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Title: Oberlin College Archives Subject FilesAdd to your cart.
ID: RG 44/
Extent: 0.0
Predominant Dates: 1833-2024
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Folder 1: AAPI (Asian American, Asian, Pacific Islanders) Community
Folder 2: Abolitionism
Folder 3: ABUSUA–List of Institutional Demands, 2015
Folder 4: Academic and Administrative Program Review (See also: One Oberlin), 2018-2014
Folder 5: Academic Advising
Folder 6: Academic Commons (Mudd Center), 2006-2024
Folder 7: Academic Dress (worn by faculty and students)
Folder 8: Academic Programs (new), 1990s
Folder 9: The Access Program (Lorain County)
Folder 10: Activism
Folder 11: ACT UP
Folder 12: Admissions Reports, published annually in the Observer, 1979-1994
Folder 13: Affiliate Scholars
Folder 14: Affirmative Action (See also Government Documents)
Folder 15: Africa: materials in Oberlin College Archives
Folder 16: African Week
Folder 17: Afrikan Heritage House
Folder 18: AIDS
Folder 19: AIDS Memorial Quilt (in Oberlin)
Folder 20: Aims of Oberlin College
Folder 21: Airport (Lorain County) (See also Federal Aviation Agency; RG 31/42 Lorain County Regional Airport)
Folder 22: Allen Memorial Hospital (See also Oberlin Medical Center)
Folder 23: Aluminum
Folder 24: Aluminum Pyramid Cap (Washington, D.C.)
Folder 25: Aluminum Severance Hall Renovation, 2000
Folder 26: Alumni–Distinguished (4f)
Folder 27: Alumni Family Week
Folder 28: American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Folder 29: American Board for Commissioners of Foreign Missions
Folder 30: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Folder 31: American Field Service
Folder 32: American Missionary Association
Folder 33: American Missionary Association Manuscripts–microfilm catalog (4f)
Folder 34: American Missionary Association: Teachers from Ohio, 1861-1876
Folder 35: American Roots Residency Fund
Folder 36: Amistad
Folder 37: Amnesty International
Folder 38: Anthrax
Folder 39: Anti-Draft, 1980
Folder 40: Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ripley Mississippi (1964 Rebuilding Project) (3f) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)
Folder 41: Anti-Saloon League
Folder 42: Anti-Slavery Convention, 1840
Folder 43: Anti-War, 1970
Folder 44: Apollo Theatre (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)
Folder 45: Apollo's Fire
Folder 46: Apple Tree Project, 1975-1976
Folder 47: Arboretum (Arb, Ladies Grove)
Folder 48: Architecture of Oberlin (4f) (See also Oberlin College Architecture)
Folder 49: Armour, Arthur (Aluminum and Art)
Folder 50: Art Censorship Day
Folder 51: Artist Recitals (See also College Departmental Vertical Files; RG 10 Conservatory of Music)
Folder 52: Art Rental
Folder 53: Artists–Ohio
Folder 54: Artists and Photographers in Oberlin City Directories, 1859-1895
Folder 55: Arts and Letters–School operated by Peter Way, ca. 1977-1978
Folder 56: Asia House (2f)
Folder 57: Asian American Activism at Oberlin
Folder 58: Asian American Alliance (AAA)
Folder 59: Asian American Alumni
Folder 60: Asian American Students
Folder 61: Asian American Studies Conference, 2001 October 12-13
Folder 62: Asian Pacific American Students Conference and Resources, 1994, 1998-1999, 2002
Folder 63: Assertive Management Workshop, 1979 November 9
Folder 64: Association for Black Concerns, 1998
Folder 65: Athletes, 1970-2024
Folder 66: Atkinson, Tracy (See World War I)
Folder 67: Attacks on Women, 1969
Folder 68: Automobiles (See Oberlin College Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [on campus]; Parking [on campus])
Folder 69: Avery, Charles
Folder 70: AVI Fresh (See Dining Services–AVI Fresh)
Folder 71: BA after MD Degree
Folder 72: Bands–History of
Folder 73: Bandstand
Folder 74: Barbershop Segregation Controversy (Oberlin)
Folder 75: Bells–Oberlin College and City of Oberlin
Folder 76: Bench by the Road Project–Toni Morrison (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files), 2009
Folder 77: Benzonia–Manistee
Folder 78: Berea College
Folder 79: Berea College Archives
Folder 80: Bicentennial (2f)
Folder 81: Bicycles (in Oberlin)
Folder 82: Big Parade
Folder 83: Bike Path (See Oberlin City Bikepath)
Folder 84: Bill Long Foundation
Folder 85: Bill Long Nature Preserve
Folder 86: Bill Robinson Scholarship (See Oberlin Partnership)
Folder 87: Biographical Sketches
Folder 88: "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin," by A. Ruger
Folder 89: Black College Students before the Civil War
Folder 90: Black Cultural Center
Folder 91: Black Education (2f)
Folder 92: Black Education Conference: "The Education of Black Americans and the Quest for Equality", 1983 October 7-9
Folder 93: Black Graduates of Middlebury
Folder 94: Black Graduates of Oberlin
Folder 95: Black History
Folder 96: Black History Month (February)
Folder 97: Black History–Supporting articles for library exhibits (Located on RNG 1), ca. 1978
Folder 98: Black Organizations–Clippings
Folder 99: Black Organizations at Oberlin College
Folder 100: Black Population in Canada, 1610-2024
Folder 101: Black Power, Speakers of
Folder 102: Black River Theater Company
Folder 103: Black River Watershed
Folder 104: Black Students, general
Folder 105: Black Students (list from the Cowles Papers), 1835-1862
