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Oberlin College Archives Subject Files


Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

AAPI (Asian American, Asian, Pacific Islanders) Community


ABUSUA–List of Institutional Demands

Academic and Administrative Program Review (See also: One Oberlin)

Academic Advising

Academic Commons (Mudd Center)

Academic Dress (worn by faculty and students)

Academic Programs (new)

The Access Program (Lorain County)



Admissions Reports, published annually in the Observer

Affiliate Scholars

Affirmative Action (See also Government Documents)

Africa: materials in Oberlin College Archives

African Week

Afrikan Heritage House


AIDS Memorial Quilt (in Oberlin)

Aims of Oberlin College

Airport (Lorain County) (See also Federal Aviation Agency; RG 31/42 Lorain County Regional Airport)

Allen Memorial Hospital (See also Oberlin Medical Center)


Aluminum Pyramid Cap (Washington, D.C.)

Aluminum Severance Hall Renovation

Alumni–Distinguished (4f)

Alumni Family Week

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

American Board for Commissioners of Foreign Missions

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Field Service

American Missionary Association

American Missionary Association Manuscripts–microfilm catalog (4f)

American Missionary Association: Teachers from Ohio

American Roots Residency Fund


Amnesty International



Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ripley Mississippi (1964 Rebuilding Project) (3f) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)

Anti-Saloon League

Anti-Slavery Convention


Apollo Theatre (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)

Apollo's Fire

Apple Tree Project

Arboretum (Arb, Ladies Grove)

Architecture of Oberlin (4f) (See also Oberlin College Architecture)

Armour, Arthur (Aluminum and Art)

Art Censorship Day

Artist Recitals (See also College Departmental Vertical Files; RG 10 Conservatory of Music)

Art Rental


Artists and Photographers in Oberlin City Directories

Arts and Letters–School operated by Peter Way

Asia House (2f)

Asian American Activism at Oberlin

Asian American Alliance (AAA)

Asian American Alumni

Asian American Students

Asian American Studies Conference

Asian Pacific American Students Conference and Resources

Assertive Management Workshop

Association for Black Concerns


Atkinson, Tracy (See World War I)

Attacks on Women

Automobiles (See Oberlin College Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [on campus]; Parking [on campus])

Avery, Charles

AVI Fresh (See Dining Services–AVI Fresh)

BA after MD Degree

Bands–History of


Barbershop Segregation Controversy (Oberlin)

Bells–Oberlin College and City of Oberlin

Bench by the Road Project–Toni Morrison (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)


Berea College

Berea College Archives

Bicentennial (2f)

Bicycles (in Oberlin)

Big Parade

Bike Path (See Oberlin City Bikepath)

Bill Long Foundation

Bill Long Nature Preserve

Bill Robinson Scholarship (See Oberlin Partnership)

Biographical Sketches

"Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin," by A. Ruger

Black College Students before the Civil War

Black Cultural Center

Black Education (2f)

Black Education Conference: "The Education of Black Americans and the Quest for Equality"

Black Graduates of Middlebury

Black Graduates of Oberlin

Black History

Black History Month (February)

Black History–Supporting articles for library exhibits (Located on RNG 1)

Black Organizations–Clippings

Black Organizations at Oberlin College

Black Population in Canada

Black Power, Speakers of

Black River Theater Company

Black River Watershed

Black Students, general

Black Students (list from the Cowles Papers)

Black Women's History

Black Writers

Blackboard Course Information

Bliss House (See Langston House)

Blood Bank Association

Board of Trustees

Bon Appetit Dining Services (See Dining Services, Bon Appetit, 2001)

Bookstores (See also Co-Op Bookstore)

Boxer Rebellion

The Bridge

Brown Bag Luncheons

Brown, John (2f) (for Louis Ransom painting "John Borwn going to Execution," see Art FIles, Associate Archivist's office)

Brown, Sherrood


Brubeck, Dave

Budget Crisis



Burglaries and Fires

Burrell-King House

Burton, Theodore E. (cataloged)

Business History of Oberlin (See also Oberlin Businesses)

Cable Television

Camden Bog

Campus Assaults and Theft

Campus Hate Incidents

Campus Maps

Campus Master Plan

Campus Protests (2f)

Campus Protests

Campus Protests (For Reference Only)

Campus Protests–Dean Selection

Campus Protests–Gibsons Protest (See Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests)

Campus Protests–Miscellaneous

Campus Religious Life

Campus Unrest (The College and the War)

Campus Violence

Can Consortium (Exco)

CARAW (Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War)

Carpenters for Christmas (See RG 30/427 Oberliin and Civil Rights Collection)

Carr Pool (See RG 0, Series 24. Buildings & Dedications File, Jesse Philips Gym)

The Catalyst (See also Sustainable Community Associates Ltd.)

Cell Phones (See Telephones)

Cemetery–First Oberlin cemetery

Cemetery–Westwood (4f)


Chadwick, Cassie

Chalk Walk

Chance Creek

Chapel Attendance

Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)

Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields (See also Dill Field)

Chess–United States Chess Championship

China Missionary Sources

Chinese Bell

Chinese Language at Oberlin

Chinese Students' Christian Association in America

Chinese Temple (The Golden Pavilion of Jehol) (2f)

Choral Spectrum (Oberlin Community Chamber Singers)

Choral Tour of Russia, 1964–50th Reunion

Christensen Report


Churchill's Drawings

Civil Rights

Civil Rights–Ku Klux Klan Materials and Notes (Removed from A. Hunter Dupree's Collection) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)

Civil Rights–Mississippi

Civil War

Clark Farm

Clark, Lewis G.

Class Banner

Class Gift of 1995

Cleveland History

Cleveland Orchestra

Climate Change

Clinton Climate Project (See also Oberlin Project, The)

Clock (Oberlin Savings Bank)

Club Sports

Coeducation at Oberlin (5f)

Coeducation elsewhere

Coeducation Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary

Coffee Houses

Coleman, Caroline

College Attorney

College Lanes (See also "What's Happening at College Lanes" Newsletter)

College Park Allotment

College Park Manor

College Pranks

College Recognition–Years of Service

College Seal (See Seal)

College and the War, The (See Campus Unrest)

Commencement (See also RG 0, Series 15. Commencement Files)

Commencement, College

Commencement dates and traditions

Common Cause

Community Action

Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County

Company C and Company K

Composers at Oberlin

Connect Cleveland

Consumers League of Ohio

Contact Improvisation

Co-Op Bookstore (See also Bookstore)

Cooperatives (3f)

Copeland, James H. (photographer)

Copland, Aaron


Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Located in Archival Assistant's Office)

Cranch, Christopher Pearse

Craney Island

Creativity and Leadership Project

Credit System, new (See New Credit System, 2013)

Crime–Oberlin College

Curriculum (2f)

Dance Diaspora

Dance at Oberlin

Danenberg, Emil C. (See also Danenberg file RG 28 & Papers RG 2/11)

Daughters of the American Revolution, Oberlin Chapter

Davis Chair–Religion Department


Degrees–Doctorate (Medical & Ph.D.)

Degrees–Three-Year Program, Oberlin College


Demographics (See Student Demographics)

Dentistry and Medicine in Oberlin (2f)

Dictionary of American Biography–Oberlin entries

Dictionary of American Hymnology (See Hymnology, American Dictionary of)

"Dig in at Oberlin"

Dill Field (See also Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields)

Dining and Diet

Dining Services–AVI Fresh

Dining Services–Bon Appetit


Disability, History of

Distinguished Alumni Award

Distinguished Community Service Award


Dobbins, Lee Howard (2f)

Dober Study (See Campus Master Plan)

Dormitories (2f)

Dormitories–Men and Women (2f)

Dormitory Expansion

Dormitory–New Construction

Doshisha University (Japan)

Double Degree Program

Drag Ball

DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act


Drugs Conference

DuBois, W.E.B.

Earth Day

East College Street Development (See Sustainable Community Associates)

Eating Habits

Eclipse 2024 (See Solar Eclipse 2024)



Eighth Blackbird



Elyria, Ohio–Finding Guide to the Ely Papers at the Lorain County Historical Society

Elyria, Ohio–History of

Employee Assistance Program

Enchiridion (Plum Creek Review)

Endowed Chairs/Professorships


Envelope Collective

Environment–Campus Concerns (3f)

Environmental History Highlights

Environmental Studies Center (See also Oberlin Project, The)

Equestrian Team–Oberlin College

Estey Organ

Evans Home Historical Society (See Wilson Bruce Evance House)

Experimental College (EXCO)


Faculty Lists

Faculty Wives (Newcomers' Club, etc.)

Fair Housing Ordinance

Fairchild Chapel

Faith Cabin Library

Famous Oberlin Grads–Distinguished List

Famous Oberlinians/Lorain Countyans–United States Congress


Far Eastern Conference

Farrand, Beatrix (Landscape Architect)

FAVA (Firelands Association for the Visual Arts) (See also New Union Center for the Arts) (2f)

"Fearless" Campaign


Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Fellowship and Grant Announcements

Fellowship–Woodrow Wilson

Female-Male Relationships

Financial Aid/Student Loans

Finney Chapel Bell

Finney Compact

Finney Compact, Repeal

Finney Lecture Series

Firelands Retirement Center


First Church in Oberlin

First Generation Students

First Year Seminar Program

Fisk Jubilee Singers

Fletcher, Nathan T.

Folk Festival

Folk Music, General

Food Services

Food Services–Dascomb Fourth Meal

Football–Ohio State vs. Oberlin

Foreign Students

Forum Board

The Forum (Journal)

Founders of Oberlin


Freedom to Marry

Freedom Riders

Freedom of Speech Issues

Fulbright Grant (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)



Gasholder House (2f) (See also Oberlin Underground Railroad Center)

Gay Liberation (See also LGBT+)



George Frederick Wright House (See Wright, George Frederick House)

George Jones Farm (See Jones, George T. Farm)

Ghosts of Hiroshima

Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests

Glee Club

Glen Gray Scholars


Goodrich Room (4th Floor Mudd Center), Lois and Robert J. Goodrich '16

Governance Commission ("Gov-Com")

Government of the College

Government Documents–Affirmative Action, 1992; Coeducation 1892-1893; College Library and Government Documents, 1858-1859 (Located on RNG 1)

Grades and Examinations

Graduate House


Graham, Sylvester

Grants (See also Fulbright Grant)

The Grape (student newspaper)

Great Depression in Lorain County

Great Lakes Colleges Association (3f)

Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Newsletter

Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Resource Handbook

Green Acres Orphanage(See Lorain County Children's Home)

Green Arts District

Green EDGE Fund

Hall, Charles Martin

Hall Park

Harmon Field

Harper's Weekly article on Oberlin College


Hebrew House

Heisman Club Hall of Fame Inductees

Henry's Barn (Johnson House Barn)

Here Here Gallery

Heritage Days/Juneteenth–Oberlin

Hewlett Committee

Higher Education & Finances

Hinton, Milt (See also Jazz at Oberlin)


Hip Hop

Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Atomic Bomb Exhibition (See also RG 2/13 Nancy Dye Papers)

Hispanic Community–Lorain County

"Historian's Notebook"–Articles by Geoffrey Blodgett

Historic Elm (See Trees in Oberlin)

Historic Preservation in Oberlin


Honor System

Honorary Degrees (3f)

Honors (2f)

Hotlines (Newsletter of Gay/Lesbian Information Center, Lorain)

Houses–Wooodland Ave.

Housing Developments

Howard, Robert West

Hughes, Langston

Human Development

Humanities at Oberlin

Hymn Festival (Oberlin College, Finney Chapel)

Hymnology, American Dictionary of

Illumination Night

Immigration (See also Refugees)

Intergenerational House

Inter-Museum Conservation Association

International Students

Iraq War

Israeli-Palestininan Conflict

Jackson Fireman Memorial (Shirley Jackson)

Japan-American Student Conference, Oberlin College

Japanese Americans

Japanese Students at Oberlin College

Jazz at Oberlin

Jewett Hououse

Jews/Jewish Issues (2f)

J.F. Oberlin University (Obirin Gakuen), Tokyo, Japan

Johnson House Barn (See Henry's Barn)

Jones, George T., Farm

Juneteenth (See Heritage Days)

Justice Department Probe

Kade, Max

Karamu House (See also RG 28 Rowena W. Jelliffe student file)

Keep-Dawes Mission to England

Kendal Retirement Community (3f)

Kennedy, John F.

King Jr., Martin Luther (See also RG 28)

King-Crane Commission–references to Labor (cataloged)

Kiwanis Club of Oberlin

Koppes/Norris House

*Korean Students Association (See also RG 19/3/10–Oberlin Korean Students Association and Oberlin Korean Students Association subject file)

Kuriokhin, Sergei


Ladies' Literary Society

Lake Erie

Lane Theological Seminary (2f)

Langston House

Latino Education



Law and Liberal Arts at Oberlin College

Leadership–Lorain County

Learning and Labor

Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1930," sermon by S.B. Barnes

Learning in Retirement Institute

Learning While Earning

Leary, Lewis Sheridan (See also RG 32/2, Miscellaneous Photos)

Lee Howard Dobbins (See Dobbins, Lee Howard)

Legionnaires' Disease Scare at Oberlin

Lesbian/Gay (LGBT+) (3f) (See also Gay Liberation, 1992-1998 and Year of the Queer)

"Less Frills in Everything"–World War II Exhibit (See World War II)

Letterpress Studio

Lewis, Edmonia (See also RG 28)

Liberal Arts and Medical Education

Liberty School

Log of Research Trips

Lorain 2020

Lorain County (General) (3f)

Lorain County Children's Home (Green Acres Orphanage)

Lorain County Fair

Lorain Coounty Habitat for Humanity, Inc.

Lorain County Historical Society

Lorain County Histories (2f)

Lorain County Joint Vocational School (JVS)

Lorain County–Living and Learning Institute

Lorain County Medical Society

Lorain County Metroparks (See also Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)

Lorain County Metroparks Splashzone (See Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)

Lorain County Microfilm Records

Lorain County Newspapers

Lorain County Regional Planning Commission

Lorain County Self-Help Housing Project

Lorain County Settlement Houses

Lorain County Tornadoo

Lorain County Transit (LCT) System

Lorain Tornado, Lorain, Ohio

Lovejoy, Elijah P.

