Library, Department of Special Collections, in 2002. Two additional accretions include one received from Jane Pickett ’43 in 2006, and another from Carl Schwinn in 2007.

Appraisal Information: Accessions: 38, 42, 68, 243, 245, 250-254, 1979/6, 2002/4, 2006/064.

Related Materials: In addition to this collection, information present in these Archives pertaining to Raymond Herbert Stetson can be located in Stetson's staff and student files and the student file of James M. Pickett ’43 (RG 28), the papers of former Oberlin Colleges Presidents Ernest Hatch Wilkins (RG 2/7), William E. Stevenson (RG 2/8), the papers of Frederick B. Artz (RG 30/175), Louis D. Hartson (RG 30/12), Donald M. Love (RG 30/91), Warren Taylor (RG 30/15), the records of the Psychology Department (RG 9/2), and James Rokett (RG 21, Series VII, A. Published Writings).

Processing Information: In no small way, this personal papers group was constructed by former Oberlin College Archivist William E. Bigglestone. In an effort to preserve the work of the late Professor Stetson, Bigglestone, with some assistance of Stetson family members and Frederick B. Artz, solicited letters sent by Stetson to his friends (e.g. Robert Kimball Richardson [1876-1952] and James M. Snodgrass [1908-1994; A.B. 1931]), and over a period of years this collection was assembled. Given the way in which the collection was assembled, however, gaps in the record doubtless exist. Some persons, for example, were unprepared to release documents and others considered his letters too sensitive to be added to the collection at the time of the solicitation because some persons reported on were still alive.

Finding Aid Revision History: Processed by Richard Baxstrom, 1992.  Revised by Melissa Gottwald, February 2002; Ken Grossi, August 2007; Archives staff, May 2008, November 2021, March 2022.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series I: Biographical File],
[Series II: College-Related Materials],
[Series III: Correspondence],
[Series IV: Publications],