Folder 106: Black Women's History
Folder 107: Black Writers
Folder 108: Blackboard Course Information
Folder 109: Bliss House (See Langston House)
Folder 110: Blood Bank Association
Folder 111: Board of Trustees
Folder 112: Bon Appetit Dining Services (See Dining Services, Bon Appetit, 2001)
Folder 113: Bookstores (See also Co-Op Bookstore)
Folder 114: Boxer Rebellion
Folder 115: The Bridge
Folder 116: Brown Bag Luncheons, 1969
Folder 117: Brown, John (2f) (for Louis Ransom painting "John Borwn going to Execution," see Art FIles, Associate Archivist's office)
Folder 118: Brown, Sherrood
Folder 119: Brownhelm
Folder 120: Brubeck, Dave
Folder 121: Budget Crisis, 2002-2005
Folder 122: Buiildings–Miscellaneous
Folder 123: Buiildings–Renovations
Folder 124: Burglaries and Fires
Folder 125: Burrell-King House
Folder 126: Burton, Theodore E. (cataloged)
Folder 127: Business History of Oberlin (See also Oberlin Businesses)
Folder 128: Cable Television
Folder 129: Camden Bog
Folder 130: Campus Assaults and Theft
Folder 131: Campus Hate Incidents, 2013
Folder 132: Campus Maps, 1983-1995
Folder 133: Campus Master Plan
Folder 134: Campus Protests (2f)
Folder 135: Campus Protests, 2014
Folder 136: Campus Protests (For Reference Only), 1990 April 13
Folder 137: Campus Protests–Dean Selection, 1999
Folder 138: Campus Protests–Gibsons Protest (See Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests), 2016-2024
Folder 139: Campus Protests–Miscellaneous
Folder 140: Campus Religious Life
Folder 141: Campus Unrest (The College and the War)
Folder 142: Campus Violence
Folder 143: Can Consortium (Exco)
Folder 144: CARAW (Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War)
Folder 145: Carpenters for Christmas (See RG 30/427 Oberliin and Civil Rights Collection)
Folder 146: Carr Pool (See RG 0, Series 24. Buildings & Dedications File, Jesse Philips Gym), 1971
Folder 147: The Catalyst (See also Sustainable Community Associates Ltd.)
Folder 148: Cell Phones (See Telephones)
Folder 149: Cemetery–First Oberlin cemetery
Folder 150: Cemetery–Westwood (4f)
Folder 151: Censorship
Folder 152: Chadwick, Cassie
Folder 153: Chalk Walk
Folder 154: Chance Creek
Folder 155: Chapel Attendance
Folder 156: Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)
Folder 157: Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields (See also Dill Field)
Folder 158: Chess–United States Chess Championship, 1975 June 06-27
Folder 159: China Missionary Sources
Folder 160: Chinese Bell
Folder 161: Chinese Language at Oberlin
Folder 162: Chinese Students' Christian Association in America
Folder 163: Chinese Temple (The Golden Pavilion of Jehol) (2f)
Folder 164: Choral Spectrum (Oberlin Community Chamber Singers)
Folder 165: Choral Tour of Russia, 1964–50th Reunion, 2013
Folder 166: Christensen Report, 1928
Folder 167: Chronologies
Folder 168: Churchill's Drawings
Folder 169: Civil Rights
Folder 170: Civil Rights–Ku Klux Klan Materials and Notes (Removed from A. Hunter Dupree's Collection) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)
Folder 171: Civil Rights–Mississippi, 1960-1961
Folder 172: Civil War
Folder 173: Clark Farm
Folder 174: Clark, Lewis G.
Folder 175: Class Banner
Folder 176: Class Gift of 1995
Folder 177: Cleveland History
Folder 178: Cleveland Orchestra
Folder 179: Climate Change
Folder 180: Clinton Climate Project (See also Oberlin Project, The), 2009-2010
Folder 181: Clock (Oberlin Savings Bank)
Folder 182: Club Sports
Folder 183: Coeducation at Oberlin (5f)
Folder 184: Coeducation elsewhere
Folder 185: Coeducation Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary, 1987
Folder 186: Coffee Houses
Folder 187: Coleman, Caroline
Folder 188: College Attorney
Folder 189: College Lanes (See also "What's Happening at College Lanes" Newsletter)
Folder 190: College Park Allotment
Folder 191: College Park Manor
Folder 192: College Pranks
Folder 193: College Recognition–Years of Service
Folder 194: College Seal (See Seal)
Folder 195: College and the War, The (See Campus Unrest)
Folder 196: Commencement (See also RG 0, Series 15. Commencement Files)
Folder 197: Commencement, College, 1959-1960
Folder 198: Commencement dates and traditions
Folder 199: Common Cause
Folder 200: Community Action
Folder 201: Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County
Folder 202: Company C and Company K
Folder 203: Composers at Oberlin
Folder 204: Connect Cleveland
Folder 205: Consumers League of Ohio
Folder 206: Contact Improvisation
Folder 207: Co-Op Bookstore (See also Bookstore)
Folder 208: Cooperatives (3f)
Folder 209: Copeland, James H. (photographer)
Folder 210: Copland, Aaron
Folder 211: Copyright
Folder 212: Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Located in Archival Assistant's Office), 2019-2024
Folder 213: Cranch, Christopher Pearse
Folder 214: Craney Island
Folder 215: Creativity and Leadership Project
Folder 216: Credit System, new (See New Credit System, 2013), 2013
Folder 217: Crime–Oberlin College
Folder 218: Curriculum (2f)
Folder 219: Dance Diaspora
Folder 220: Dance at Oberlin
Folder 221: Danenberg, Emil C. (See also Danenberg file RG 28 & Papers RG 2/11), 1975
Folder 222: Daughters of the American Revolution, Oberlin Chapter
Folder 223: Davis Chair–Religion Department
Folder 224: Degrees
Folder 225: Degrees–Doctorate (Medical & Ph.D.)
