Ernest Bourner Allen, son of George Ladd and Harriet (Bourner) Allen, was born in Kalamazoo, MI on June 2, 1868. Allen attended elementary school until eighth grade, then dropped out to help support the family by taking on jobs such as newspaper delivery and a position in a local spring and axle works. He attended Parsons Business College, and worked as a bookkeeper at the M. Israel Company. In 1888, Allen enrolled in the Preparatory Department of Olivet College. He received a B.A. degree from Olivet College in 1895.
Allen’s public speaking skills and his devout interest in the church inspired him to deliver sermons at local churches while attending Olivet College. From 1895 to 1901, he was pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Lansing, Michigan. He began this position in May, but was not officially ordained to the ministry until September 19, 1895. While in Michigan, he married Mary R. Bryant on June 2, 1897. In 1901, Allen moved to Toledo, Ohio, where he served as pastor for the Washington Congregational Church. During this time he commuted back and forth to Oberlin, where he received his B.D. degree from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1903. He moved to Oak Park, Illinois in, 1918, and served as pastor of the Congregational Church until his death in 1931. During his pastoral career, Allen was active in the Christian Endeavor group of the state of Michigan, and served as missionary superintendent for the state society.
Allen received honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees from Olivet (1907) and Oberlin (1923). He was a trustee of Olivet College from 1897 until his death, and held numerous offices within his denomination. These included trustee of the Ohio Congregational Conference, 1907-14; moderator of the Ohio Congregational Conference, 1910-11; and, a member of the Commission on Missions, National Council. Allen also wrote hundreds of articles on religious subjects, and was a contributing editor of the Christian Endeavor World, Christian Century Quarterly, and Adult Bible Class Monthly.
Ernest Bourner Allen traveled to many countries, including Egypt, Greece, Italy, England, and the Holy Land. His diaries included in the Ernest B. Allen Papers document his trip to Jerusalem in 1904.
He died at his home in Oak Park on November 16, 1931. Allen and his wife had six children: Margaret (OC 1924), Dorothy, Mildred, Corinna, Robert, and Donald (OC 1935).
Sources Consulted
Student file of Ernest Bourner Allen (RG 28); Allen Family History by Ralph E. Hillman.
Author: Joshua AdlerThe papers of Ernest B. Allen document his studies in graduate school, his ministry service, and his travels to Jerusalem and Egypt. The collection consists of notes, 1901-03, taken by Allen of lectures given by Professor Edward I. Bosworth of the Oberlin Theological Seminary and by other faculty members. The subjects of the lectures include Pauline Theology, New Testament Introduction, and Philosophy and Development of Religion. Also included are four parish registers, 1906-31, that contain lists of sermons and other addresses given by Allen, and funerals, weddings, and baptisms performed by Allen. Transcripts of Sermons and talks given by Allen are contained in a separate file. Allen's "Statement of Ordination" (1895) expressed his reason for choosing the ministry.
Writings by Ernest B. Allen include hymns, songs, articles, poetry, and essays. Allen's essay, titled "Getting an Education," describes his pursuit of an education through hard work and encouragement from family and friends. A small amount of correspondence, 1917-18, from religious publishers concerns Allen’s submissions of articles and poems.
A small amount of biographical material consists of articles about Allen's ministry, his statement concerning his estate, a death notice, and his memorial service as reported in the Pilgrim Progress Church Newsletter.
In 1904, Allen traveled to Jerusalem and Egypt and recorded his experiences in two diaries. The entries contain description of the methods of travel, by sea and overland, during the early part of the twentieth century. In addition, Allen described life in the Middle East, both in Jerusalem and Egypt.
The collection is divided into seven series: 1. Biographical. 2. Correspondence, 3. Diaries, 4. Lecture Notes, 5. Pastoral Records, 6. Writings, 7. Photographs.
Series 1. Biographical, 1928, 1931 (4 folders)
This series contains articles on Allen both in life and after death, a transcript of his memorial service, and a statement to his loved ones to help them cope after his death titled, "If Anything Should Happen to Me."
Series 2. Correspondence, 1917-18 (1 folder)
Correspondence (incoming) received from publishers of religious journals concerning Ernest B. Allen’s poems and articles submitted for publication.
Series 3. Diaries, 1901, 1904 (2 diaries, 1 Bible)
Diaries kept by Ernest Bourner Allen during his travel by ship and overland trip in Jerusalem in 1904. Consists of the two original diaries, photocopies of the pages of the diaries, and 16mm microfilm of the diaries. Also included is a Bible (1901) carried by Allen during this trip.
Series 4. Lecture Notes, 1895-1931 (span) (11 folders)
Consists of Ernest Bourner Allen’s notes (written and typed) of lectures of Oberlin College Graduate School of Theology professors, primarily Edward I. Bowsorth.
Series 5. Pastoral Records, 1895-1931 (4 volumes, 5 folders)
This series consists of four parish registers that contain lists of sermons and talks given by Ernest Bourner Allen. Included in the registers are records of baptisms, weddings, and funerals performed by Allen. The registers document his service as pastor in Toledo, Ohio and Oak Park, Illinois. Also included in this series are folders containing church newsletters, Allen's sermons and talks, his statement for ordination, and articles about the fire that destroyed Allen's Pilgrim Congregational Church a week before it was to be opened in 1899.
Series 6. Writings, 1923-29, n.d. (4 folders)
Included in this series are poems, hymns, articles, short stories, and essays written by Allen.
Series 7. Photographs, n.d. (1 folder)
The dates of our two photographic portraits of Allen are unknown, but the difference in his age between them is significant. One shows him as young man, and the other photograph depicts Allen in his late 30s or 40s.
Note: Some of the information for the Scope and Content Note and Series Descriptions was taken from the entry in William E. Bigglestone's unpublished "[preliminary] Guide to the Oberlin College Archives," which was prepared as individual entry sheets in a three-ring binder during the early 1980s.
Series 1. Biographical, 1928, 1931
Box 1
Articles about Ernest B. Allen, 1928
Death Notice of Ernest B. Allen, 1931
"If Anything Should Happen to Me,"
Statement by Allen, 1931
Memorial Service for Allen, in The
Pilgrim Messenger, 1931
Series 2. Correspondence, 1917-18
Box 1 (cont.)
Letters from publishers, 1917-18
Series 3. Diaries, 1901, 1904
Box 1 (cont.)
Dairy, trip enroute to Mediera,
March 1904
Diary, overland trip to Jerusalem and
Cairo, Egypt, 1904
[Note: diaries include originals,
photocopies, and 16mm microfilm.]
Bible, 1901 (Carried by Allen during trip
to Jerusalem and Egypt.)
Series 4. Lecture Notes
Box 2
Lectures notes, 1901-03 (7f)
Series 5. Pastoral Records, 1895-31
Box 2 (cont.)
"Pilgrims Progress" Newsletter,
1895, 1899
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Fire, 1899
Sermons and Talks, c.1903-c.1931
Statement for Ordination by Ernest
B. Allen, 1895
Box 3
Parish Registers, 1906-31 (4 volumes)
Series 6. Writings, 1923-29, n.d.
Box 3 (cont.)
Articles, 1926-27
"Getting an Education," n.d.
Hymns and Songs, 1923-25, n.d.
Miscellaneous Writings, 1928-29, n.d.
Series 7. Photographs, n.d.
Box 3 (cont.)
Two Portraits of Allen (original and
photocopy), n.d.