MacArthur Foundation Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)

MAD Factory (Music, Art, Drama)

Majors (Senior Majors–Oberlin)

Manual Labor

Master of Arts in Teaching

May Day

Medals, for the President of Oberlin College

"Meeting House, The," by Robert S. Fletcher

Memorials, Faculty and Staff


MENA (Middle East and North African) Students

Mercy Health (See Allen Memorial Hospital)

Middlebury College (Alexander Twilight: First African-American College Graduate)

Million Man March

Minority Student Interest

Minority Students

Minority Undergraduate Awards–McNair, Mellon, and Science Scholars


Miscellaneous Clippings (2f)

Missionary Interests

Mock Conventions

Monuments and Memorials (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)

Morrison, Toni (See also Morrison, Toni in RG 28 and RG 32/3)

Mount Oberlin

Multicultural Affairs


Mural–Cox Administration

Murals in Oberlin Community


Musical Union (See RG 10 and Conservatory of Music Vertical Files)

Muslim Students

NAACP–Oberlin Branch


Named Professorships (cataloged)

National Association of College Stores

National Merit Scholarship

National Register of Historic Places

Native Americans (Indians)

Native Americans–Nez Perce Artifacts

Navy V-12 Unit (2f)

Neilson Hays Library, Bangkok, Thailand

New Credit System

New Oberlin

New Russia Township (See Russia Township)

New Union Center for the Arts (See also FAVA)

*Nichols, Margaretta McLelland (See also Wheeler, Robert–Professorship)

Niagara Movement

Nobel Prize

Nord Foundation

"No Trespass List"

OAM–Oberlin Alumni Magazine

O.A.S.I.S. (Oberlin's Animal Shelter)

Oberlin Action Against Prisons

Oberlin African-American Genealogy and History Group (OAAGHG)

Oberlin Agricultural School

Oberlin Artists–Photographers/Printers

Oberlin Arts Foundation

Oberlin–Bicentennial of American Revolution

Oberlin Black Alliance for Progress (OBAP)

Oberlin–Booklets and articles about (3f)

Oberlin Branches–Sheffield, Austinburg

Oberlin Businesses (See also Business History of Oberlin)

Oberlin Campus–Reports

Oberlin Chamber of Commerce (See also RG 31/25)

Oberlin Choristers

Oberlin Christian Alumni Association (OCAA)

Oberlin City (miscellaneous) (2f)

Oberlin City–Barbershop Controversy (See Barbershop Segregation Controversy [Oberlin])

Oberlin City–Bikepath

Oberlin City Charter Commission

Oberlin City Comprehensive Plan

Oberlin City Council

Oberlin City–Fire Department

Oberlin City Government–Ordinances

Oberlin City–Sister Cities Program

Oberlin City–Swimming Pool/Recreation Center

Oberlin Clubs, Organization

Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War (See CARAW)

Oberlin College Architecture (See also Architecture at Oberlin College)

Oberlin College Basketball

Oberlin College Basketball Controversy

Oberlin College Board of Trustees (See Board of Trustees)

Oberlin College Campus Master Plan (See Campus Master Plan)

Oberlin College Car Policy (See also Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus]; Parking [On Campus])

Oberlin College–Community Strings Orchestra

Oberlin College Cookbook by Ann Goldman and Nyoka Baker

Oberlin College Dorm Segregation Issue

Oberlin College Environmental and Social Responsibility Report

Oberlin College Facts

Oberlin College Fashion

Oberlin College Football

Oberlin College–Historical (2f)

Oberlin College History

Oberlin College Housing, Dining, and Financial Aid

Oberlin College Lanes

Oberlin College Library and Librarians (See also Campus Departmental Vertical Files)

"Oberlin College Octette," Recording on Fonotopia Label

Oberlin College Press

Oberlin College Program Houses

Oberlin College–Ranking

Oberlin College Soccer

Oberlin College Softball

Oberlin College "Soph-Frosh Relations"

Obelrin College Sustainable Infrastructure Program

Oberlin College Students from Hutchinson, Kansas

Oberlin College Technology Upgrade

Oberlin College Tennis

Oberlin College Term Bill Payments (Late Payments)

Oberlin College Three Year Degree Program (See Degrees, Three Year Program)

Oberlin College Track and Field

Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan

Oberlin College–University Extension

Oberlin College–Visitors

*Oberlin Colors and Nickname

Oberlin Community (2f)

Oberlin Community Chamber Singers

Oberlin Community Players

Oberlin Community Services Council

*Oberlin Country Day Camp

Oberlin Customs

Oberlin Design Initiative (ODI)

Oberlin Early Childhood Center

Oberlin Education

Oberlin Elsewhere (See also Oberlin Village–North Carolina)

Oberlin Evangelist

Oberlin Evangelist Extras (2f)

Oberlin's Founding Families

Oberlin Great South Woods

Oberlin Heritage Center

Oberlin High School–Mascot Controversy

Oberlin History

Oberlin History

Oberlin History–Articles about

Oberlin History–Blodgett Sketch

Oberlin History–Miscellaneous clippings and letters about (4f)

Oberlin History–Oral History

Oberlin History Publications

Oberlin Hospital

Oberlin Houses (2f)

Oberlin Hurricane Relief

Oberlin in Japan (Obirin Gakuen in Tokyo)

Oberlin Improvement and Development Co.

Oberlin in the 1840s

Oberlin Inn (3f)

Oberlin Inn–Ephemera

Oberlin Interagency Council

Oberlin, John Frederick (4f)

Oberlin Korean Students Association (OKSA) (See also RG 19/3/10)

Oberlin Land

Oberlin Latino Alumni Association (OLAA)

Oberlin Latitude and Longitude and Elevation

Oberlin Little Red Schoolhouse

Oberlin Maps

Oberlin Mayors and City Managers

Oberlin Medical Center (See also Allen Memorial Hospital)

Oberlin Meteorological Records

Oberlin Municipal Light and Power

Oberlin Music

Oberlin Newspapers

Oberlin News-Tribune

Oberlin News-Tribune–"Historic Oberlin Today"

Oberlin Night School

Oberlin Online

Oberlin Partnership

Oberlin Police

Oberlin Population

Oberlin Post Office

Oberlin Prank Stories (See College Pranks)

Oberlin Project, The

Oberlin Properties

Oberlin Public Library (2f)

Oberlin Public Library–Educational Research Center

Oberlin Public Library Issue

Oberlin Public Schools (4f)

Oberlin Public Schools and College Archives

Oberlin Public Schools Famous Oberlinians Banner Project

*Oberlin Public Schools History, compiled by Prue Richards

Oberlin Public Schools–Publications

Oberlin Quilt

Oberlin Race Relations Committee (RRC)

Oberlin Radio

Oberlin Repertory Company (See Apple Tree Project)

Oberlin Reservoir

"Oberlin Resistance"

The Oberlin Review

The Oberlin Review–Articles by Maxine Kaplan

The Oberlin Review News Service

Oberlin Sanctuary Project

Oberlin School of Commerce

Oberlin Seniors, Inc.

Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team (SAST)

Oberlin Steel (See Can Consortium)

Oberlin Summer Theater Festival

Oberlin Sustainable Agriculture Project

Oberlin Telegraph School

Oberlin Telephone Company

Oberlin Torah

Oberlin Town Meetings (See also Norm Craig Papers)

Oberlin Transportation–Bus, Taxi

Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen by Margaret Christian

Oberlin Underground Railroad Center (See also Gasholder House)

Oberlin Village–North Carolina

Oberlin Violin Restoration Workshop

Oberlin Visting Nurse Association

Oberlin Wetlands

Oberlin-Wellington Rescue (See Wellington Rescue)

Oberlin Zoning


The Observer


Ohio Agricultural College, Oberlin

Ohio–Areas and Towns miscellaneous

Ohio Census Data

Ohio Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)

Oldenburg's Free Stamp

Oldenburg's Giant Three-Way Plug (See also RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication FIles)

Olmsted Brothers (See Architectural Records for Brick Walks)

One Oberlin (See also Academic and Administrative Program Review)

"On Going to College, or Ten Commandments on the Academic Approach to Knowledge," by A.F. Duppert for Mary Lou Duppert, x1943

"Organize Ohio"





Palestinian Israeli Conflict (See Israeli-Palestinian Conflict)

"Parker Press"–African-American Abolitionist Newspaper

Parking (campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus])

Pastors for Peace Caravan–Carpenters for Christmas

Peace Corps

Pease, H. Alonzo

People of Color (POC)

Perpetual Scholarships

Peters Hall

Phelps, Anson Scholarship


Plan for Oberlin

Plug, Three-Way (See Oldenburg's Giant 3-Way Plug; RG 9/3 Allen Memorial Art Museum; RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)

Plum Creek

Plum Creek Review (See Enchiridion)

POC (People of Color) Coalition

Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc. (9f)

Posse Foundation

Powers Travel Grants

Pranks (See College Pranks)

Presidential Initiative on Racial Equity and Diversity

Presidential Search

President's House–Sit-in Protest

Public Service Studies


Race Relations

Racial Tensions

Racism and Freedom of Speech at Oberlin College

Radio–Oberlin College


Ransom, Louis–painting "John Brown Going to Execution" (See John Brown files; Art files in Associate Archivist's Office)


Reading Girl Statue

Real Food Campus Commitment

Reamer Family


Reflecting Pool (Conservatory)

Refugees (See also Immigration)

Refugee Scholarship

Reminiscences of Oberlin

Reminiscences of Oberlin

Reminiscences of Oberlin

Reproductive Rights

Rhodes Scholars

Ripley, Mississippi (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)

Rocks (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)

Rollins, Sonny

Rooming Houses

Roosevelt, Eleanor

ROTC (United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

Ruger, Albert (artist) (See "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin")

Russia Township

"Safe Space"

"Safe Space" Controversy

Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, Elyria, Ohio

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Santa Elena Project of Accompaniment (SEPA)

SAST (See Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team)

Scholarships and other funds–conditions of their use


Science at Oberlin

Science Center (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)

'Sco (College Disco)


Seal–College Seal

Secret Societies

*SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity

Seeger, Pete

SEN (Senior Education Network)

SEOP (Special Education Opportunities Program)

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

Seventeen Magazine Article


Sexual Assault–Barnard Hall

Sexual Harrassment Policy (See Equity, Office of in Departmental Vertical Files)

Shansi (3f)

Sheffield School, Sheffield Manual Labor Institute

Shipherd Windows (Talcott)

Shouse Scholars

Shule Ya Kujitambua–School for Black Reidentification

Shurtleff Cottage

Silsbee, James Lyman (architect)

Singing and Songs

SIP (See Oberlin College Sustainable Infrastructure Project)

SITES (Spanish in the [Oberlin] Elementary Schools)

Slave Ship

Slavic Languages at Oberlin

*SM/BD Club–Renamed SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity

Smith, Gerrit Papers

Smoking at Oberlin (See also Tobacco at Oberlin)

SOA (School of the Americas)

Social Activism–Burned Churches

Social Customs (Dating, etc.)

Social Justice

Solar Eclipse

Solar Power

Solomon Amendement

South Africa and Namibia Conference

South African Divestment (See South African Investment)

South African Investment (3f)

South Amherst Quarries Development

South Asian Student Association (SASA)

Spanish in the Elementary Schools (See SITES)

Spanish Flu

Spaulding Manuscript (5f) (See also 30/028 Spaulding Manuscript; 30/294 Dale Broadhurst Papers)


Spencerian School of Penmanship

Spring Fling

Statistical Profiles of Undergraduates (Oberlin College)

Statues, Busts, Portraits (See Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc.)

Steel Drum Band (See Can Consortium)

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Stevenson Dining Hall

Stewart, Cynthia Case

"Stewart Plan"

Strategic Plan

Structural Deficit Program Files

Student Demographics

Student Employment

Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)

Student Motor Vehicles (On Campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Parking [Campus])

Student Organizations (See RG 19 Student Life for specific organization files)

Student Organizations Charters–files relating to

Student Organizations–Funding

Student Organizations–Miscellaneous

Student Senate

Student Theater

Student Tutoring

Student Working Group for Institutional Change

Students for a Democratic Society

Students with Disabilities




Summer Institute for Office Workers

*Summer News (Obeserver)

Summer Session (School)

Sustainable Community Associates, Ltd. (See also The Catalyst)

Tabernacle Tent ("Big Tent")

Tappan Brothers–Arthur and Lewis

Tappan Hall Painting

Tappan Square (2f)



Temperance "Sit-in"

Ten Thousand Strong (College Song)

Terrorist Attacks (See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks)


*Third World (Price)

Time Capsule–1976 Bicentennial

Timeless Topics

Title IX

Tobacco at Oberlin

Toni Morrison Society

Torah (See Oberlin Torah)

Town and Gown

Transgender (See also Gender)


Trees in Oberlin


Tuition (general) (See also Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan)

Tuition Investigation


Tuskegee Airmen, Oberlin by Margaret Christian (See Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen)

Twilight, Alexander (See Middlebury College)



Ukraine Conflict

Ultimate Frisbee Team (See Club Sports)

Underground Railroad (13f)

Underground Railroad–Student Project Winter Term (2f)

Underground Railroad Center (See Oberlin Underground Railroad Center; See also Gasholder House)

Union Library Association

United Way

UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)

Upward Bound Program

Varsity Restaurant


Vietnam Era (See also Activism)

Vietnam Era Reunion

Vietnam War–"The College and the War"

Visitors (See Oberlin College–Visitors)



Voters, Voting

VSA-H.K. Goodkind Collection

Walker, Peggy

Ward, Artemus

Waterworks (Morgan St.)