Folder 226: Degrees–Three-Year Program, Oberlin College
Folder 227: Democrats
Folder 228: Demographics (See Student Demographics)
Folder 229: Dentistry and Medicine in Oberlin (2f)
Folder 230: Dictionary of American Biography–Oberlin entries
Folder 231: Dictionary of American Hymnology (See Hymnology, American Dictionary of)
Folder 232: "Dig in at Oberlin"
Folder 233: Dill Field (See also Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields)
Folder 234: Dining and Diet
Folder 235: Dining Services–AVI Fresh
Folder 236: Dining Services–Bon Appetit, 2001
Folder 237: Diplomas
Folder 238: Disability, History of
Folder 239: Distinguished Alumni Award
Folder 240: Distinguished Community Service Award
Folder 241: Diversity
Folder 242: Dobbins, Lee Howard (2f)
Folder 243: Dober Study (See Campus Master Plan)
Folder 244: Dormitories (2f)
Folder 245: Dormitories–Men and Women (2f)
Folder 246: Dormitory Expansion, 2003-2005
Folder 247: Dormitory–New Construction, 2009
Folder 248: Doshisha University (Japan)
Folder 249: Double Degree Program
Folder 250: Drag Ball
Folder 251: DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act
Folder 252: Drugs
Folder 253: Drugs Conference, 1967 February 17-19
Folder 254: DuBois, W.E.B.
Folder 255: Earth Day, 1970-2024
Folder 256: East College Street Development (See Sustainable Community Associates)
Folder 257: Eating Habits
Folder 258: Eclipse 2024 (See Solar Eclipse 2024)
Folder 259: Ecolympics
Folder 260: Ecology
Folder 261: Eighth Blackbird
Folder 262: Election, 2004
Folder 263: Election, 2020
Folder 264: Elyria, Ohio–Finding Guide to the Ely Papers at the Lorain County Historical Society
Folder 265: Elyria, Ohio–History of
Folder 266: Employee Assistance Program
Folder 267: Enchiridion (Plum Creek Review)
Folder 268: Endowed Chairs/Professorships
Folder 269: Endowments
Folder 270: Envelope Collective
Folder 271: Environment–Campus Concerns (3f)
Folder 272: Environmental History Highlights, 1974-2024
Folder 273: Environmental Studies Center (See also Oberlin Project, The)
Folder 274: Equestrian Team–Oberlin College
Folder 275: Estey Organ
Folder 276: Evans Home Historical Society (See Wilson Bruce Evance House)
Folder 277: Experimental College (EXCO)
Folder 278: Faculty
Folder 279: Faculty Lists
Folder 280: Faculty Wives (Newcomers' Club, etc.)
Folder 281: Fair Housing Ordinance
Folder 282: Fairchild Chapel
Folder 283: Faith Cabin Library
Folder 284: Famous Oberlin Grads–Distinguished List
Folder 285: Famous Oberlinians/Lorain Countyans–United States Congress
Folder 286: Fantasticheria
Folder 287: Far Eastern Conference, 1941 January 30-31
Folder 288: Farrand, Beatrix (Landscape Architect)
Folder 289: FAVA (Firelands Association for the Visual Arts) (See also New Union Center for the Arts) (2f)
Folder 290: "Fearless" Campaign
Folder 291: fearlessnessandloathing.com
Folder 292: Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
Folder 293: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Folder 294: Fellowship and Grant Announcements
Folder 295: Fellowship–Woodrow Wilson
Folder 296: Female-Male Relationships
Folder 297: Financial Aid/Student Loans
Folder 298: Finney Chapel Bell
Folder 299: Finney Compact
Folder 300: Finney Compact, Repeal, 2022
Folder 301: Finney Lecture Series
Folder 302: Firelands Retirement Center
Folder 303: Fires
Folder 304: First Church in Oberlin
Folder 305: First Generation Students
Folder 306: First Year Seminar Program
Folder 307: Fisk Jubilee Singers
Folder 308: Fletcher, Nathan T.
Folder 309: Folk Festival
Folder 310: Folk Music, General
Folder 311: Food Services
Folder 312: Food Services–Dascomb Fourth Meal
Folder 313: Football–Ohio State vs. Oberlin, 1921
Folder 314: Foreign Students
Folder 315: Forum Board
Folder 316: The Forum (Journal)
Folder 317: Founders of Oberlin
Folder 318: Fraternities
Folder 319: Freedom to Marry
Folder 320: Freedom Riders
Folder 321: Freedom of Speech Issues
Folder 322: Fulbright Grant (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)
Folder 323: "Fussers"
Folder 324: Gamelan
Folder 325: Gasholder House (2f) (See also Oberlin Underground Railroad Center)
Folder 326: Gay Liberation (See also LGBT+), 1970s-1980s
Folder 327: Gender
Folder 328: Genealogy
Folder 329: George Frederick Wright House (See Wright, George Frederick House)
Folder 330: George Jones Farm (See Jones, George T. Farm)
Folder 331: Ghosts of Hiroshima
Folder 332: Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests, 2016-2024
Folder 333: Glee Club
Folder 334: Glen Gray Scholars
Folder 335: Glory
Folder 336: Goodrich Room (4th Floor Mudd Center), Lois and Robert J. Goodrich '16
Folder 337: Governance Commission ("Gov-Com")
Folder 338: Government of the College
Folder 339: Government Documents–Affirmative Action, 1992; Coeducation 1892-1893; College Library and Government Documents, 1858-1859 (Located on RNG 1)
Folder 340: Grades and Examinations
Folder 341: Graduate House
Folder 342: Graffiti
Folder 343: Graham, Sylvester
Folder 344: Grants (See also Fulbright Grant)
Folder 345: The Grape (student newspaper)
Folder 346: Great Depression in Lorain County
Folder 347: Great Lakes Colleges Association (3f)
Folder 348: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Newsletter
Folder 349: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Resource Handbook
Folder 350: Green Acres Orphanage(See Lorain County Children's Home)
Folder 351: Green Arts District
Folder 352: Green EDGE Fund
Folder 353: Hall, Charles Martin
Folder 354: Hall Park, 1966-1967
Folder 355: Harmon Field
Folder 356: Harper's Weekly article on Oberlin College, 1887 October 29
Folder 357: Hazing
Folder 358: Hebrew House
Folder 359: Heisman Club Hall of Fame Inductees
Folder 360: Henry's Barn (Johnson House Barn)
Folder 361: Here Here Gallery
Folder 362: Heritage Days/Juneteenth–Oberlin
Folder 363: Hewlett Committee
Folder 364: Higher Education & Finances, 2008-2009
Folder 365: Hinton, Milt (See also Jazz at Oberlin)
Folder 366: Hi-O-Hi
Folder 367: Hip Hop
Folder 368: Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Atomic Bomb Exhibition (See also RG 2/13 Nancy Dye Papers)
Folder 369: Hispanic Community–Lorain County
Folder 370: "Historian's Notebook"–Articles by Geoffrey Blodgett
Folder 371: Historic Elm (See Trees in Oberlin)
Folder 372: Historic Preservation in Oberlin
Folder 373: Homecoming
Folder 374: Honor System
Folder 375: Honorary Degrees (3f)
Folder 376: Honors (2f)
Folder 377: Hotlines (Newsletter of Gay/Lesbian Information Center, Lorain)
Folder 378: Houses–Wooodland Ave.