Series I: Biographical FileAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Biographical Material, 1909-1950Add to your cart.
Flat File GR4Add to your cart.
Item 1: Diploma, Elyria Public High School, 1890Add to your cart.
GR Case 4, Drawer 9
Item 2: Diploma, Ph.D., Harvard University, 1901Add to your cart.
GR Case 4, Drawer 9
Series II: College-Related MaterialsAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: College Materials, Certificate of Membership, Phi Delta Fraternity, 1893Add to your cart.
Item 2: College Materials, Lotze's Outlines, 1890Add to your cart.
Item 3: College Materials, Lotze's Outlines, 1890Add to your cart.
Item 4: College Materials, Lotze's Outlines, 1890Add to your cart.
Item 5: College Materials, Lotze's Outlines, 1890Add to your cart.
Item 6: College Materials, Lotze's Outlines, 1890Add to your cart.
Folder 7: College Materials, Letters and Notes of Broad Interests of R.H. Stetson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 8: College Materials, Eldora Speigelberg's Class Notes on Phonetics, 1938Add to your cart.
From Stetson classroom instruction.
Folder 9: College Materials, Honorary Doctorate (Sci.D.), Oberlin College, 1942Add to your cart.
Folder 10: College Materials, Oberlin History, ca. 1940Add to your cart.
Flat File GR4Add to your cart.
Item 1: Diploma, A.B., Oberlin College, 1893Add to your cart.
Item 2: Diploma, A.M., Oberlin College, 1896Add to your cart.
Series III: CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.
Subseries 1: Professional Colleagues and Former StudentsAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Correspondence, Letters to Arthur Benton, 1939-1949Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Correspondence, Letter to "Cox", ca. 1933Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Correspondence, Letters to Alfred Hubbard, 1934-1947Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Correspondence, Letters to Alfred Hubbard, 1934-1947Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Correspondence, Hubbard Manuscripts (Copies), 1934-1947Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 7: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 8: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 9: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 10: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 11: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 12: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 13: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 14: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 15: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 16: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 17: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1941-1944Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 2: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 3: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 4: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 5: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 6: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 7: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 8: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 9: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 10: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 11: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 12: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 13: Correspondence, Letters to Clarence V. Hudgins, 1944-1949Add to your cart.
Restrictions apply.
Folder 14: Correspondence, Letters to James M. Pickett, 1947-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Correspondence, Phonology Correspondence, 1940-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Correspondence, Letters to Arthur Slater-Hammel, 1945-1950Add to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, 1934-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Correspondence, Letters to Eldora Speigelberg, 1940-1950, Copies, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Correspondence, Letters to Roger W. Sperry, 1943-1948Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Correspondence, Letters to James Snodgrass, "Cox," Clarence Hudgins, Professor Voegelin, ca. 1933-1948Add to your cart.
Accession 2006/064.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Correspondence, Letters to Frederick B. Artz, 1947-1949Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Correspondence, Letters to John Bare, 1943, Copies, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Correspondence, Letters to Robert K. Richardson, 1926-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Correspondence, Letter to Professor Voegelin, 1946Add to your cart.
Series IV: PublicationsAdd to your cart.
Subseries 1: Publications by R.H. StetsonAdd to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: R.H. Stetson, "The Hair Follicle and the Sense of Pressure," Psychological Monographs, 32, no. 3 (1923): 1-17. Copies, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: R.H. Stetson, "Motor Phonetics: a Study of Speech Movements in Action," Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetique Experimentale, tome III (1928): 1-216, 1928Add to your cart.
Folder 3: R.H. Stetson and I.C. Young, "Analysis of Vowels," reprinted from Science LXXII, no. 1861 (August 29, 1930): 223, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: R.H. Stetson and F.L. Fuller, "Diphthong Formation: a Preliminary Study," reprinted from Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetique Experimentale tome V (1930), undatedAdd to your cart.
6 pages. 2 copies.
Folder 5: R.H. Stetson and C.V. Hudgins, "Functions of Breathing Movements in the Mechanism of Speech," reprinted from Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetique Experimentale tome V (1930), undatedAdd to your cart.
30 pages. 2 copies.
Folder 6: R.H. Stetson, "The Breathing Movements in Singing," reprinted from Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetqiue Experimentale tome VI (1931), undatedAdd to your cart.
50 pages, 3 copies.
Folder 7: R.H. Stetson, "Speech Movements in Action," reprinted from the Transactions of the American Laryngological Association LV (1933), undatedAdd to your cart.
13 pages. 2 copies and manuscript.
Folder 8: R.H. Stetson, "The Relation of the Phoneme and the Syllable," reprinted from the Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (1936): 245-252, Copies, undatedAdd to your cart.
1 photocopy, 2 copies.
Folder 9: R.H. Stetson and G.C. Throner, "Training for Flexible Posture and Relaxation Movements," reprinted from The Research Quarterly VII, no. 1 (March 1936), undatedAdd to your cart.
8 pages.
Folder 10: R.H. Stetson, "Esophageal Speech for Any Laryngectomized Patient," reprinted from the Archives of Otolaryngology 26 (August 1937), undatedAdd to your cart.
11 pages, 2 copies.
Folder 11: R.H. Stetson and C.V. Hudgins, "Relative Speed of Articulatory Movements," reprinted from Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetique Experimentale, tome XIII (1937): 85-94, undatedAdd to your cart.
2 copies.
Folder 12: R.H. Stetson and A.W. Hubbard, "An Experimental Analysis of Human Locomotion," reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology 124, no. 2 (Nov. 1938): 300-313, undatedAdd to your cart.
Subseries 2: Publications of OthersAdd to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: L.D. Hartson, "Raymond Herbert Stetson: 1872-1950," offprint from The American Journal of Psychology LXIV (April 1951): 287-288, 1951Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Arthur T. Slater-Hammel, "Action Current Study of the Rectus Abdominalis as a Postural Muscle in Arm Movements," reprinted from The Research Quarterly (March 1943), undatedAdd to your cart.
10 pages. Study directed by R.H. Stetson and J.M. Snodgrass.
Folder 3: Papers by Former Students, before 1939Add to your cart.
Papers by former students,  presented to Professor Raymond Herbert Stetson, Head of the Department of Psychology, Oberlin College, 1909-1939, on the occasion of his retirement, June 1939. Provincetown, Mass.: Journal Press, 1939. (2 copies.) Contains papers written by: L.H. Beck, L.E. Cole, Paul F. Brown, Frances Fuller Ellsworth, T.W. Forbes, Robert Galambos, L.D. Hartson, Florien Heiser, Alfred W. Hubbard, C.V. Hudgins, C.V. Hudgins and L.M. Di Carlo, Joseph Miller, Margaret Foltz Smith, J.M. Snodgrass, R.W. Sperry, H.E. Weaver.
Folder 4: James Pickett, "Notes on Phonetics at Gallaudet University: Speech Science vs. Deafness," from A Guide to the History of the Phonetic Sciences in the United States (August 1999): 48-50, 1999Add to your cart.
Accession 2006/064
Folder 5: James Pickett, "Aspects of Stetson's Contributions", 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Book Review: R.H. Stetson's Motor Phonetics. A Retrospective Edition. Edited by J.A.S. Kelso and K.G. Munhall. Boston, MA: College-Hill Press, 1988, 1939Add to your cart.
A copy of a book review of this title. Review by Anders Lofqvist in Language and Speech 32, no. 1 (1939): 73-80

Browse by Series:

[Series I: Biographical File],
[Series II: College-Related Materials],
[Series III: Correspondence],
[Series IV: Publications],

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