Watson, Thomas J. Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)

WAVE Program (Words are Very Enjoyable)


Website, Oberlin College

Welcome Nursing Home


Wellington Rescue (2f)

Wellington Rescue–150th Anniversary

Weltzheimer/Johnson House (See Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio)

Western Reserve Historical Society

Westwood Cemetery (See Cemetery–Westwood)

What's Happening at College Lanes Newsletter (2f)

Wheatley, Phyllis Center

Wheeler, Robert–Professorship in Conservatory (re. Margaretta McLelland Nichols)

White, Michael (Mayor of Cleveland)

Wilson Bruce Evans House

Wilson, Woodrow Fellowships (See Fellowships: Woodrow Wilson)

Winter Term–Transferred to RG 0

WOBC (See Radio [Oberlin College])

Women, sermon by Samuel J. May

Women's Activities (2f)

Women's Caucus for Art

*Women's Equality Day

Women's History

Women's Issues–Women's Publications

Women's Liberation (3f)

World War I

World War I Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)

World War II

World War II Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)

Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio

Wright, George Frederick House

Wright, G.F., ed., A Standard History of Lorain County, Ohio

Wright Park (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)

Year of the Queer

Zechial Debate


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Oberlin College Archives Subject Files | Oberlin College Archives

By Louisa C. Hoffman

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Collection Overview

Title: Oberlin College Archives Subject FilesAdd to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1833-2024

ID: RG 44/

Primary Creator: Oberlin College Archives

Extent: 0.0

Arrangement: The Subject Files are arranged alphabetically in file cabinets located in the Oberlin College Archives.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Oberlin College Archives Subject Files is an artificial collection put together by Archives staff of ready reference materials. The files contain materials such as articles and clippings, booklets, pamphlets, publicity, and website printouts. The materials are both original and copies.

The files cover a wide variety of subjects relating to Oberlin College related events, memorabilia, and topics, as well as topics covering the wider Oberlin community

The materials cover a range of years, starting in the 1600s, but the predominant span is 1833 to the present. Some files have a specific date, and others span many years.

An asterisk denotes the file is missing.

Administrative Information

Repository: Oberlin College Archives

Access Restrictions: Some files restricted from copying as noted in inventory.

Finding Aid Revision History: Jan. 1994; Feb. 1996; Oct. 1997; Aug. 1998; June 1999; April 2000; June 2002; Nov. 2004; Aug. 2007; Feb. 2010; Oct. 2010; Jan. 2011; June 2011; Oct. 2016; March 2020; March 2024

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Folder:

[Folder 1: AAPI (Asian American, Asian, Pacific Islanders) Community],
[Folder 2: Abolitionism],
[Folder 3: ABUSUA–List of Institutional Demands, 2015],
[Folder 4: Academic and Administrative Program Review (See also: One Oberlin), 2018-2014],
[Folder 5: Academic Advising],
[Folder 6: Academic Commons (Mudd Center), 2006-2024],
[Folder 7: Academic Dress (worn by faculty and students)],
[Folder 8: Academic Programs (new), 1990s],
[Folder 9: The Access Program (Lorain County)],
[Folder 10: Activism],
[Folder 11: ACT UP],
[Folder 12: Admissions Reports, published annually in the Observer, 1979-1994],
[Folder 13: Affiliate Scholars],
[Folder 14: Affirmative Action (See also Government Documents)],
[Folder 15: Africa: materials in Oberlin College Archives],
[Folder 16: African Week],
[Folder 17: Afrikan Heritage House],
[Folder 18: AIDS],
[Folder 19: AIDS Memorial Quilt (in Oberlin)],
[Folder 20: Aims of Oberlin College],
[Folder 21: Airport (Lorain County) (See also Federal Aviation Agency; RG 31/42 Lorain County Regional Airport)],
[Folder 22: Allen Memorial Hospital (See also Oberlin Medical Center)],
[Folder 23: Aluminum],
[Folder 24: Aluminum Pyramid Cap (Washington, D.C.)],
[Folder 25: Aluminum Severance Hall Renovation, 2000],
[Folder 26: Alumni–Distinguished (4f)],
[Folder 27: Alumni Family Week],
[Folder 28: American Association of University Professors (AAUP)],
[Folder 29: American Board for Commissioners of Foreign Missions],
[Folder 30: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)],
[Folder 31: American Field Service],
[Folder 32: American Missionary Association],
[Folder 33: American Missionary Association Manuscripts–microfilm catalog (4f)],
[Folder 34: American Missionary Association: Teachers from Ohio, 1861-1876],
[Folder 35: American Roots Residency Fund],
[Folder 36: Amistad],
[Folder 37: Amnesty International],
[Folder 38: Anthrax],
[Folder 39: Anti-Draft, 1980],
[Folder 40: Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ripley Mississippi (1964 Rebuilding Project) (3f) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 41: Anti-Saloon League],
[Folder 42: Anti-Slavery Convention, 1840],
[Folder 43: Anti-War, 1970],
[Folder 44: Apollo Theatre (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 45: Apollo's Fire],
[Folder 46: Apple Tree Project, 1975-1976],
[Folder 47: Arboretum (Arb, Ladies Grove)],
[Folder 48: Architecture of Oberlin (4f) (See also Oberlin College Architecture)],
[Folder 49: Armour, Arthur (Aluminum and Art)],
[Folder 50: Art Censorship Day],
[Folder 51: Artist Recitals (See also College Departmental Vertical Files; RG 10 Conservatory of Music)],
[Folder 52: Art Rental],
[Folder 53: Artists–Ohio],
[Folder 54: Artists and Photographers in Oberlin City Directories, 1859-1895],
[Folder 55: Arts and Letters–School operated by Peter Way, ca. 1977-1978],
[Folder 56: Asia House (2f)],
[Folder 57: Asian American Activism at Oberlin],
[Folder 58: Asian American Alliance (AAA)],
[Folder 59: Asian American Alumni],
[Folder 60: Asian American Students],
[Folder 61: Asian American Studies Conference, 2001 October 12-13],
[Folder 62: Asian Pacific American Students Conference and Resources, 1994, 1998-1999, 2002],
[Folder 63: Assertive Management Workshop, 1979 November 9],
[Folder 64: Association for Black Concerns, 1998],
[Folder 65: Athletes, 1970-2024],
[Folder 66: Atkinson, Tracy (See World War I)],
[Folder 67: Attacks on Women, 1969],
[Folder 68: Automobiles (See Oberlin College Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [on campus]; Parking [on campus])],
[Folder 69: Avery, Charles],
[Folder 70: AVI Fresh (See Dining Services–AVI Fresh)],
[Folder 71: BA after MD Degree],
[Folder 72: Bands–History of],
[Folder 73: Bandstand],
[Folder 74: Barbershop Segregation Controversy (Oberlin)],
[Folder 75: Bells–Oberlin College and City of Oberlin],
[Folder 76: Bench by the Road Project–Toni Morrison (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files), 2009],
[Folder 77: Benzonia–Manistee],
[Folder 78: Berea College],
[Folder 79: Berea College Archives],
[Folder 80: Bicentennial (2f)],
[Folder 81: Bicycles (in Oberlin)],
[Folder 82: Big Parade],
[Folder 83: Bike Path (See Oberlin City Bikepath)],
[Folder 84: Bill Long Foundation],
[Folder 85: Bill Long Nature Preserve],
[Folder 86: Bill Robinson Scholarship (See Oberlin Partnership)],
[Folder 87: Biographical Sketches],
[Folder 88: "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin," by A. Ruger],
[Folder 89: Black College Students before the Civil War],
[Folder 90: Black Cultural Center],
[Folder 91: Black Education (2f)],
[Folder 92: Black Education Conference: "The Education of Black Americans and the Quest for Equality", 1983 October 7-9],
[Folder 93: Black Graduates of Middlebury],
[Folder 94: Black Graduates of Oberlin],
[Folder 95: Black History],
[Folder 96: Black History Month (February)],
[Folder 97: Black History–Supporting articles for library exhibits (Located on RNG 1), ca. 1978],
[Folder 98: Black Organizations–Clippings],
[Folder 99: Black Organizations at Oberlin College],
[Folder 100: Black Population in Canada, 1610-2024],
[Folder 101: Black Power, Speakers of],
[Folder 102: Black River Theater Company],
[Folder 103: Black River Watershed],
[Folder 104: Black Students, general],
[Folder 105: Black Students (list from the Cowles Papers), 1835-1862],
[Folder 106: Black Women's History],
[Folder 107: Black Writers],
[Folder 108: Blackboard Course Information],
[Folder 109: Bliss House (See Langston House)],
[Folder 110: Blood Bank Association],
[Folder 111: Board of Trustees],
[Folder 112: Bon Appetit Dining Services (See Dining Services, Bon Appetit, 2001)],
[Folder 113: Bookstores (See also Co-Op Bookstore)],
[Folder 114: Boxer Rebellion],
[Folder 115: The Bridge],
[Folder 116: Brown Bag Luncheons, 1969],
[Folder 117: Brown, John (2f) (for Louis Ransom painting "John Borwn going to Execution," see Art FIles, Associate Archivist's office)],
[Folder 118: Brown, Sherrood],
[Folder 119: Brownhelm],
[Folder 120: Brubeck, Dave],
[Folder 121: Budget Crisis, 2002-2005],
[Folder 122: Buiildings–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 123: Buiildings–Renovations],
[Folder 124: Burglaries and Fires],
[Folder 125: Burrell-King House],
[Folder 126: Burton, Theodore E. (cataloged)],
[Folder 127: Business History of Oberlin (See also Oberlin Businesses)],
[Folder 128: Cable Television],
[Folder 129: Camden Bog],
[Folder 130: Campus Assaults and Theft],
[Folder 131: Campus Hate Incidents, 2013],
[Folder 132: Campus Maps, 1983-1995],
[Folder 133: Campus Master Plan],
[Folder 134: Campus Protests (2f)],
[Folder 135: Campus Protests, 2014],
[Folder 136: Campus Protests (For Reference Only), 1990 April 13],
[Folder 137: Campus Protests–Dean Selection, 1999],
[Folder 138: Campus Protests–Gibsons Protest (See Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests), 2016-2024],
[Folder 139: Campus Protests–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 140: Campus Religious Life],
[Folder 141: Campus Unrest (The College and the War)],
[Folder 142: Campus Violence],
[Folder 143: Can Consortium (Exco)],
[Folder 144: CARAW (Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War)],
[Folder 145: Carpenters for Christmas (See RG 30/427 Oberliin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 146: Carr Pool (See RG 0, Series 24. Buildings & Dedications File, Jesse Philips Gym), 1971],
[Folder 147: The Catalyst (See also Sustainable Community Associates Ltd.)],
[Folder 148: Cell Phones (See Telephones)],
[Folder 149: Cemetery–First Oberlin cemetery],
[Folder 150: Cemetery–Westwood (4f)],
[Folder 151: Censorship],
[Folder 152: Chadwick, Cassie],
[Folder 153: Chalk Walk],
[Folder 154: Chance Creek],
[Folder 155: Chapel Attendance],
[Folder 156: Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)],
[Folder 157: Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields (See also Dill Field)],
[Folder 158: Chess–United States Chess Championship, 1975 June 06-27],
[Folder 159: China Missionary Sources],
[Folder 160: Chinese Bell],
[Folder 161: Chinese Language at Oberlin],
[Folder 162: Chinese Students' Christian Association in America],
[Folder 163: Chinese Temple (The Golden Pavilion of Jehol) (2f)],
[Folder 164: Choral Spectrum (Oberlin Community Chamber Singers)],
[Folder 165: Choral Tour of Russia, 1964–50th Reunion, 2013],
[Folder 166: Christensen Report, 1928],
[Folder 167: Chronologies],
[Folder 168: Churchill's Drawings],
[Folder 169: Civil Rights],
[Folder 170: Civil Rights–Ku Klux Klan Materials and Notes (Removed from A. Hunter Dupree's Collection) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 171: Civil Rights–Mississippi, 1960-1961],
[Folder 172: Civil War],
[Folder 173: Clark Farm],
[Folder 174: Clark, Lewis G.],
[Folder 175: Class Banner],
[Folder 176: Class Gift of 1995],
[Folder 177: Cleveland History],
[Folder 178: Cleveland Orchestra],
[Folder 179: Climate Change],
[Folder 180: Clinton Climate Project (See also Oberlin Project, The), 2009-2010],
[Folder 181: Clock (Oberlin Savings Bank)],
[Folder 182: Club Sports],
[Folder 183: Coeducation at Oberlin (5f)],
[Folder 184: Coeducation elsewhere],
[Folder 185: Coeducation Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary, 1987],
[Folder 186: Coffee Houses],
[Folder 187: Coleman, Caroline],
[Folder 188: College Attorney],
[Folder 189: College Lanes (See also "What's Happening at College Lanes" Newsletter)],
[Folder 190: College Park Allotment],
[Folder 191: College Park Manor],
[Folder 192: College Pranks],
[Folder 193: College Recognition–Years of Service],
[Folder 194: College Seal (See Seal)],
[Folder 195: College and the War, The (See Campus Unrest)],
[Folder 196: Commencement (See also RG 0, Series 15. Commencement Files)],
[Folder 197: Commencement, College, 1959-1960],
[Folder 198: Commencement dates and traditions],
[Folder 199: Common Cause],
[Folder 200: Community Action],
[Folder 201: Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County],
[Folder 202: Company C and Company K],
[Folder 203: Composers at Oberlin],
[Folder 204: Connect Cleveland],
[Folder 205: Consumers League of Ohio],
[Folder 206: Contact Improvisation],
[Folder 207: Co-Op Bookstore (See also Bookstore)],
[Folder 208: Cooperatives (3f)],
[Folder 209: Copeland, James H. (photographer)],
[Folder 210: Copland, Aaron],
[Folder 211: Copyright],
[Folder 212: Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Located in Archival Assistant's Office), 2019-2024],
[Folder 213: Cranch, Christopher Pearse],
[Folder 214: Craney Island],
[Folder 215: Creativity and Leadership Project],
[Folder 216: Credit System, new (See New Credit System, 2013), 2013],
[Folder 217: Crime–Oberlin College],
[Folder 218: Curriculum (2f)],
[Folder 219: Dance Diaspora],
[Folder 220: Dance at Oberlin],
[Folder 221: Danenberg, Emil C. (See also Danenberg file RG 28 & Papers RG 2/11), 1975],
[Folder 222: Daughters of the American Revolution, Oberlin Chapter],
[Folder 223: Davis Chair–Religion Department],
[Folder 224: Degrees],
[Folder 225: Degrees–Doctorate (Medical & Ph.D.)],
[Folder 226: Degrees–Three-Year Program, Oberlin College],
[Folder 227: Democrats],
[Folder 228: Demographics (See Student Demographics)],
[Folder 229: Dentistry and Medicine in Oberlin (2f)],
[Folder 230: Dictionary of American Biography–Oberlin entries],
[Folder 231: Dictionary of American Hymnology (See Hymnology, American Dictionary of)],
[Folder 232: "Dig in at Oberlin"],
[Folder 233: Dill Field (See also Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields)],
[Folder 234: Dining and Diet],
[Folder 235: Dining Services–AVI Fresh],
[Folder 236: Dining Services–Bon Appetit, 2001],
[Folder 237: Diplomas],
[Folder 238: Disability, History of],
[Folder 239: Distinguished Alumni Award],
[Folder 240: Distinguished Community Service Award],
[Folder 241: Diversity],
[Folder 242: Dobbins, Lee Howard (2f)],
[Folder 243: Dober Study (See Campus Master Plan)],
[Folder 244: Dormitories (2f)],
[Folder 245: Dormitories–Men and Women (2f)],
[Folder 246: Dormitory Expansion, 2003-2005],
[Folder 247: Dormitory–New Construction, 2009],
[Folder 248: Doshisha University (Japan)],
[Folder 249: Double Degree Program],
[Folder 250: Drag Ball],
[Folder 251: DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act],
[Folder 252: Drugs],
[Folder 253: Drugs Conference, 1967 February 17-19],
[Folder 254: DuBois, W.E.B.],
[Folder 255: Earth Day, 1970-2024],
[Folder 256: East College Street Development (See Sustainable Community Associates)],
[Folder 257: Eating Habits],
[Folder 258: Eclipse 2024 (See Solar Eclipse 2024)],
[Folder 259: Ecolympics],
[Folder 260: Ecology],
[Folder 261: Eighth Blackbird],
[Folder 262: Election, 2004],
[Folder 263: Election, 2020],
[Folder 264: Elyria, Ohio–Finding Guide to the Ely Papers at the Lorain County Historical Society],
[Folder 265: Elyria, Ohio–History of],
[Folder 266: Employee Assistance Program],
[Folder 267: Enchiridion (Plum Creek Review)],
[Folder 268: Endowed Chairs/Professorships],
[Folder 269: Endowments],
[Folder 270: Envelope Collective],
[Folder 271: Environment–Campus Concerns (3f)],
[Folder 272: Environmental History Highlights, 1974-2024],
[Folder 273: Environmental Studies Center (See also Oberlin Project, The)],
[Folder 274: Equestrian Team–Oberlin College],
[Folder 275: Estey Organ],
[Folder 276: Evans Home Historical Society (See Wilson Bruce Evance House)],
[Folder 277: Experimental College (EXCO)],
[Folder 278: Faculty],
[Folder 279: Faculty Lists],
[Folder 280: Faculty Wives (Newcomers' Club, etc.)],
[Folder 281: Fair Housing Ordinance],
[Folder 282: Fairchild Chapel],
[Folder 283: Faith Cabin Library],
[Folder 284: Famous Oberlin Grads–Distinguished List],
[Folder 285: Famous Oberlinians/Lorain Countyans–United States Congress],
[Folder 286: Fantasticheria],
[Folder 287: Far Eastern Conference, 1941 January 30-31],
[Folder 288: Farrand, Beatrix (Landscape Architect)],
[Folder 289: FAVA (Firelands Association for the Visual Arts) (See also New Union Center for the Arts) (2f)],
[Folder 290: "Fearless" Campaign],
[Folder 291: fearlessnessandloathing.com],
[Folder 292: Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)],
[Folder 293: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)],
[Folder 294: Fellowship and Grant Announcements],
[Folder 295: Fellowship–Woodrow Wilson],
[Folder 296: Female-Male Relationships],
[Folder 297: Financial Aid/Student Loans],
[Folder 298: Finney Chapel Bell],
[Folder 299: Finney Compact],
[Folder 300: Finney Compact, Repeal, 2022],
[Folder 301: Finney Lecture Series],
[Folder 302: Firelands Retirement Center],
[Folder 303: Fires],
[Folder 304: First Church in Oberlin],
[Folder 305: First Generation Students],
[Folder 306: First Year Seminar Program],
[Folder 307: Fisk Jubilee Singers],