Folder 379: Housing Developments
Folder 380: Howard, Robert West
Folder 381: Hughes, Langston
Folder 382: Human Development
Folder 383: Humanities at Oberlin
Folder 384: Hymn Festival (Oberlin College, Finney Chapel), 2002
Folder 385: Hymnology, American Dictionary of
Folder 386: Illumination Night
Folder 387: Immigration (See also Refugees)
Folder 388: Intergenerational House
Folder 389: Inter-Museum Conservation Association
Folder 390: International Students
Folder 391: Iraq War, 2003
Folder 392: Israeli-Palestininan Conflict, 2023-2024
Folder 393: Jackson Fireman Memorial (Shirley Jackson)
Folder 394: Japan-American Student Conference, Oberlin College, 2002 August
Folder 395: Japanese Americans
Folder 396: Japanese Students at Oberlin College
Folder 397: Jazz at Oberlin
Folder 398: Jewett Hououse
Folder 399: Jews/Jewish Issues (2f)
Folder 400: J.F. Oberlin University (Obirin Gakuen), Tokyo, Japan
Folder 401: Johnson House Barn (See Henry's Barn)
Folder 402: Jones, George T., Farm
Folder 403: Juneteenth (See Heritage Days)
Folder 404: Justice Department Probe
Folder 405: Kade, Max
Folder 406: Karamu House (See also RG 28 Rowena W. Jelliffe student file)
Folder 407: Keep-Dawes Mission to England
Folder 408: Kendal Retirement Community (3f)
Folder 409: Kennedy, John F.
Folder 410: King Jr., Martin Luther (See also RG 28)
Folder 411: King-Crane Commission–references to Labor (cataloged)
Folder 412: Kiwanis Club of Oberlin
Folder 413: Koppes/Norris House
Folder 414: *Korean Students Association (See also RG 19/3/10–Oberlin Korean Students Association and Oberlin Korean Students Association subject file)
Folder 415: Kuriokhin, Sergei, 1988
Folder 416: Labor
Folder 417: Ladies' Literary Society
Folder 418: Lake Erie
Folder 419: Lane Theological Seminary (2f)
Folder 420: Langston House
Folder 421: Latino Education
Folder 422: Latinx
Folder 423: LaunchU
Folder 424: Law and Liberal Arts at Oberlin College
Folder 425: Leadership–Lorain County
Folder 426: Learning and Labor
Folder 427: Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1930," sermon by S.B. Barnes
Folder 428: Learning in Retirement Institute
Folder 429: Learning While Earning
Folder 430: Leary, Lewis Sheridan (See also RG 32/2, Miscellaneous Photos)
Folder 431: Lee Howard Dobbins (See Dobbins, Lee Howard)
Folder 432: Legionnaires' Disease Scare at Oberlin
Folder 433: Lesbian/Gay (LGBT+) (3f) (See also Gay Liberation, 1992-1998 and Year of the Queer), 1992-2024
Folder 434: "Less Frills in Everything"–World War II Exhibit (See World War II)
Folder 435: Letterpress Studio
Folder 436: Lewis, Edmonia (See also RG 28)
Folder 437: Liberal Arts and Medical Education
Folder 438: Liberty School
Folder 439: Log of Research Trips
Folder 440: Lorain 2020
Folder 441: Lorain County (General) (3f)
Folder 442: Lorain County Children's Home (Green Acres Orphanage)
Folder 443: Lorain County Fair
Folder 444: Lorain Coounty Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
Folder 445: Lorain County Historical Society
Folder 446: Lorain County Histories (2f)
Folder 447: Lorain County Joint Vocational School (JVS)
Folder 448: Lorain County–Living and Learning Institute
Folder 449: Lorain County Medical Society
Folder 450: Lorain County Metroparks (See also Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)
Folder 451: Lorain County Metroparks Splashzone (See Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)
Folder 452: Lorain County Microfilm Records
Folder 453: Lorain County Newspapers
Folder 454: Lorain County Regional Planning Commission
Folder 455: Lorain County Self-Help Housing Project
Folder 456: Lorain County Settlement Houses
Folder 457: Lorain County Tornadoo, 1965 April 11
Folder 458: Lorain County Transit (LCT) System
Folder 459: Lorain Tornado, Lorain, Ohio, 1924 June 28
Folder 460: Lovejoy, Elijah P.
