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Beginning with "S"
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Creators Beginning with "S"
Saarinen, Eliel (1873-1950)
Safford, Cornelia M. Walker (1831-1914)
Safford, John (1830-1891)
Safford, Philo P. (1863-1914)
Salsich, Anne Cuyler
Salter, Katharine Hayden (1896-1988)
Samarina, Olga N.
Sanborn Map & Publishing Co.
Sargent, Helen A. (1872-1954)
Sargent, Helen A., Family
Schauffler College of Religious and Social Work (1886-1966)
Schauffler, Grace L. (1894-1982)
Schauffler, Margaret Reynolds (1896-1994)
Schoonmaker, Richard C. (1930-)
Schuler, Ch. L.
Schulte, Edward J. (1890-1975)
Schwaegerle, Edward
Schweitzer, Albert (1875-1965)
Scott Brown, Denise (1931-)
Scott, George T. (1914-1987)
Scott, Kluth, Schaefer and Associates, Architects
Seaman, William H. (1902-1948)
Selch, Frederick R. (Frederick Richard) (1930-2002)
Senior Forum (1941-2001)
Service, Caroline E. (1909-1997)
Service, John S. (1909-1999)
Severance, Julia G. (1877-1972)
Seyfried, John T.
Shand, Ian M. R.
Shaver, Chester Linn (1907-1980)
Shaw, Howard Van Doren (1869-1926)
Shaw, Mabel Louise (1886-1924)
Shaw, Robert (1916-1999)
Sheldon, Mary (1825-1887)
Shepherd, Harry
Sherif, Ann
Sherlock, Rick
Shimizu, Yasuzo (1891-1988)
Shipherd, John J. (1802-1844)
Shokei, Kenko (Active 1478-1506)
Shore, Herbert L. (1922-2004)
Shreiner, John Frederic (1893-1980)
Shreve, Lamb and Harmon (1924-1970s)
Shults, Fredrick D. (1932-)
Shurtleff, Giles Waldo (1831-1904)
Shurtleff, Mary E. Burton (1836-1924)
Siddall, A. Clair (1897-1980)
Silsbee, Joseph Lyman (1845-1913)
Simchak, Thomas G.M. (1980-)
Simon, E. (Active 1734)
Simpson, Alice Hester (1903-1993)
Simpson, George E. (1904-1998)
Sims, Newell L. (1878-1965)
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (1939-)
Smith, Julian S.
Snyder, Eldredge (d. 1967)
Soll, Beverly
Sparkle Newsletter Group (1952-1999)
Spaulding, Solomon (1761-1816)
Spear, Richard E. (1940-)
Spencer, Ellen S.
Sprout, Harold H. (1901-1980)
Staphens, Thomas E.
Starr, S. Frederick (1940-)
State Savings Bank, Oberlin (1903-1924)
Stechow, Ursula (1911-2008)
Stechow, Wolfgang (1896-1974)
Steele, Edward S. (1850-1942)
Steele, James (1808-1859)
Steen, Fred L. (1929-1998)
Steer, James Wilson (1895-1989)
Steer, Marjorie Wells (1899-1992)
Steere, Douglas V. (1902-1995)
Steinberg, Ira (1933-)
Stephens, James T. (1909-1998)
Stephens, Jeanne H. (1911-2000)
Stetson, Raymond H. (1872-1950)
Stevenson, Eleanor Bumstead (1902-1987)
Stevenson, William Edwards (1900-1985)
Still, William Grant (1895-1978)
Stitt, E. Louise Appleton (1888-1967)
Stoedtner, Franz (1870-1944)
Stokes, Carl B. (1927-1996)
Stretar, Gary
Strong, Robbins (1912-1999)
Stuart Friebert (1931-2020)
Stubbins, Hugh Asher, Jr. (1912-2006)
Suskin, Sylvan (1936-2008)
Sutton, Enid Bancroft (1891-1983)
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