[Folder 308: Fletcher, Nathan T.],
[Folder 309: Folk Festival],
[Folder 310: Folk Music, General],
[Folder 311: Food Services],
[Folder 312: Food Services–Dascomb Fourth Meal],
[Folder 313: Football–Ohio State vs. Oberlin, 1921],
[Folder 314: Foreign Students],
[Folder 315: Forum Board],
[Folder 316: The Forum (Journal)],
[Folder 317: Founders of Oberlin],
[Folder 318: Fraternities],
[Folder 319: Freedom to Marry],
[Folder 320: Freedom Riders],
[Folder 321: Freedom of Speech Issues],
[Folder 322: Fulbright Grant (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 323: "Fussers"],
[Folder 324: Gamelan],
[Folder 325: Gasholder House (2f) (See also Oberlin Underground Railroad Center)],
[Folder 326: Gay Liberation (See also LGBT+), 1970s-1980s],
[Folder 327: Gender],
[Folder 328: Genealogy],
[Folder 329: George Frederick Wright House (See Wright, George Frederick House)],
[Folder 330: George Jones Farm (See Jones, George T. Farm)],
[Folder 331: Ghosts of Hiroshima],
[Folder 332: Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests, 2016-2024],
[Folder 333: Glee Club],
[Folder 334: Glen Gray Scholars],
[Folder 335: Glory],
[Folder 336: Goodrich Room (4th Floor Mudd Center), Lois and Robert J. Goodrich '16],
[Folder 337: Governance Commission ("Gov-Com")],
[Folder 338: Government of the College],
[Folder 339: Government Documents–Affirmative Action, 1992; Coeducation 1892-1893; College Library and Government Documents, 1858-1859 (Located on RNG 1)],
[Folder 340: Grades and Examinations],
[Folder 341: Graduate House],
[Folder 342: Graffiti],
[Folder 343: Graham, Sylvester],
[Folder 344: Grants (See also Fulbright Grant)],
[Folder 345: The Grape (student newspaper)],
[Folder 346: Great Depression in Lorain County],
[Folder 347: Great Lakes Colleges Association (3f)],
[Folder 348: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Newsletter],
[Folder 349: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Resource Handbook],
[Folder 350: Green Acres Orphanage(See Lorain County Children's Home)],
[Folder 351: Green Arts District],
[Folder 352: Green EDGE Fund],
[Folder 353: Hall, Charles Martin],
[Folder 354: Hall Park, 1966-1967],
[Folder 355: Harmon Field],
[Folder 356: Harper's Weekly article on Oberlin College, 1887 October 29],
[Folder 357: Hazing],
[Folder 358: Hebrew House],
[Folder 359: Heisman Club Hall of Fame Inductees],
[Folder 360: Henry's Barn (Johnson House Barn)],
[Folder 361: Here Here Gallery],
[Folder 362: Heritage Days/Juneteenth–Oberlin],
[Folder 363: Hewlett Committee],
[Folder 364: Higher Education & Finances, 2008-2009],
[Folder 365: Hinton, Milt (See also Jazz at Oberlin)],
[Folder 366: Hi-O-Hi],
[Folder 367: Hip Hop],
[Folder 368: Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Atomic Bomb Exhibition (See also RG 2/13 Nancy Dye Papers)],
[Folder 369: Hispanic Community–Lorain County],
[Folder 370: "Historian's Notebook"–Articles by Geoffrey Blodgett],
[Folder 371: Historic Elm (See Trees in Oberlin)],
[Folder 372: Historic Preservation in Oberlin],
[Folder 373: Homecoming],
[Folder 374: Honor System],
[Folder 375: Honorary Degrees (3f)],
[Folder 376: Honors (2f)],
[Folder 377: Hotlines (Newsletter of Gay/Lesbian Information Center, Lorain)],
[Folder 378: Houses–Wooodland Ave.],
[Folder 379: Housing Developments],
[Folder 380: Howard, Robert West],
[Folder 381: Hughes, Langston],
[Folder 382: Human Development],
[Folder 383: Humanities at Oberlin],
[Folder 384: Hymn Festival (Oberlin College, Finney Chapel), 2002],
[Folder 385: Hymnology, American Dictionary of],
[Folder 386: Illumination Night],
[Folder 387: Immigration (See also Refugees)],
[Folder 388: Intergenerational House],
[Folder 389: Inter-Museum Conservation Association],
[Folder 390: International Students],
[Folder 391: Iraq War, 2003],
[Folder 392: Israeli-Palestininan Conflict, 2023-2024],
[Folder 393: Jackson Fireman Memorial (Shirley Jackson)],
[Folder 394: Japan-American Student Conference, Oberlin College, 2002 August],
[Folder 395: Japanese Americans],
[Folder 396: Japanese Students at Oberlin College],
[Folder 397: Jazz at Oberlin],
[Folder 398: Jewett Hououse],
[Folder 399: Jews/Jewish Issues (2f)],
[Folder 400: J.F. Oberlin University (Obirin Gakuen), Tokyo, Japan],
[Folder 401: Johnson House Barn (See Henry's Barn)],
[Folder 402: Jones, George T., Farm],
[Folder 403: Juneteenth (See Heritage Days)],
[Folder 404: Justice Department Probe],
[Folder 405: Kade, Max],
[Folder 406: Karamu House (See also RG 28 Rowena W. Jelliffe student file)],
[Folder 407: Keep-Dawes Mission to England],
[Folder 408: Kendal Retirement Community (3f)],
[Folder 409: Kennedy, John F.],
[Folder 410: King Jr., Martin Luther (See also RG 28)],
[Folder 411: King-Crane Commission–references to Labor (cataloged)],
[Folder 412: Kiwanis Club of Oberlin],
[Folder 413: Koppes/Norris House],
[Folder 414: *Korean Students Association (See also RG 19/3/10–Oberlin Korean Students Association and Oberlin Korean Students Association subject file)],
[Folder 415: Kuriokhin, Sergei, 1988],
[Folder 416: Labor],
[Folder 417: Ladies' Literary Society],
[Folder 418: Lake Erie],
[Folder 419: Lane Theological Seminary (2f)],
[Folder 420: Langston House],
[Folder 421: Latino Education],
[Folder 422: Latinx],
[Folder 423: LaunchU],
[Folder 424: Law and Liberal Arts at Oberlin College],
[Folder 425: Leadership–Lorain County],
[Folder 426: Learning and Labor],
[Folder 427: Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1930," sermon by S.B. Barnes],
[Folder 428: Learning in Retirement Institute],
[Folder 429: Learning While Earning],
[Folder 430: Leary, Lewis Sheridan (See also RG 32/2, Miscellaneous Photos)],
[Folder 431: Lee Howard Dobbins (See Dobbins, Lee Howard)],
[Folder 432: Legionnaires' Disease Scare at Oberlin],
[Folder 433: Lesbian/Gay (LGBT+) (3f) (See also Gay Liberation, 1992-1998 and Year of the Queer), 1992-2024],
[Folder 434: "Less Frills in Everything"–World War II Exhibit (See World War II)],
[Folder 435: Letterpress Studio],
[Folder 436: Lewis, Edmonia (See also RG 28)],
[Folder 437: Liberal Arts and Medical Education],
[Folder 438: Liberty School],
[Folder 439: Log of Research Trips],
[Folder 440: Lorain 2020],
[Folder 441: Lorain County (General) (3f)],
[Folder 442: Lorain County Children's Home (Green Acres Orphanage)],
[Folder 443: Lorain County Fair],
[Folder 444: Lorain Coounty Habitat for Humanity, Inc.],
[Folder 445: Lorain County Historical Society],
[Folder 446: Lorain County Histories (2f)],
[Folder 447: Lorain County Joint Vocational School (JVS)],
[Folder 448: Lorain County–Living and Learning Institute],
[Folder 449: Lorain County Medical Society],
[Folder 450: Lorain County Metroparks (See also Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)],
[Folder 451: Lorain County Metroparks Splashzone (See Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)],
[Folder 452: Lorain County Microfilm Records],
[Folder 453: Lorain County Newspapers],
[Folder 454: Lorain County Regional Planning Commission],
[Folder 455: Lorain County Self-Help Housing Project],
[Folder 456: Lorain County Settlement Houses],
[Folder 457: Lorain County Tornadoo, 1965 April 11],
[Folder 458: Lorain County Transit (LCT) System],
[Folder 459: Lorain Tornado, Lorain, Ohio, 1924 June 28],
[Folder 460: Lovejoy, Elijah P.],
[Folder 461: MacArthur Foundation Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 462: MAD Factory (Music, Art, Drama)],
[Folder 463: Majors (Senior Majors–Oberlin)],
[Folder 464: Manual Labor],
[Folder 465: Master of Arts in Teaching],
[Folder 466: May Day],
[Folder 467: Medals, for the President of Oberlin College],
[Folder 468: "Meeting House, The," by Robert S. Fletcher],
[Folder 469: Memorials, Faculty and Staff],
[Folder 470: Men],
[Folder 471: MENA (Middle East and North African) Students],
[Folder 472: Mercy Health (See Allen Memorial Hospital)],
[Folder 473: Middlebury College (Alexander Twilight: First African-American College Graduate)],
[Folder 474: Million Man March],
[Folder 475: Minority Student Interest],
[Folder 476: Minority Students, 1970s-1990s],
[Folder 477: Minority Undergraduate Awards–McNair, Mellon, and Science Scholars],
[Folder 478: Miscellaneous],
[Folder 479: Miscellaneous Clippings (2f)],
[Folder 480: Missionary Interests],
[Folder 481: Mock Conventions],
[Folder 482: Monuments and Memorials (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 483: Morrison, Toni (See also Morrison, Toni in RG 28 and RG 32/3)],
[Folder 484: Mount Oberlin],
[Folder 485: Multicultural Affairs],
[Folder 486: Multiracial],
[Folder 487: Mural–Cox Administration],
[Folder 488: Murals in Oberlin Community],
[Folder 489: Murder],
[Folder 490: Musical Union (See RG 10 and Conservatory of Music Vertical Files)],
[Folder 491: Muslim Students],
[Folder 492: NAACP–Oberlin Branch],
[Folder 493: NAACP–Other],
[Folder 494: Named Professorships (cataloged)],
[Folder 495: National Association of College Stores],
[Folder 496: National Merit Scholarship],
[Folder 497: National Register of Historic Places],
[Folder 498: Native Americans (Indians)],
[Folder 499: Native Americans–Nez Perce Artifacts],
[Folder 500: Navy V-12 Unit (2f)],
[Folder 501: Neilson Hays Library, Bangkok, Thailand],
[Folder 502: New Credit System, 2013],
[Folder 503: New Oberlin],
[Folder 504: New Russia Township (See Russia Township)],
[Folder 505: New Union Center for the Arts (See also FAVA)],
[Folder 506: *Nichols, Margaretta McLelland (See also Wheeler, Robert–Professorship)],
[Folder 507: Niagara Movement],
[Folder 508: Nobel Prize],
[Folder 509: Nord Foundation],
[Folder 510: "No Trespass List"],
[Folder 511: OAM–Oberlin Alumni Magazine],
[Folder 512: O.A.S.I.S. (Oberlin's Animal Shelter)],
[Folder 513: Oberlin Action Against Prisons],
[Folder 514: Oberlin African-American Genealogy and History Group (OAAGHG)],
[Folder 515: Oberlin Agricultural School],
[Folder 516: Oberlin Artists–Photographers/Printers],
[Folder 517: Oberlin Arts Foundation],
[Folder 518: Oberlin–Bicentennial of American Revolution],
[Folder 519: Oberlin Black Alliance for Progress (OBAP)],
[Folder 520: Oberlin–Booklets and articles about (3f)],
[Folder 521: Oberlin Branches–Sheffield, Austinburg],
[Folder 522: Oberlin Businesses (See also Business History of Oberlin)],
[Folder 523: Oberlin Campus–Reports],
[Folder 524: Oberlin Chamber of Commerce (See also RG 31/25)],
[Folder 525: Oberlin Choristers],
[Folder 526: Oberlin Christian Alumni Association (OCAA)],
[Folder 527: Oberlin City (miscellaneous) (2f)],
[Folder 528: Oberlin City–Barbershop Controversy (See Barbershop Segregation Controversy [Oberlin])],
[Folder 529: Oberlin City–Bikepath],
[Folder 530: Oberlin City Charter Commission],
[Folder 531: Oberlin City Comprehensive Plan, 2024],
[Folder 532: Oberlin City Council],
[Folder 533: Oberlin City–Fire Department],
[Folder 534: Oberlin City Government–Ordinances],
[Folder 535: Oberlin City–Sister Cities Program],
[Folder 536: Oberlin City–Swimming Pool/Recreation Center],
[Folder 537: Oberlin Clubs, Organization, late 1800s-early 1900s],
[Folder 538: Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War (See CARAW)],
[Folder 539: Oberlin College Architecture (See also Architecture at Oberlin College)],
[Folder 540: Oberlin College Basketball],
[Folder 541: Oberlin College Basketball Controversy, 2001-2002],
[Folder 542: Oberlin College Board of Trustees (See Board of Trustees)],
[Folder 543: Oberlin College Campus Master Plan (See Campus Master Plan)],
[Folder 544: Oberlin College Car Policy (See also Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus]; Parking [On Campus])],
[Folder 545: Oberlin College–Community Strings Orchestra],
[Folder 546: Oberlin College Cookbook by Ann Goldman and Nyoka Baker],
[Folder 547: Oberlin College Dorm Segregation Issue, 1919],
[Folder 548: Oberlin College Environmental and Social Responsibility Report],
[Folder 549: Oberlin College Facts],
[Folder 550: Oberlin College Fashion],
[Folder 551: Oberlin College Football],
[Folder 552: Oberlin College–Historical (2f)],
[Folder 553: Oberlin College History, 2000-2024],
[Folder 554: Oberlin College Housing, Dining, and Financial Aid, 2017],
[Folder 555: Oberlin College Lanes],
[Folder 556: Oberlin College Library and Librarians (See also Campus Departmental Vertical Files)],
[Folder 557: "Oberlin College Octette," Recording on Fonotopia Label],
[Folder 558: Oberlin College Press],
[Folder 559: Oberlin College Program Houses],
[Folder 560: Oberlin College–Ranking],
[Folder 561: Oberlin College Soccer],
[Folder 562: Oberlin College Softball],
[Folder 563: Oberlin College "Soph-Frosh Relations", 1958],
[Folder 564: Obelrin College Sustainable Infrastructure Program],
[Folder 565: Oberlin College Students from Hutchinson, Kansas],
[Folder 566: Oberlin College Technology Upgrade],
[Folder 567: Oberlin College Tennis],
[Folder 568: Oberlin College Term Bill Payments (Late Payments)],
[Folder 569: Oberlin College Three Year Degree Program (See Degrees, Three Year Program)],
[Folder 570: Oberlin College Track and Field],
[Folder 571: Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan],
[Folder 572: Oberlin College–University Extension],
[Folder 573: Oberlin College–Visitors],
[Folder 574: *Oberlin Colors and Nickname],
[Folder 575: Oberlin Community (2f)],
[Folder 576: Oberlin Community Chamber Singers],
[Folder 577: Oberlin Community Players],
[Folder 578: Oberlin Community Services Council],
[Folder 579: *Oberlin Country Day Camp],
[Folder 580: Oberlin Customs],
[Folder 581: Oberlin Design Initiative (ODI)],
[Folder 582: Oberlin Early Childhood Center],
[Folder 583: Oberlin Education],
[Folder 584: Oberlin Elsewhere (See also Oberlin Village–North Carolina)],
[Folder 585: Oberlin Evangelist],
[Folder 586: Oberlin Evangelist Extras (2f)],
[Folder 587: Oberlin's Founding Families],
[Folder 588: Oberlin Great South Woods],
[Folder 589: Oberlin Heritage Center],
[Folder 590: Oberlin High School–Mascot Controversy],
[Folder 591: Oberlin History, 1960s],
[Folder 592: Oberlin History, 1980],
[Folder 593: Oberlin History–Articles about],
[Folder 594: Oberlin History–Blodgett Sketch],
[Folder 595: Oberlin History–Miscellaneous clippings and letters about (4f)],
[Folder 596: Oberlin History–Oral History],
[Folder 597: Oberlin History Publications],
[Folder 598: Oberlin Hospital],
[Folder 599: Oberlin Houses (2f)],
[Folder 600: Oberlin Hurricane Relief],
[Folder 601: Oberlin in Japan (Obirin Gakuen in Tokyo)],
[Folder 602: Oberlin Improvement and Development Co.],
[Folder 603: Oberlin in the 1840s],
[Folder 604: Oberlin Inn (3f)],
[Folder 605: Oberlin Inn–Ephemera, 1894, ca. 1970s],
[Folder 606: Oberlin Interagency Council],
[Folder 607: Oberlin, John Frederick (4f)],
[Folder 608: Oberlin Korean Students Association (OKSA) (See also RG 19/3/10)],