Folder 461: MacArthur Foundation Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)
Folder 462: MAD Factory (Music, Art, Drama)
Folder 463: Majors (Senior Majors–Oberlin)
Folder 464: Manual Labor
Folder 465: Master of Arts in Teaching
Folder 466: May Day
Folder 467: Medals, for the President of Oberlin College
Folder 468: "Meeting House, The," by Robert S. Fletcher
Folder 469: Memorials, Faculty and Staff
Folder 470: Men
Folder 471: MENA (Middle East and North African) Students
Folder 472: Mercy Health (See Allen Memorial Hospital)
Folder 473: Middlebury College (Alexander Twilight: First African-American College Graduate)
Folder 474: Million Man March
Folder 475: Minority Student Interest
Folder 476: Minority Students, 1970s-1990s
Folder 477: Minority Undergraduate Awards–McNair, Mellon, and Science Scholars
Folder 478: Miscellaneous
Folder 479: Miscellaneous Clippings (2f)
Folder 480: Missionary Interests
Folder 481: Mock Conventions
Folder 482: Monuments and Memorials (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)
Folder 483: Morrison, Toni (See also Morrison, Toni in RG 28 and RG 32/3)
Folder 484: Mount Oberlin
Folder 485: Multicultural Affairs
Folder 486: Multiracial
Folder 487: Mural–Cox Administration
Folder 488: Murals in Oberlin Community
Folder 489: Murder
Folder 490: Musical Union (See RG 10 and Conservatory of Music Vertical Files)
Folder 491: Muslim Students
Folder 492: NAACP–Oberlin Branch
Folder 493: NAACP–Other
Folder 494: Named Professorships (cataloged)
Folder 495: National Association of College Stores
Folder 496: National Merit Scholarship
Folder 497: National Register of Historic Places
Folder 498: Native Americans (Indians)
Folder 499: Native Americans–Nez Perce Artifacts
Folder 500: Navy V-12 Unit (2f)
Folder 501: Neilson Hays Library, Bangkok, Thailand
Folder 502: New Credit System, 2013
Folder 503: New Oberlin
Folder 504: New Russia Township (See Russia Township)
Folder 505: New Union Center for the Arts (See also FAVA)
Folder 506: *Nichols, Margaretta McLelland (See also Wheeler, Robert–Professorship)
Folder 507: Niagara Movement
Folder 508: Nobel Prize
Folder 509: Nord Foundation
Folder 510: "No Trespass List"
Folder 511: OAM–Oberlin Alumni Magazine
Folder 512: O.A.S.I.S. (Oberlin's Animal Shelter)
Folder 513: Oberlin Action Against Prisons
Folder 514: Oberlin African-American Genealogy and History Group (OAAGHG)
Folder 515: Oberlin Agricultural School
Folder 516: Oberlin Artists–Photographers/Printers
Folder 517: Oberlin Arts Foundation
Folder 518: Oberlin–Bicentennial of American Revolution
Folder 519: Oberlin Black Alliance for Progress (OBAP)
Folder 520: Oberlin–Booklets and articles about (3f)
Folder 521: Oberlin Branches–Sheffield, Austinburg
Folder 522: Oberlin Businesses (See also Business History of Oberlin)
Folder 523: Oberlin Campus–Reports
Folder 524: Oberlin Chamber of Commerce (See also RG 31/25)
Folder 525: Oberlin Choristers
Folder 526: Oberlin Christian Alumni Association (OCAA)
Folder 527: Oberlin City (miscellaneous) (2f)
Folder 528: Oberlin City–Barbershop Controversy (See Barbershop Segregation Controversy [Oberlin])
Folder 529: Oberlin City–Bikepath
Folder 530: Oberlin City Charter Commission
Folder 531: Oberlin City Comprehensive Plan, 2024
Folder 532: Oberlin City Council
Folder 533: Oberlin City–Fire Department
Folder 534: Oberlin City Government–Ordinances
Folder 535: Oberlin City–Sister Cities Program
Folder 536: Oberlin City–Swimming Pool/Recreation Center
Folder 537: Oberlin Clubs, Organization, late 1800s-early 1900s
Folder 538: Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War (See CARAW)
Folder 539: Oberlin College Architecture (See also Architecture at Oberlin College)
Folder 540: Oberlin College Basketball
Folder 541: Oberlin College Basketball Controversy, 2001-2002
Folder 542: Oberlin College Board of Trustees (See Board of Trustees)
Folder 543: Oberlin College Campus Master Plan (See Campus Master Plan)
Folder 544: Oberlin College Car Policy (See also Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus]; Parking [On Campus])
Folder 545: Oberlin College–Community Strings Orchestra
Folder 546: Oberlin College Cookbook by Ann Goldman and Nyoka Baker
Folder 547: Oberlin College Dorm Segregation Issue, 1919
Folder 548: Oberlin College Environmental and Social Responsibility Report
Folder 549: Oberlin College Facts
Folder 550: Oberlin College Fashion
