Oberlin Health Commission Records, 1959-1976
| Oberlin College Archives

The Oberlin Health Commission (OHC) was established in 1958 by four local physicians -- Clair Siddall (1897-1980), Oscar Schettler (1896-1963), James Stephens (1909- ), and Jeanne Stephens (1911- ) – who were concerned about the quality and efficiency of health care provided by local social service agencies. The Commission’s first activity was to survey existing health and welfare agencies in the Oberlin area. Having identified and examined the operations of fifty such organizations, the OHC pinpointed four needs that those groups did not supply: a central agency to coordinate the services of the fifty existing agencies, a method whereby occasional medical aid could be provided to a resident in need who did not qualify for assistance from an existing agency, public education on health issues, and a comprehensive program to oversee the health and welfare of senior citizens.
The Commission then defined their areas of interest and operation by establishing four goals to address the problem areas they had identified. Over the years, a variety of committees and programs functioned to meet these goals. The OHC sought first to coordinate the health services of area agencies to reduce duplication of effort and enhance the quality and efficiency of service. Second, the Commission accepted the responsibility for providing medical aid grants to those who did not qualify for assistance from another agency. Third, the OHC planned programs such as pre-natal classes, to educate the public in and around Oberlin on health issues and concerns. Fourth, the Commission set up a Senior Citizen’s Program to provide health care and recreational activities for that segment of the population.
In 1971, representatives of health agencies in Lorain, Elyria and Oberlin negotiated a merger so that comparable financial assistance could be provided for the medically indigent throughout the county. The Medical Aid Committee of the Oberlin Health Commission was disbanded and the Treatment and Service Committee of the new United Health Foundation (UHF) took over its work, with a UHF social worker at the Oberlin Health Commission interviewing applicants for medical aid from the southern part of the county. Although its social work and secretarial expenses were thereafter paid by the United Way through the UHF, the Oberlin Health Commission retained its name, its organization, and its other programs – dental screening, pre-natal classes, craft and recreation programs for senior citizens, and health education.
In 1977, the Oberlin Health Commission merged with the Oberlin Community Welfare Council to form a single umbrella organization, called the Oberlin Community Services Council, to oversee all social welfare activities in the Oberlin area.
Chairmen of the Oberlin Health Commission:
1959 A. Clair Siddall
1960 J. A. Cochrane
1961 Oscar Schettler
1962 David R. DeLong
1963 unknown
1964 Jeanne Stephens
1965 unknown
1966 James T. Stephens
1967 Frank Zavodsky
1968 Roy H. Ebihara
1969 David J. Evans
1970 A. Clair Siddall
1971 Robert P. McFarland
1972 Ronald A. Rollins
1973 Geraldine Donaldson
1974-1975 Robert S. Thomas
1976-1977 John D. Elder
Author: Lisa Pruitt
The records of the Oberlin Health Commission date from 1959 to 1976. They include the minutes of three monthly meetings in 1961-1962 and annual reports for the years 1959-1976. Annual reports for the years 1963 and 1965 are missing. These records trace the activities of the Commission and its various committees during the given calendar year and report on the commission’s financial status.
Series 1: Annual Reports, 1959-1962, 1964, 1966-1976 (2 lin. in.)
Annual reports are arranged chronologically. They contain reports of the chairman, treasurer, community social worker, and various committees.
Series 2: Minutes, 1961-1962 (3 items)
Minutes of the monthly luncheon meetings are arranged chronologically. This series contains minutes for four meetings: August 16, October 18, November 15, 1961, and May 9, 1962.
Series I: Annual Reports
Box 1
Annual Reports, 1959-1962, 1964, 1966-1976 (2 folders)
Series II: Minutes
Box 1 (cont’d)
Minutes, 1961-1962