[Folder 609: Oberlin Land],
[Folder 610: Oberlin Latino Alumni Association (OLAA)],
[Folder 611: Oberlin Latitude and Longitude and Elevation],
[Folder 612: Oberlin Little Red Schoolhouse],
[Folder 613: Oberlin Maps],
[Folder 614: Oberlin Mayors and City Managers],
[Folder 615: Oberlin Medical Center (See also Allen Memorial Hospital)],
[Folder 616: Oberlin Meteorological Records],
[Folder 617: Oberlin Municipal Light and Power],
[Folder 618: Oberlin Music],
[Folder 619: Oberlin Newspapers],
[Folder 620: Oberlin News-Tribune],
[Folder 621: Oberlin News-Tribune–"Historic Oberlin Today"],
[Folder 622: Oberlin Night School],
[Folder 623: Oberlin Online],
[Folder 624: Oberlin Partnership],
[Folder 625: Oberlin Police],
[Folder 626: Oberlin Population],
[Folder 627: Oberlin Post Office],
[Folder 628: Oberlin Prank Stories (See College Pranks)],
[Folder 629: Oberlin Project, The],
[Folder 630: Oberlin Properties],
[Folder 631: Oberlin Public Library (2f)],
[Folder 632: Oberlin Public Library–Educational Research Center],
[Folder 633: Oberlin Public Library Issue],
[Folder 634: Oberlin Public Schools (4f)],
[Folder 635: Oberlin Public Schools and College Archives],
[Folder 636: Oberlin Public Schools Famous Oberlinians Banner Project],
[Folder 637: *Oberlin Public Schools History, compiled by Prue Richards],
[Folder 638: Oberlin Public Schools–Publications],
[Item 639: Oberlin Quilt],
[Folder 640: Oberlin Race Relations Committee (RRC)],
[Folder 641: Oberlin Radio],
[Folder 642: Oberlin Repertory Company (See Apple Tree Project)],
[Folder 643: Oberlin Reservoir],
[Folder 644: "Oberlin Resistance", 1968],
[Folder 645: The Oberlin Review],
[Folder 646: The Oberlin Review–Articles by Maxine Kaplan],
[Folder 647: The Oberlin Review News Service],
[Folder 648: Oberlin Sanctuary Project],
[Folder 649: Oberlin School of Commerce],
[Folder 650: Oberlin Seniors, Inc.],
[Folder 651: Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team (SAST)],
[Folder 652: Oberlin Steel (See Can Consortium)],
[Folder 653: Oberlin Summer Theater Festival],
[Folder 654: Oberlin Sustainable Agriculture Project],
[Folder 655: Oberlin Telegraph School],
[Folder 656: Oberlin Telephone Company],
[Folder 657: Oberlin Torah],
[Folder 658: Oberlin Town Meetings (See also Norm Craig Papers)],
[Folder 659: Oberlin Transportation–Bus, Taxi],
[Folder 660: Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen by Margaret Christian, 2016],
[Folder 661: Oberlin Underground Railroad Center (See also Gasholder House)],
[Folder 662: Oberlin Village–North Carolina],
[Folder 663: Oberlin Violin Restoration Workshop],
[Folder 664: Oberlin Visting Nurse Association],
[Folder 665: Oberlin Wetlands],
[Folder 666: Oberlin-Wellington Rescue (See Wellington Rescue)],
[Folder 667: Oberlin Zoning],
[Folder 668: Obiegame],
[Folder 669: The Observer],
[Folder 670: OCOPE],
[Folder 671: Ohio Agricultural College, Oberlin],
[Folder 672: Ohio–Areas and Towns miscellaneous],
[Folder 673: Ohio Census Data],
[Folder 674: Ohio Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)],
[Folder 675: Oldenburg's Free Stamp],
[Folder 676: Oldenburg's Giant Three-Way Plug (See also RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication FIles)],
[Folder 677: Olmsted Brothers (See Architectural Records for Brick Walks)],
[Folder 678: One Oberlin (See also Academic and Administrative Program Review)],
[Folder 679: "On Going to College, or Ten Commandments on the Academic Approach to Knowledge," by A.F. Duppert for Mary Lou Duppert, x1943],
[Folder 680: "Organize Ohio"],
[Folder 681: Organs–Oberlin],
[Folder 682: Orientation],
[Folder 683: Pageants],
[Folder 684: Palestine],
[Folder 685: Palestinian Israeli Conflict (See Israeli-Palestinian Conflict), 2023-2024],
[Folder 686: "Parker Press"–African-American Abolitionist Newspaper],
[Folder 687: Parking (campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus])],
[Folder 688: Pastors for Peace Caravan–Carpenters for Christmas],
[Folder 689: Peace Corps],
[Folder 690: Pease, H. Alonzo],
[Folder 691: People of Color (POC)],
[Folder 692: Perpetual Scholarships],
[Folder 693: Peters Hall],
[Folder 694: Phelps, Anson Scholarship, 1890],
[Folder 695: Photography],
[Folder 696: Plan for Oberlin],
[Folder 697: Plug, Three-Way (See Oldenburg's Giant 3-Way Plug; RG 9/3 Allen Memorial Art Museum; RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 698: Plum Creek],
[Folder 699: Plum Creek Review (See Enchiridion)],
[Folder 700: POC (People of Color) Coalition],
[Folder 701: Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc. (9f)],
[Folder 702: Posse Foundation],
[Folder 703: Powers Travel Grants],
[Folder 704: Pranks (See College Pranks)],
[Folder 705: Presidential Initiative on Racial Equity and Diversity],
[Folder 706: Presidential Search, 1974-1975],
[Folder 707: President's House–Sit-in Protest],
[Folder 708: Public Service Studies],
[Folder 709: Publications],
[Folder 710: Race Relations],
[Folder 711: Racial Tensions, 2010s-2020s],
[Folder 712: Racism and Freedom of Speech at Oberlin College],
[Folder 713: Radio–Oberlin College],
[Folder 714: Railroads],
[Folder 715: Ransom, Louis–painting "John Brown Going to Execution" (See John Brown files; Art files in Associate Archivist's Office)],
[Folder 716: Rathskellar],
[Folder 717: Reading Girl Statue],
[Folder 718: Real Food Campus Commitment],
[Folder 719: Reamer Family],
[Folder 720: Recreation],
[Folder 721: Reflecting Pool (Conservatory)],
[Folder 722: Refugees (See also Immigration)],
[Folder 723: Refugee Scholarship],
[Folder 724: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1830s-1850s],
[Folder 725: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1850s-1870s],
[Folder 726: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1880s-1900s],
[Folder 727: Reproductive Rights],
[Folder 728: Rhodes Scholars],
[Folder 729: Ripley, Mississippi (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection), 1964],
[Folder 730: Rocks (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 731: Rollins, Sonny],
[Folder 732: Rooming Houses],
[Folder 733: Roosevelt, Eleanor],
[Folder 734: ROTC (United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps)],
[Folder 735: Ruger, Albert (artist) (See "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin")],
[Folder 736: Russia Township],
[Folder 737: "Safe Space", 1980-2009],
[Folder 738: "Safe Space" Controversy, 1999-2002],
[Folder 739: Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, Elyria, Ohio],
[Folder 740: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps],
[Folder 741: Santa Elena Project of Accompaniment (SEPA)],
[Folder 742: SAST (See Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team)],
[Folder 743: Scholarships and other funds–conditions of their use],
[Folder 744: Schools],
[Folder 745: Science at Oberlin],
[Folder 746: Science Center (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 747: 'Sco (College Disco)],
[Folder 748: SCOPE],
[Folder 749: Seal–College Seal],
[Folder 750: Secret Societies],
[Folder 751: *SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity],
[Folder 752: Seeger, Pete],
[Folder 753: SEN (Senior Education Network)],
[Folder 754: SEOP (Special Education Opportunities Program)],
[Folder 755: September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks],
[Folder 756: Seventeen Magazine Article, 1983],
[Folder 757: Sex],
[Folder 758: Sexual Assault–Barnard Hall, 2001],
[Folder 759: Sexual Harrassment Policy (See Equity, Office of in Departmental Vertical Files)],
[Folder 760: Shansi (3f)],
[Folder 761: Sheffield School, Sheffield Manual Labor Institute],
[Folder 762: Shipherd Windows (Talcott)],
[Folder 763: Shouse Scholars],
[Folder 764: Shule Ya Kujitambua–School for Black Reidentification],
[Folder 765: Shurtleff Cottage],
[Folder 766: Silsbee, James Lyman (architect)],
[Folder 767: Singing and Songs],
[Folder 768: SIP (See Oberlin College Sustainable Infrastructure Project)],
[Folder 769: SITES (Spanish in the [Oberlin] Elementary Schools)],
[Folder 770: Slave Ship],
[Folder 771: Slavic Languages at Oberlin],
[Folder 772: *SM/BD Club–Renamed SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity],
[Folder 773: Smith, Gerrit Papers],
[Folder 774: Smoking at Oberlin (See also Tobacco at Oberlin)],
[Folder 775: SOA (School of the Americas)],
[Folder 776: Social Activism–Burned Churches],
[Folder 777: Social Customs (Dating, etc.)],
[Folder 778: Social Justice],
[Folder 779: Solar Eclipse, 2024],
[Folder 780: Solar Power],
[Folder 781: Solomon Amendement],
[Folder 782: South Africa and Namibia Conference, 1979],
[Folder 783: South African Divestment (See South African Investment)],
[Folder 784: South African Investment (3f), 1972-1990s],
[Folder 785: South Amherst Quarries Development, 2005-2006],
[Folder 786: South Asian Student Association (SASA)],
[Folder 787: Spanish in the Elementary Schools (See SITES)],
[Folder 788: Spanish Flu, 1918],
[Folder 789: Spaulding Manuscript (5f) (See also 30/028 Spaulding Manuscript; 30/294 Dale Broadhurst Papers)],
[Folder 790: Spectrum],
[Folder 791: Spencerian School of Penmanship],
[Folder 792: Spring Fling],
[Folder 793: Statistical Profiles of Undergraduates (Oberlin College)],
[Folder 794: Statues, Busts, Portraits (See Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc.)],
[Folder 795: Steel Drum Band (See Can Consortium)],
[Folder 796: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)],
[Folder 797: Stevenson Dining Hall],
[Folder 798: Stewart, Cynthia Case],
[Folder 799: "Stewart Plan", 1956-1957],
[Folder 800: Strategic Plan, 2015],
[Folder 801: Structural Deficit Program Files, 1995],
[Folder 802: Student Demographics],
[Folder 803: Student Employment],
[Folder 804: Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)],
[Folder 805: Student Motor Vehicles (On Campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Parking [Campus])],
[Folder 806: Student Organizations (See RG 19 Student Life for specific organization files)],
[Folder 807: Student Organizations Charters–files relating to],
[Folder 808: Student Organizations–Funding],
[Folder 809: Student Organizations–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 810: Student Senate],
[Folder 811: Student Theater],
[Folder 812: Student Tutoring],
[Folder 813: Student Working Group for Institutional Change],
[Folder 814: Students for a Democratic Society],
[Folder 815: Students with Disabilities],
[Folder 816: StudiOC],
[Folder 817: Sudan],
[Folder 818: Suffrage],
[Folder 819: Summer Institute for Office Workers],
[Folder 820: *Summer News (Obeserver), 1993],
[Folder 821: Summer Session (School)],
[Folder 822: Sustainable Community Associates, Ltd. (See also The Catalyst)],
[Folder 823: Tabernacle Tent ("Big Tent")],
[Folder 824: Tappan Brothers–Arthur and Lewis],
[Folder 825: Tappan Hall Painting],
[Folder 826: Tappan Square (2f)],
[Folder 827: Telephones],
[Folder 828: Temperance],
[Folder 829: Temperance "Sit-in", 1882],
[Folder 830: Ten Thousand Strong (College Song)],
[Folder 831: Terrorist Attacks (See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks)],
[Folder 832: "Think-in", 1967],
[Folder 833: *Third World (Price)],
[Folder 834: Time Capsule–1976 Bicentennial],
[Folder 835: Timeless Topics],
[Folder 836: Title IX],
[Folder 837: Tobacco at Oberlin],
[Folder 838: Toni Morrison Society],
[Folder 839: Torah (See Oberlin Torah)],
[Folder 840: Town and Gown],
[Folder 841: Transgender (See also Gender)],
[Folder 842: Travel–Transportation],
[Folder 843: Trees in Oberlin],
[Folder 844: Tuberculosis],
[Folder 845: Tuition (general) (See also Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan)],
[Folder 846: Tuition Investigation],
[Folder 847: Turkey],
[Folder 848: Tuskegee Airmen, Oberlin by Margaret Christian (See Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen), 2016],
[Folder 849: Twilight, Alexander (See Middlebury College)],
[Folder 850: UAW],
[Folder 851: UAW–Layoffs, 2020],
[Folder 852: Ukraine Conflict, 2022-2024],
[Folder 853: Ultimate Frisbee Team (See Club Sports)],
[Folder 854: Underground Railroad (13f)],
[Folder 855: Underground Railroad–Student Project Winter Term (2f), 1980],
[Folder 856: Underground Railroad Center (See Oberlin Underground Railroad Center; See also Gasholder House)],
[Folder 857: Union Library Association],
[Folder 858: United Way],
[Folder 859: UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)],
[Folder 860: Upward Bound Program],
[Folder 861: Varsity Restaurant],
[Folder 862: Veterans],
[Folder 863: Vietnam Era (See also Activism)],
[Folder 864: Vietnam Era Reunion, 1990 November 03-05],
[Folder 865: Vietnam War–"The College and the War"],
[Folder 866: Visitors (See Oberlin College–Visitors)],
[Folder 867: VOCES],
[Folder 868: Volunteerism],
[Folder 869: Voters, Voting],
[Folder 870: VSA-H.K. Goodkind Collection],
[Folder 871: Walker, Peggy],
[Folder 872: Ward, Artemus],
[Folder 873: Waterworks (Morgan St.)],
[Folder 874: Watson, Thomas J. Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 875: WAVE Program (Words are Very Enjoyable)],
[Folder 876: Weather],
[Folder 877: Website, Oberlin College],
[Folder 878: Welcome Nursing Home],
[Folder 879: Wellington],
[Folder 880: Wellington Rescue (2f)],
[Folder 881: Wellington Rescue–150th Anniversary, 2008],
[Folder 882: Weltzheimer/Johnson House (See Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio)],
[Folder 883: Western Reserve Historical Society],
[Folder 884: Westwood Cemetery (See Cemetery–Westwood)],
[Folder 885: What's Happening at College Lanes Newsletter (2f)],
[Folder 886: Wheatley, Phyllis Center],
[Folder 887: Wheeler, Robert–Professorship in Conservatory (re. Margaretta McLelland Nichols)],
[Folder 888: White, Michael (Mayor of Cleveland)],
[Folder 889: Wilson Bruce Evans House],
[Folder 890: Wilson, Woodrow Fellowships (See Fellowships: Woodrow Wilson)],
[Folder 891: Winter Term–Transferred to RG 0],
[Folder 892: WOBC (See Radio [Oberlin College])],
[Folder 893: Women, sermon by Samuel J. May, 1846 November 18],
[Folder 894: Women's Activities (2f)],
[Folder 895: Women's Caucus for Art],
[Folder 896: *Women's Equality Day],
[Folder 897: Women's History],
[Folder 898: Women's Issues–Women's Publications],
[Folder 899: Women's Liberation (3f)],
[Folder 900: World War I],
[Folder 901: World War I Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 902: World War II],
[Folder 903: World War II Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 904: Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio],
[Folder 905: Wright, George Frederick House],
[Folder 906: Wright, G.F., ed., A Standard History of Lorain County, Ohio],
[Folder 907: Wright Park (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 908: Year of the Queer, 2012-2013],
[Folder 909: Zechial Debate, 2001],
[Folder 910: Zionism],