Folder 551: Oberlin College Football
Folder 552: Oberlin College–Historical (2f)
Folder 553: Oberlin College History, 2000-2024
Folder 554: Oberlin College Housing, Dining, and Financial Aid, 2017
Folder 555: Oberlin College Lanes
Folder 556: Oberlin College Library and Librarians (See also Campus Departmental Vertical Files)
Folder 557: "Oberlin College Octette," Recording on Fonotopia Label
Folder 558: Oberlin College Press
Folder 559: Oberlin College Program Houses
Folder 560: Oberlin College–Ranking
Folder 561: Oberlin College Soccer
Folder 562: Oberlin College Softball
Folder 563: Oberlin College "Soph-Frosh Relations", 1958
Folder 564: Obelrin College Sustainable Infrastructure Program
Folder 565: Oberlin College Students from Hutchinson, Kansas
Folder 566: Oberlin College Technology Upgrade
Folder 567: Oberlin College Tennis
Folder 568: Oberlin College Term Bill Payments (Late Payments)
Folder 569: Oberlin College Three Year Degree Program (See Degrees, Three Year Program)
Folder 570: Oberlin College Track and Field
Folder 571: Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan
Folder 572: Oberlin College–University Extension
Folder 573: Oberlin College–Visitors
Folder 574: *Oberlin Colors and Nickname
Folder 575: Oberlin Community (2f)
Folder 576: Oberlin Community Chamber Singers
Folder 577: Oberlin Community Players
Folder 578: Oberlin Community Services Council
Folder 579: *Oberlin Country Day Camp
Folder 580: Oberlin Customs
Folder 581: Oberlin Design Initiative (ODI)
Folder 582: Oberlin Early Childhood Center
Folder 583: Oberlin Education
Folder 584: Oberlin Elsewhere (See also Oberlin Village–North Carolina)
Folder 585: Oberlin Evangelist
Folder 586: Oberlin Evangelist Extras (2f)
Folder 587: Oberlin's Founding Families
Folder 588: Oberlin Great South Woods
Folder 589: Oberlin Heritage Center
Folder 590: Oberlin High School–Mascot Controversy
Folder 591: Oberlin History, 1960s
Folder 592: Oberlin History, 1980
Folder 593: Oberlin History–Articles about
Folder 594: Oberlin History–Blodgett Sketch
Folder 595: Oberlin History–Miscellaneous clippings and letters about (4f)
Folder 596: Oberlin History–Oral History
Folder 597: Oberlin History Publications
Folder 598: Oberlin Hospital
Folder 599: Oberlin Houses (2f)
Folder 600: Oberlin Hurricane Relief
Folder 601: Oberlin in Japan (Obirin Gakuen in Tokyo)
Folder 602: Oberlin Improvement and Development Co.
Folder 603: Oberlin in the 1840s
Folder 604: Oberlin Inn (3f)
Folder 605: Oberlin Inn–Ephemera, 1894, ca. 1970s
Folder 606: Oberlin Interagency Council
Folder 607: Oberlin, John Frederick (4f)
Folder 608: Oberlin Korean Students Association (OKSA) (See also RG 19/3/10)
Folder 609: Oberlin Land
Folder 610: Oberlin Latino Alumni Association (OLAA)
Folder 611: Oberlin Latitude and Longitude and Elevation
Folder 612: Oberlin Little Red Schoolhouse
Folder 613: Oberlin Maps
Folder 614: Oberlin Mayors and City Managers
Folder 615: Oberlin Medical Center (See also Allen Memorial Hospital)
Folder 616: Oberlin Meteorological Records
Folder 617: Oberlin Municipal Light and Power
Folder 618: Oberlin Music
Folder 619: Oberlin Newspapers
Folder 620: Oberlin News-Tribune
Folder 621: Oberlin News-Tribune–"Historic Oberlin Today"
Folder 622: Oberlin Night School
Folder 623: Oberlin Online
Folder 624: Oberlin Partnership
Folder 625: Oberlin Police
Folder 626: Oberlin Population
Folder 627: Oberlin Post Office
Folder 628: Oberlin Prank Stories (See College Pranks)
Folder 629: Oberlin Project, The
Folder 630: Oberlin Properties
Folder 631: Oberlin Public Library (2f)
Folder 632: Oberlin Public Library–Educational Research Center
Folder 633: Oberlin Public Library Issue
Folder 634: Oberlin Public Schools (4f)
Folder 635: Oberlin Public Schools and College Archives
Folder 636: Oberlin Public Schools Famous Oberlinians Banner Project
Folder 637: *Oberlin Public Schools History, compiled by Prue Richards
Folder 638: Oberlin Public Schools–Publications
Item 639: Oberlin Quilt
Folder 640: Oberlin Race Relations Committee (RRC)
Folder 641: Oberlin Radio
Folder 642: Oberlin Repertory Company (See Apple Tree Project)
Folder 643: Oberlin Reservoir
Folder 644: "Oberlin Resistance", 1968
Folder 645: The Oberlin Review
Folder 646: The Oberlin Review–Articles by Maxine Kaplan
Folder 647: The Oberlin Review News Service
Folder 648: Oberlin Sanctuary Project
Folder 649: Oberlin School of Commerce
Folder 650: Oberlin Seniors, Inc.
Folder 651: Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team (SAST)
Folder 652: Oberlin Steel (See Can Consortium)
Folder 653: Oberlin Summer Theater Festival
Folder 654: Oberlin Sustainable Agriculture Project
Folder 655: Oberlin Telegraph School
Folder 656: Oberlin Telephone Company
Folder 657: Oberlin Torah
Folder 658: Oberlin Town Meetings (See also Norm Craig Papers)
Folder 659: Oberlin Transportation–Bus, Taxi
Folder 660: Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen by Margaret Christian, 2016
Folder 661: Oberlin Underground Railroad Center (See also Gasholder House)
Folder 662: Oberlin Village–North Carolina
Folder 663: Oberlin Violin Restoration Workshop
Folder 664: Oberlin Visting Nurse Association
Folder 665: Oberlin Wetlands
Folder 666: Oberlin-Wellington Rescue (See Wellington Rescue)
Folder 667: Oberlin Zoning
Folder 668: Obiegame
Folder 669: The Observer
Folder 670: OCOPE
Folder 671: Ohio Agricultural College, Oberlin
Folder 672: Ohio–Areas and Towns miscellaneous
Folder 673: Ohio Census Data
Folder 674: Ohio Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)
Folder 675: Oldenburg's Free Stamp
Folder 676: Oldenburg's Giant Three-Way Plug (See also RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication FIles)
Folder 677: Olmsted Brothers (See Architectural Records for Brick Walks)
Folder 678: One Oberlin (See also Academic and Administrative Program Review)
Folder 679: "On Going to College, or Ten Commandments on the Academic Approach to Knowledge," by A.F. Duppert for Mary Lou Duppert, x1943
Folder 680: "Organize Ohio"
Folder 681: Organs–Oberlin
Folder 682: Orientation
Folder 683: Pageants
Folder 684: Palestine
Folder 685: Palestinian Israeli Conflict (See Israeli-Palestinian Conflict), 2023-2024
Folder 686: "Parker Press"–African-American Abolitionist Newspaper
Folder 687: Parking (campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus])
Folder 688: Pastors for Peace Caravan–Carpenters for Christmas
Folder 689: Peace Corps
Folder 690: Pease, H. Alonzo
Folder 691: People of Color (POC)
Folder 692: Perpetual Scholarships
Folder 693: Peters Hall
Folder 694: Phelps, Anson Scholarship, 1890
Folder 695: Photography
Folder 696: Plan for Oberlin
Folder 697: Plug, Three-Way (See Oldenburg's Giant 3-Way Plug; RG 9/3 Allen Memorial Art Museum; RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)
Folder 698: Plum Creek
Folder 699: Plum Creek Review (See Enchiridion)
Folder 700: POC (People of Color) Coalition
Folder 701: Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc. (9f)
Folder 702: Posse Foundation
Folder 703: Powers Travel Grants
Folder 704: Pranks (See College Pranks)
Folder 705: Presidential Initiative on Racial Equity and Diversity
Folder 706: Presidential Search, 1974-1975
Folder 707: President's House–Sit-in Protest
Folder 708: Public Service Studies
Folder 709: Publications
Folder 710: Race Relations
Folder 711: Racial Tensions, 2010s-2020s
Folder 712: Racism and Freedom of Speech at Oberlin College
Folder 713: Radio–Oberlin College
Folder 714: Railroads
Folder 715: Ransom, Louis–painting "John Brown Going to Execution" (See John Brown files; Art files in Associate Archivist's Office)
Folder 716: Rathskellar
Folder 717: Reading Girl Statue
Folder 718: Real Food Campus Commitment
Folder 719: Reamer Family
Folder 720: Recreation
Folder 721: Reflecting Pool (Conservatory)
Folder 722: Refugees (See also Immigration)
Folder 723: Refugee Scholarship
Folder 724: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1830s-1850s
Folder 725: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1850s-1870s
Folder 726: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1880s-1900s
Folder 727: Reproductive Rights
Folder 728: Rhodes Scholars
Folder 729: Ripley, Mississippi (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection), 1964
Folder 730: Rocks (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)
Folder 731: Rollins, Sonny
Folder 732: Rooming Houses
Folder 733: Roosevelt, Eleanor
Folder 734: ROTC (United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps)
Folder 735: Ruger, Albert (artist) (See "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin")
Folder 736: Russia Township
Folder 737: "Safe Space", 1980-2009
Folder 738: "Safe Space" Controversy, 1999-2002
Folder 739: Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, Elyria, Ohio
Folder 740: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Folder 741: Santa Elena Project of Accompaniment (SEPA)
Folder 742: SAST (See Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team)
Folder 743: Scholarships and other funds–conditions of their use
Folder 744: Schools
Folder 745: Science at Oberlin
Folder 746: Science Center (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)
Folder 747: 'Sco (College Disco)
Folder 748: SCOPE
Folder 749: Seal–College Seal
Folder 750: Secret Societies
Folder 751: *SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity
Folder 752: Seeger, Pete
Folder 753: SEN (Senior Education Network)
Folder 754: SEOP (Special Education Opportunities Program)
Folder 755: September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
Folder 756: Seventeen Magazine Article, 1983
Folder 757: Sex
Folder 758: Sexual Assault–Barnard Hall, 2001
Folder 759: Sexual Harrassment Policy (See Equity, Office of in Departmental Vertical Files)
Folder 760: Shansi (3f)
Folder 761: Sheffield School, Sheffield Manual Labor Institute
Folder 762: Shipherd Windows (Talcott)
Folder 763: Shouse Scholars
Folder 764: Shule Ya Kujitambua–School for Black Reidentification
Folder 765: Shurtleff Cottage
Folder 766: Silsbee, James Lyman (architect)
Folder 767: Singing and Songs
Folder 768: SIP (See Oberlin College Sustainable Infrastructure Project)
Folder 769: SITES (Spanish in the [Oberlin] Elementary Schools)
Folder 770: Slave Ship
Folder 771: Slavic Languages at Oberlin
Folder 772: *SM/BD Club–Renamed SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity
Folder 773: Smith, Gerrit Papers
Folder 774: Smoking at Oberlin (See also Tobacco at Oberlin)
Folder 775: SOA (School of the Americas)
Folder 776: Social Activism–Burned Churches
Folder 777: Social Customs (Dating, etc.)
Folder 778: Social Justice
Folder 779: Solar Eclipse, 2024
Folder 780: Solar Power
Folder 781: Solomon Amendement
Folder 782: South Africa and Namibia Conference, 1979
Folder 783: South African Divestment (See South African Investment)
Folder 784: South African Investment (3f), 1972-1990s
Folder 785: South Amherst Quarries Development, 2005-2006
Folder 786: South Asian Student Association (SASA)
Folder 787: Spanish in the Elementary Schools (See SITES)
Folder 788: Spanish Flu, 1918
Folder 789: Spaulding Manuscript (5f) (See also 30/028 Spaulding Manuscript; 30/294 Dale Broadhurst Papers)
Folder 790: Spectrum
Folder 791: Spencerian School of Penmanship
Folder 792: Spring Fling
Folder 793: Statistical Profiles of Undergraduates (Oberlin College)
Folder 794: Statues, Busts, Portraits (See Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc.)