Folder 136: Campus Protests (For Reference Only), 1990 April 13Add to your cart.

Browse by Folder:

[Folder 1: AAPI (Asian American, Asian, Pacific Islanders) Community],
[Folder 2: Abolitionism],
[Folder 3: ABUSUA–List of Institutional Demands, 2015],
[Folder 4: Academic and Administrative Program Review (See also: One Oberlin), 2018-2014],
[Folder 5: Academic Advising],
[Folder 6: Academic Commons (Mudd Center), 2006-2024],
[Folder 7: Academic Dress (worn by faculty and students)],
[Folder 8: Academic Programs (new), 1990s],
[Folder 9: The Access Program (Lorain County)],
[Folder 10: Activism],
[Folder 11: ACT UP],
[Folder 12: Admissions Reports, published annually in the Observer, 1979-1994],
[Folder 13: Affiliate Scholars],
[Folder 14: Affirmative Action (See also Government Documents)],
[Folder 15: Africa: materials in Oberlin College Archives],
[Folder 16: African Week],
[Folder 17: Afrikan Heritage House],
[Folder 18: AIDS],
[Folder 19: AIDS Memorial Quilt (in Oberlin)],
[Folder 20: Aims of Oberlin College],
[Folder 21: Airport (Lorain County) (See also Federal Aviation Agency; RG 31/42 Lorain County Regional Airport)],
[Folder 22: Allen Memorial Hospital (See also Oberlin Medical Center)],
[Folder 23: Aluminum],
[Folder 24: Aluminum Pyramid Cap (Washington, D.C.)],
[Folder 25: Aluminum Severance Hall Renovation, 2000],
[Folder 26: Alumni–Distinguished (4f)],
[Folder 27: Alumni Family Week],
[Folder 28: American Association of University Professors (AAUP)],
[Folder 29: American Board for Commissioners of Foreign Missions],
[Folder 30: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)],
[Folder 31: American Field Service],
[Folder 32: American Missionary Association],
[Folder 33: American Missionary Association Manuscripts–microfilm catalog (4f)],
[Folder 34: American Missionary Association: Teachers from Ohio, 1861-1876],
[Folder 35: American Roots Residency Fund],
[Folder 36: Amistad],
[Folder 37: Amnesty International],
[Folder 38: Anthrax],
[Folder 39: Anti-Draft, 1980],
[Folder 40: Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Ripley Mississippi (1964 Rebuilding Project) (3f) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 41: Anti-Saloon League],
[Folder 42: Anti-Slavery Convention, 1840],
[Folder 43: Anti-War, 1970],
[Folder 44: Apollo Theatre (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 45: Apollo's Fire],
[Folder 46: Apple Tree Project, 1975-1976],
[Folder 47: Arboretum (Arb, Ladies Grove)],
[Folder 48: Architecture of Oberlin (4f) (See also Oberlin College Architecture)],
[Folder 49: Armour, Arthur (Aluminum and Art)],
[Folder 50: Art Censorship Day],
[Folder 51: Artist Recitals (See also College Departmental Vertical Files; RG 10 Conservatory of Music)],
[Folder 52: Art Rental],
[Folder 53: Artists–Ohio],
[Folder 54: Artists and Photographers in Oberlin City Directories, 1859-1895],
[Folder 55: Arts and Letters–School operated by Peter Way, ca. 1977-1978],
[Folder 56: Asia House (2f)],
[Folder 57: Asian American Activism at Oberlin],
[Folder 58: Asian American Alliance (AAA)],
[Folder 59: Asian American Alumni],
[Folder 60: Asian American Students],
[Folder 61: Asian American Studies Conference, 2001 October 12-13],
[Folder 62: Asian Pacific American Students Conference and Resources, 1994, 1998-1999, 2002],
[Folder 63: Assertive Management Workshop, 1979 November 9],
[Folder 64: Association for Black Concerns, 1998],
[Folder 65: Athletes, 1970-2024],
[Folder 66: Atkinson, Tracy (See World War I)],
[Folder 67: Attacks on Women, 1969],
[Folder 68: Automobiles (See Oberlin College Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [on campus]; Parking [on campus])],
[Folder 69: Avery, Charles],
[Folder 70: AVI Fresh (See Dining Services–AVI Fresh)],
[Folder 71: BA after MD Degree],
[Folder 72: Bands–History of],
[Folder 73: Bandstand],
[Folder 74: Barbershop Segregation Controversy (Oberlin)],
[Folder 75: Bells–Oberlin College and City of Oberlin],
[Folder 76: Bench by the Road Project–Toni Morrison (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files), 2009],
[Folder 77: Benzonia–Manistee],
[Folder 78: Berea College],
[Folder 79: Berea College Archives],
[Folder 80: Bicentennial (2f)],
[Folder 81: Bicycles (in Oberlin)],
[Folder 82: Big Parade],
[Folder 83: Bike Path (See Oberlin City Bikepath)],
[Folder 84: Bill Long Foundation],
[Folder 85: Bill Long Nature Preserve],
[Folder 86: Bill Robinson Scholarship (See Oberlin Partnership)],
[Folder 87: Biographical Sketches],
[Folder 88: "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin," by A. Ruger],
[Folder 89: Black College Students before the Civil War],
[Folder 90: Black Cultural Center],
[Folder 91: Black Education (2f)],
[Folder 92: Black Education Conference: "The Education of Black Americans and the Quest for Equality", 1983 October 7-9],
[Folder 93: Black Graduates of Middlebury],
[Folder 94: Black Graduates of Oberlin],
[Folder 95: Black History],
[Folder 96: Black History Month (February)],
[Folder 97: Black History–Supporting articles for library exhibits (Located on RNG 1), ca. 1978],
[Folder 98: Black Organizations–Clippings],
[Folder 99: Black Organizations at Oberlin College],
[Folder 100: Black Population in Canada, 1610-2024],
[Folder 101: Black Power, Speakers of],
[Folder 102: Black River Theater Company],
[Folder 103: Black River Watershed],
[Folder 104: Black Students, general],
[Folder 105: Black Students (list from the Cowles Papers), 1835-1862],
[Folder 106: Black Women's History],
[Folder 107: Black Writers],
[Folder 108: Blackboard Course Information],
[Folder 109: Bliss House (See Langston House)],
[Folder 110: Blood Bank Association],
[Folder 111: Board of Trustees],
[Folder 112: Bon Appetit Dining Services (See Dining Services, Bon Appetit, 2001)],
[Folder 113: Bookstores (See also Co-Op Bookstore)],
[Folder 114: Boxer Rebellion],
[Folder 115: The Bridge],
[Folder 116: Brown Bag Luncheons, 1969],
[Folder 117: Brown, John (2f) (for Louis Ransom painting "John Borwn going to Execution," see Art FIles, Associate Archivist's office)],
[Folder 118: Brown, Sherrood],
[Folder 119: Brownhelm],
[Folder 120: Brubeck, Dave],
[Folder 121: Budget Crisis, 2002-2005],
[Folder 122: Buiildings–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 123: Buiildings–Renovations],
[Folder 124: Burglaries and Fires],
[Folder 125: Burrell-King House],
[Folder 126: Burton, Theodore E. (cataloged)],
[Folder 127: Business History of Oberlin (See also Oberlin Businesses)],
[Folder 128: Cable Television],
[Folder 129: Camden Bog],
[Folder 130: Campus Assaults and Theft],
[Folder 131: Campus Hate Incidents, 2013],
[Folder 132: Campus Maps, 1983-1995],
[Folder 133: Campus Master Plan],
[Folder 134: Campus Protests (2f)],
[Folder 135: Campus Protests, 2014],
[Folder 136: Campus Protests (For Reference Only), 1990 April 13],
[Folder 137: Campus Protests–Dean Selection, 1999],
[Folder 138: Campus Protests–Gibsons Protest (See Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests), 2016-2024],
[Folder 139: Campus Protests–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 140: Campus Religious Life],
[Folder 141: Campus Unrest (The College and the War)],
[Folder 142: Campus Violence],
[Folder 143: Can Consortium (Exco)],
[Folder 144: CARAW (Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War)],
[Folder 145: Carpenters for Christmas (See RG 30/427 Oberliin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 146: Carr Pool (See RG 0, Series 24. Buildings & Dedications File, Jesse Philips Gym), 1971],
[Folder 147: The Catalyst (See also Sustainable Community Associates Ltd.)],
[Folder 148: Cell Phones (See Telephones)],
[Folder 149: Cemetery–First Oberlin cemetery],
[Folder 150: Cemetery–Westwood (4f)],
[Folder 151: Censorship],
[Folder 152: Chadwick, Cassie],
[Folder 153: Chalk Walk],
[Folder 154: Chance Creek],
[Folder 155: Chapel Attendance],
[Folder 156: Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)],
[Folder 157: Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields (See also Dill Field)],
[Folder 158: Chess–United States Chess Championship, 1975 June 06-27],
[Folder 159: China Missionary Sources],
[Folder 160: Chinese Bell],
[Folder 161: Chinese Language at Oberlin],
[Folder 162: Chinese Students' Christian Association in America],
[Folder 163: Chinese Temple (The Golden Pavilion of Jehol) (2f)],
[Folder 164: Choral Spectrum (Oberlin Community Chamber Singers)],
[Folder 165: Choral Tour of Russia, 1964–50th Reunion, 2013],
[Folder 166: Christensen Report, 1928],
[Folder 167: Chronologies],
[Folder 168: Churchill's Drawings],
[Folder 169: Civil Rights],
[Folder 170: Civil Rights–Ku Klux Klan Materials and Notes (Removed from A. Hunter Dupree's Collection) (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection)],
[Folder 171: Civil Rights–Mississippi, 1960-1961],
[Folder 172: Civil War],
[Folder 173: Clark Farm],
[Folder 174: Clark, Lewis G.],
[Folder 175: Class Banner],
[Folder 176: Class Gift of 1995],
[Folder 177: Cleveland History],
[Folder 178: Cleveland Orchestra],
[Folder 179: Climate Change],
[Folder 180: Clinton Climate Project (See also Oberlin Project, The), 2009-2010],
[Folder 181: Clock (Oberlin Savings Bank)],
[Folder 182: Club Sports],
[Folder 183: Coeducation at Oberlin (5f)],
[Folder 184: Coeducation elsewhere],
[Folder 185: Coeducation Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary, 1987],
[Folder 186: Coffee Houses],
[Folder 187: Coleman, Caroline],
[Folder 188: College Attorney],
[Folder 189: College Lanes (See also "What's Happening at College Lanes" Newsletter)],
[Folder 190: College Park Allotment],
[Folder 191: College Park Manor],
[Folder 192: College Pranks],
[Folder 193: College Recognition–Years of Service],
[Folder 194: College Seal (See Seal)],
[Folder 195: College and the War, The (See Campus Unrest)],
[Folder 196: Commencement (See also RG 0, Series 15. Commencement Files)],
[Folder 197: Commencement, College, 1959-1960],
[Folder 198: Commencement dates and traditions],
[Folder 199: Common Cause],
[Folder 200: Community Action],
[Folder 201: Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County],
[Folder 202: Company C and Company K],
[Folder 203: Composers at Oberlin],
[Folder 204: Connect Cleveland],
[Folder 205: Consumers League of Ohio],
[Folder 206: Contact Improvisation],
[Folder 207: Co-Op Bookstore (See also Bookstore)],
[Folder 208: Cooperatives (3f)],
[Folder 209: Copeland, James H. (photographer)],
[Folder 210: Copland, Aaron],
[Folder 211: Copyright],
[Folder 212: Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Located in Archival Assistant's Office), 2019-2024],
[Folder 213: Cranch, Christopher Pearse],
[Folder 214: Craney Island],
[Folder 215: Creativity and Leadership Project],
[Folder 216: Credit System, new (See New Credit System, 2013), 2013],
[Folder 217: Crime–Oberlin College],
[Folder 218: Curriculum (2f)],
[Folder 219: Dance Diaspora],
[Folder 220: Dance at Oberlin],
[Folder 221: Danenberg, Emil C. (See also Danenberg file RG 28 & Papers RG 2/11), 1975],
[Folder 222: Daughters of the American Revolution, Oberlin Chapter],
[Folder 223: Davis Chair–Religion Department],
[Folder 224: Degrees],
[Folder 225: Degrees–Doctorate (Medical & Ph.D.)],
[Folder 226: Degrees–Three-Year Program, Oberlin College],
[Folder 227: Democrats],
[Folder 228: Demographics (See Student Demographics)],
[Folder 229: Dentistry and Medicine in Oberlin (2f)],
[Folder 230: Dictionary of American Biography–Oberlin entries],
[Folder 231: Dictionary of American Hymnology (See Hymnology, American Dictionary of)],
[Folder 232: "Dig in at Oberlin"],
[Folder 233: Dill Field (See also Charles W. Savage Athletic Fields)],
[Folder 234: Dining and Diet],
[Folder 235: Dining Services–AVI Fresh],
[Folder 236: Dining Services–Bon Appetit, 2001],
[Folder 237: Diplomas],
[Folder 238: Disability, History of],
[Folder 239: Distinguished Alumni Award],
[Folder 240: Distinguished Community Service Award],
[Folder 241: Diversity],
[Folder 242: Dobbins, Lee Howard (2f)],
[Folder 243: Dober Study (See Campus Master Plan)],
[Folder 244: Dormitories (2f)],
[Folder 245: Dormitories–Men and Women (2f)],
[Folder 246: Dormitory Expansion, 2003-2005],
[Folder 247: Dormitory–New Construction, 2009],
[Folder 248: Doshisha University (Japan)],
[Folder 249: Double Degree Program],
[Folder 250: Drag Ball],
[Folder 251: DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act],
[Folder 252: Drugs],
[Folder 253: Drugs Conference, 1967 February 17-19],
[Folder 254: DuBois, W.E.B.],
[Folder 255: Earth Day, 1970-2024],
[Folder 256: East College Street Development (See Sustainable Community Associates)],
[Folder 257: Eating Habits],
[Folder 258: Eclipse 2024 (See Solar Eclipse 2024)],
[Folder 259: Ecolympics],
[Folder 260: Ecology],
[Folder 261: Eighth Blackbird],
[Folder 262: Election, 2004],
[Folder 263: Election, 2020],
[Folder 264: Elyria, Ohio–Finding Guide to the Ely Papers at the Lorain County Historical Society],
[Folder 265: Elyria, Ohio–History of],
[Folder 266: Employee Assistance Program],
[Folder 267: Enchiridion (Plum Creek Review)],
[Folder 268: Endowed Chairs/Professorships],
[Folder 269: Endowments],
[Folder 270: Envelope Collective],
[Folder 271: Environment–Campus Concerns (3f)],
[Folder 272: Environmental History Highlights, 1974-2024],
[Folder 273: Environmental Studies Center (See also Oberlin Project, The)],
[Folder 274: Equestrian Team–Oberlin College],
[Folder 275: Estey Organ],
[Folder 276: Evans Home Historical Society (See Wilson Bruce Evance House)],
[Folder 277: Experimental College (EXCO)],
[Folder 278: Faculty],
[Folder 279: Faculty Lists],
[Folder 280: Faculty Wives (Newcomers' Club, etc.)],
[Folder 281: Fair Housing Ordinance],
[Folder 282: Fairchild Chapel],
[Folder 283: Faith Cabin Library],
[Folder 284: Famous Oberlin Grads–Distinguished List],
[Folder 285: Famous Oberlinians/Lorain Countyans–United States Congress],
[Folder 286: Fantasticheria],
[Folder 287: Far Eastern Conference, 1941 January 30-31],
[Folder 288: Farrand, Beatrix (Landscape Architect)],
[Folder 289: FAVA (Firelands Association for the Visual Arts) (See also New Union Center for the Arts) (2f)],
[Folder 290: "Fearless" Campaign],