Folder 795: Steel Drum Band (See Can Consortium)
Folder 796: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Folder 797: Stevenson Dining Hall
Folder 798: Stewart, Cynthia Case
Folder 799: "Stewart Plan", 1956-1957
Folder 800: Strategic Plan, 2015
Folder 801: Structural Deficit Program Files, 1995
Folder 802: Student Demographics
Folder 803: Student Employment
Folder 804: Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)
Folder 805: Student Motor Vehicles (On Campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Parking [Campus])
Folder 806: Student Organizations (See RG 19 Student Life for specific organization files)
Folder 807: Student Organizations Charters–files relating to
Folder 808: Student Organizations–Funding
Folder 809: Student Organizations–Miscellaneous
Folder 810: Student Senate
Folder 811: Student Theater
Folder 812: Student Tutoring
Folder 813: Student Working Group for Institutional Change
Folder 814: Students for a Democratic Society
Folder 815: Students with Disabilities
Folder 816: StudiOC
Folder 817: Sudan
Folder 818: Suffrage
Folder 819: Summer Institute for Office Workers
Folder 820: *Summer News (Obeserver), 1993
Folder 821: Summer Session (School)
Folder 822: Sustainable Community Associates, Ltd. (See also The Catalyst)
Folder 823: Tabernacle Tent ("Big Tent")
Folder 824: Tappan Brothers–Arthur and Lewis
Folder 825: Tappan Hall Painting
Folder 826: Tappan Square (2f)
Folder 827: Telephones
Folder 828: Temperance
Folder 829: Temperance "Sit-in", 1882
Folder 830: Ten Thousand Strong (College Song)
Folder 831: Terrorist Attacks (See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks)
Folder 832: "Think-in", 1967
Folder 833: *Third World (Price)
Folder 834: Time Capsule–1976 Bicentennial
Folder 835: Timeless Topics
Folder 836: Title IX
Folder 837: Tobacco at Oberlin
Folder 838: Toni Morrison Society
Folder 839: Torah (See Oberlin Torah)
Folder 840: Town and Gown
Folder 841: Transgender (See also Gender)
Folder 842: Travel–Transportation
Folder 843: Trees in Oberlin
Folder 844: Tuberculosis
Folder 845: Tuition (general) (See also Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan)
Folder 846: Tuition Investigation
Folder 847: Turkey
Folder 848: Tuskegee Airmen, Oberlin by Margaret Christian (See Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen), 2016
Folder 849: Twilight, Alexander (See Middlebury College)
Folder 850: UAW
Folder 851: UAW–Layoffs, 2020
Folder 852: Ukraine Conflict, 2022-2024
Folder 853: Ultimate Frisbee Team (See Club Sports)
Folder 854: Underground Railroad (13f)
Folder 855: Underground Railroad–Student Project Winter Term (2f), 1980
Folder 856: Underground Railroad Center (See Oberlin Underground Railroad Center; See also Gasholder House)
Folder 857: Union Library Association
Folder 858: United Way
Folder 859: UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)
Folder 860: Upward Bound Program
Folder 861: Varsity Restaurant
Folder 862: Veterans
Folder 863: Vietnam Era (See also Activism)
Folder 864: Vietnam Era Reunion, 1990 November 03-05
Folder 865: Vietnam War–"The College and the War"
Folder 866: Visitors (See Oberlin College–Visitors)
Folder 867: VOCES
Folder 868: Volunteerism
Folder 869: Voters, Voting
Folder 870: VSA-H.K. Goodkind Collection
Folder 871: Walker, Peggy
Folder 872: Ward, Artemus
Folder 873: Waterworks (Morgan St.)
Folder 874: Watson, Thomas J. Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)
Folder 875: WAVE Program (Words are Very Enjoyable)
Folder 876: Weather
Folder 877: Website, Oberlin College
Folder 878: Welcome Nursing Home
Folder 879: Wellington
Folder 880: Wellington Rescue (2f)
Folder 881: Wellington Rescue–150th Anniversary, 2008
Folder 882: Weltzheimer/Johnson House (See Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio)
Folder 883: Western Reserve Historical Society
Folder 884: Westwood Cemetery (See Cemetery–Westwood)
Folder 885: What's Happening at College Lanes Newsletter (2f)
Folder 886: Wheatley, Phyllis Center
Folder 887: Wheeler, Robert–Professorship in Conservatory (re. Margaretta McLelland Nichols)
Folder 888: White, Michael (Mayor of Cleveland)
Folder 889: Wilson Bruce Evans House
Folder 890: Wilson, Woodrow Fellowships (See Fellowships: Woodrow Wilson)
Folder 891: Winter Term–Transferred to RG 0
Folder 892: WOBC (See Radio [Oberlin College])
Folder 893: Women, sermon by Samuel J. May, 1846 November 18
Folder 894: Women's Activities (2f)
Folder 895: Women's Caucus for Art
Folder 896: *Women's Equality Day
Folder 897: Women's History
Folder 898: Women's Issues–Women's Publications
Folder 899: Women's Liberation (3f)
Folder 900: World War I
Folder 901: World War I Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)
Folder 902: World War II
Folder 903: World War II Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)
Folder 904: Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio
Folder 905: Wright, George Frederick House
Folder 906: Wright, G.F., ed., A Standard History of Lorain County, Ohio
Folder 907: Wright Park (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)
Folder 908: Year of the Queer, 2012-2013
Folder 909: Zechial Debate, 2001
Folder 910: Zionism

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