[Folder 291: fearlessnessandloathing.com],
[Folder 292: Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)],
[Folder 293: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)],
[Folder 294: Fellowship and Grant Announcements],
[Folder 295: Fellowship–Woodrow Wilson],
[Folder 296: Female-Male Relationships],
[Folder 297: Financial Aid/Student Loans],
[Folder 298: Finney Chapel Bell],
[Folder 299: Finney Compact],
[Folder 300: Finney Compact, Repeal, 2022],
[Folder 301: Finney Lecture Series],
[Folder 302: Firelands Retirement Center],
[Folder 303: Fires],
[Folder 304: First Church in Oberlin],
[Folder 305: First Generation Students],
[Folder 306: First Year Seminar Program],
[Folder 307: Fisk Jubilee Singers],
[Folder 308: Fletcher, Nathan T.],
[Folder 309: Folk Festival],
[Folder 310: Folk Music, General],
[Folder 311: Food Services],
[Folder 312: Food Services–Dascomb Fourth Meal],
[Folder 313: Football–Ohio State vs. Oberlin, 1921],
[Folder 314: Foreign Students],
[Folder 315: Forum Board],
[Folder 316: The Forum (Journal)],
[Folder 317: Founders of Oberlin],
[Folder 318: Fraternities],
[Folder 319: Freedom to Marry],
[Folder 320: Freedom Riders],
[Folder 321: Freedom of Speech Issues],
[Folder 322: Fulbright Grant (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 323: "Fussers"],
[Folder 324: Gamelan],
[Folder 325: Gasholder House (2f) (See also Oberlin Underground Railroad Center)],
[Folder 326: Gay Liberation (See also LGBT+), 1970s-1980s],
[Folder 327: Gender],
[Folder 328: Genealogy],
[Folder 329: George Frederick Wright House (See Wright, George Frederick House)],
[Folder 330: George Jones Farm (See Jones, George T. Farm)],
[Folder 331: Ghosts of Hiroshima],
[Folder 332: Gibson's Lawsuit and Protests, 2016-2024],
[Folder 333: Glee Club],
[Folder 334: Glen Gray Scholars],
[Folder 335: Glory],
[Folder 336: Goodrich Room (4th Floor Mudd Center), Lois and Robert J. Goodrich '16],
[Folder 337: Governance Commission ("Gov-Com")],
[Folder 338: Government of the College],
[Folder 339: Government Documents–Affirmative Action, 1992; Coeducation 1892-1893; College Library and Government Documents, 1858-1859 (Located on RNG 1)],
[Folder 340: Grades and Examinations],
[Folder 341: Graduate House],
[Folder 342: Graffiti],
[Folder 343: Graham, Sylvester],
[Folder 344: Grants (See also Fulbright Grant)],
[Folder 345: The Grape (student newspaper)],
[Folder 346: Great Depression in Lorain County],
[Folder 347: Great Lakes Colleges Association (3f)],
[Folder 348: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Newsletter],
[Folder 349: Great Lakes Colleges Association Women's Studies Resource Handbook],
[Folder 350: Green Acres Orphanage(See Lorain County Children's Home)],
[Folder 351: Green Arts District],
[Folder 352: Green EDGE Fund],
[Folder 353: Hall, Charles Martin],
[Folder 354: Hall Park, 1966-1967],
[Folder 355: Harmon Field],
[Folder 356: Harper's Weekly article on Oberlin College, 1887 October 29],
[Folder 357: Hazing],
[Folder 358: Hebrew House],
[Folder 359: Heisman Club Hall of Fame Inductees],
[Folder 360: Henry's Barn (Johnson House Barn)],
[Folder 361: Here Here Gallery],
[Folder 362: Heritage Days/Juneteenth–Oberlin],
[Folder 363: Hewlett Committee],
[Folder 364: Higher Education & Finances, 2008-2009],
[Folder 365: Hinton, Milt (See also Jazz at Oberlin)],
[Folder 366: Hi-O-Hi],
[Folder 367: Hip Hop],
[Folder 368: Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Atomic Bomb Exhibition (See also RG 2/13 Nancy Dye Papers)],
[Folder 369: Hispanic Community–Lorain County],
[Folder 370: "Historian's Notebook"–Articles by Geoffrey Blodgett],
[Folder 371: Historic Elm (See Trees in Oberlin)],
[Folder 372: Historic Preservation in Oberlin],
[Folder 373: Homecoming],
[Folder 374: Honor System],
[Folder 375: Honorary Degrees (3f)],
[Folder 376: Honors (2f)],
[Folder 377: Hotlines (Newsletter of Gay/Lesbian Information Center, Lorain)],
[Folder 378: Houses–Wooodland Ave.],
[Folder 379: Housing Developments],
[Folder 380: Howard, Robert West],
[Folder 381: Hughes, Langston],
[Folder 382: Human Development],
[Folder 383: Humanities at Oberlin],
[Folder 384: Hymn Festival (Oberlin College, Finney Chapel), 2002],
[Folder 385: Hymnology, American Dictionary of],
[Folder 386: Illumination Night],
[Folder 387: Immigration (See also Refugees)],
[Folder 388: Intergenerational House],
[Folder 389: Inter-Museum Conservation Association],
[Folder 390: International Students],
[Folder 391: Iraq War, 2003],
[Folder 392: Israeli-Palestininan Conflict, 2023-2024],
[Folder 393: Jackson Fireman Memorial (Shirley Jackson)],
[Folder 394: Japan-American Student Conference, Oberlin College, 2002 August],
[Folder 395: Japanese Americans],
[Folder 396: Japanese Students at Oberlin College],
[Folder 397: Jazz at Oberlin],
[Folder 398: Jewett Hououse],
[Folder 399: Jews/Jewish Issues (2f)],
[Folder 400: J.F. Oberlin University (Obirin Gakuen), Tokyo, Japan],
[Folder 401: Johnson House Barn (See Henry's Barn)],
[Folder 402: Jones, George T., Farm],
[Folder 403: Juneteenth (See Heritage Days)],
[Folder 404: Justice Department Probe],
[Folder 405: Kade, Max],
[Folder 406: Karamu House (See also RG 28 Rowena W. Jelliffe student file)],
[Folder 407: Keep-Dawes Mission to England],
[Folder 408: Kendal Retirement Community (3f)],
[Folder 409: Kennedy, John F.],
[Folder 410: King Jr., Martin Luther (See also RG 28)],
[Folder 411: King-Crane Commission–references to Labor (cataloged)],
[Folder 412: Kiwanis Club of Oberlin],
[Folder 413: Koppes/Norris House],
[Folder 414: *Korean Students Association (See also RG 19/3/10–Oberlin Korean Students Association and Oberlin Korean Students Association subject file)],
[Folder 415: Kuriokhin, Sergei, 1988],
[Folder 416: Labor],
[Folder 417: Ladies' Literary Society],
[Folder 418: Lake Erie],
[Folder 419: Lane Theological Seminary (2f)],
[Folder 420: Langston House],
[Folder 421: Latino Education],
[Folder 422: Latinx],
[Folder 423: LaunchU],
[Folder 424: Law and Liberal Arts at Oberlin College],
[Folder 425: Leadership–Lorain County],
[Folder 426: Learning and Labor],
[Folder 427: Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1930," sermon by S.B. Barnes],
[Folder 428: Learning in Retirement Institute],
[Folder 429: Learning While Earning],
[Folder 430: Leary, Lewis Sheridan (See also RG 32/2, Miscellaneous Photos)],
[Folder 431: Lee Howard Dobbins (See Dobbins, Lee Howard)],
[Folder 432: Legionnaires' Disease Scare at Oberlin],
[Folder 433: Lesbian/Gay (LGBT+) (3f) (See also Gay Liberation, 1992-1998 and Year of the Queer), 1992-2024],
[Folder 434: "Less Frills in Everything"–World War II Exhibit (See World War II)],
[Folder 435: Letterpress Studio],
[Folder 436: Lewis, Edmonia (See also RG 28)],
[Folder 437: Liberal Arts and Medical Education],
[Folder 438: Liberty School],
[Folder 439: Log of Research Trips],
[Folder 440: Lorain 2020],
[Folder 441: Lorain County (General) (3f)],
[Folder 442: Lorain County Children's Home (Green Acres Orphanage)],
[Folder 443: Lorain County Fair],
[Folder 444: Lorain Coounty Habitat for Humanity, Inc.],
[Folder 445: Lorain County Historical Society],
[Folder 446: Lorain County Histories (2f)],
[Folder 447: Lorain County Joint Vocational School (JVS)],
[Folder 448: Lorain County–Living and Learning Institute],
[Folder 449: Lorain County Medical Society],
[Folder 450: Lorain County Metroparks (See also Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)],
[Folder 451: Lorain County Metroparks Splashzone (See Oberlin City Swimming Pool/Recreation Center)],
[Folder 452: Lorain County Microfilm Records],
[Folder 453: Lorain County Newspapers],
[Folder 454: Lorain County Regional Planning Commission],
[Folder 455: Lorain County Self-Help Housing Project],
[Folder 456: Lorain County Settlement Houses],
[Folder 457: Lorain County Tornadoo, 1965 April 11],
[Folder 458: Lorain County Transit (LCT) System],
[Folder 459: Lorain Tornado, Lorain, Ohio, 1924 June 28],
[Folder 460: Lovejoy, Elijah P.],
[Folder 461: MacArthur Foundation Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 462: MAD Factory (Music, Art, Drama)],
[Folder 463: Majors (Senior Majors–Oberlin)],
[Folder 464: Manual Labor],
[Folder 465: Master of Arts in Teaching],
[Folder 466: May Day],
[Folder 467: Medals, for the President of Oberlin College],
[Folder 468: "Meeting House, The," by Robert S. Fletcher],
[Folder 469: Memorials, Faculty and Staff],
[Folder 470: Men],
[Folder 471: MENA (Middle East and North African) Students],
[Folder 472: Mercy Health (See Allen Memorial Hospital)],
[Folder 473: Middlebury College (Alexander Twilight: First African-American College Graduate)],
[Folder 474: Million Man March],
[Folder 475: Minority Student Interest],
[Folder 476: Minority Students, 1970s-1990s],
[Folder 477: Minority Undergraduate Awards–McNair, Mellon, and Science Scholars],
[Folder 478: Miscellaneous],
[Folder 479: Miscellaneous Clippings (2f)],
[Folder 480: Missionary Interests],
[Folder 481: Mock Conventions],
[Folder 482: Monuments and Memorials (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 483: Morrison, Toni (See also Morrison, Toni in RG 28 and RG 32/3)],
[Folder 484: Mount Oberlin],
[Folder 485: Multicultural Affairs],
[Folder 486: Multiracial],
[Folder 487: Mural–Cox Administration],
[Folder 488: Murals in Oberlin Community],
[Folder 489: Murder],
[Folder 490: Musical Union (See RG 10 and Conservatory of Music Vertical Files)],
[Folder 491: Muslim Students],
[Folder 492: NAACP–Oberlin Branch],
[Folder 493: NAACP–Other],
[Folder 494: Named Professorships (cataloged)],
[Folder 495: National Association of College Stores],
[Folder 496: National Merit Scholarship],
[Folder 497: National Register of Historic Places],
[Folder 498: Native Americans (Indians)],
[Folder 499: Native Americans–Nez Perce Artifacts],
[Folder 500: Navy V-12 Unit (2f)],
[Folder 501: Neilson Hays Library, Bangkok, Thailand],
[Folder 502: New Credit System, 2013],
[Folder 503: New Oberlin],
[Folder 504: New Russia Township (See Russia Township)],
[Folder 505: New Union Center for the Arts (See also FAVA)],
[Folder 506: *Nichols, Margaretta McLelland (See also Wheeler, Robert–Professorship)],
[Folder 507: Niagara Movement],
[Folder 508: Nobel Prize],
[Folder 509: Nord Foundation],
[Folder 510: "No Trespass List"],
[Folder 511: OAM–Oberlin Alumni Magazine],
[Folder 512: O.A.S.I.S. (Oberlin's Animal Shelter)],
[Folder 513: Oberlin Action Against Prisons],
[Folder 514: Oberlin African-American Genealogy and History Group (OAAGHG)],
[Folder 515: Oberlin Agricultural School],
[Folder 516: Oberlin Artists–Photographers/Printers],
[Folder 517: Oberlin Arts Foundation],
[Folder 518: Oberlin–Bicentennial of American Revolution],
[Folder 519: Oberlin Black Alliance for Progress (OBAP)],
[Folder 520: Oberlin–Booklets and articles about (3f)],
[Folder 521: Oberlin Branches–Sheffield, Austinburg],
[Folder 522: Oberlin Businesses (See also Business History of Oberlin)],
[Folder 523: Oberlin Campus–Reports],
[Folder 524: Oberlin Chamber of Commerce (See also RG 31/25)],
[Folder 525: Oberlin Choristers],
[Folder 526: Oberlin Christian Alumni Association (OCAA)],
[Folder 527: Oberlin City (miscellaneous) (2f)],
[Folder 528: Oberlin City–Barbershop Controversy (See Barbershop Segregation Controversy [Oberlin])],
[Folder 529: Oberlin City–Bikepath],
[Folder 530: Oberlin City Charter Commission],
[Folder 531: Oberlin City Comprehensive Plan, 2024],
[Folder 532: Oberlin City Council],
[Folder 533: Oberlin City–Fire Department],
[Folder 534: Oberlin City Government–Ordinances],
[Folder 535: Oberlin City–Sister Cities Program],
[Folder 536: Oberlin City–Swimming Pool/Recreation Center],
[Folder 537: Oberlin Clubs, Organization, late 1800s-early 1900s],
[Folder 538: Oberlin Coalition Against Racism and War (See CARAW)],
[Folder 539: Oberlin College Architecture (See also Architecture at Oberlin College)],
[Folder 540: Oberlin College Basketball],
[Folder 541: Oberlin College Basketball Controversy, 2001-2002],
[Folder 542: Oberlin College Board of Trustees (See Board of Trustees)],
[Folder 543: Oberlin College Campus Master Plan (See Campus Master Plan)],
[Folder 544: Oberlin College Car Policy (See also Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus]; Parking [On Campus])],
[Folder 545: Oberlin College–Community Strings Orchestra],
[Folder 546: Oberlin College Cookbook by Ann Goldman and Nyoka Baker],
[Folder 547: Oberlin College Dorm Segregation Issue, 1919],
[Folder 548: Oberlin College Environmental and Social Responsibility Report],
[Folder 549: Oberlin College Facts],
[Folder 550: Oberlin College Fashion],
[Folder 551: Oberlin College Football],
[Folder 552: Oberlin College–Historical (2f)],
[Folder 553: Oberlin College History, 2000-2024],
[Folder 554: Oberlin College Housing, Dining, and Financial Aid, 2017],
[Folder 555: Oberlin College Lanes],
[Folder 556: Oberlin College Library and Librarians (See also Campus Departmental Vertical Files)],
[Folder 557: "Oberlin College Octette," Recording on Fonotopia Label],
[Folder 558: Oberlin College Press],
[Folder 559: Oberlin College Program Houses],
[Folder 560: Oberlin College–Ranking],
[Folder 561: Oberlin College Soccer],
[Folder 562: Oberlin College Softball],
[Folder 563: Oberlin College "Soph-Frosh Relations", 1958],
[Folder 564: Obelrin College Sustainable Infrastructure Program],
[Folder 565: Oberlin College Students from Hutchinson, Kansas],
[Folder 566: Oberlin College Technology Upgrade],
[Folder 567: Oberlin College Tennis],
[Folder 568: Oberlin College Term Bill Payments (Late Payments)],
[Folder 569: Oberlin College Three Year Degree Program (See Degrees, Three Year Program)],
[Folder 570: Oberlin College Track and Field],
[Folder 571: Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan],
[Folder 572: Oberlin College–University Extension],
[Folder 573: Oberlin College–Visitors],
[Folder 574: *Oberlin Colors and Nickname],
[Folder 575: Oberlin Community (2f)],
[Folder 576: Oberlin Community Chamber Singers],
[Folder 577: Oberlin Community Players],
[Folder 578: Oberlin Community Services Council],
[Folder 579: *Oberlin Country Day Camp],
[Folder 580: Oberlin Customs],
[Folder 581: Oberlin Design Initiative (ODI)],
[Folder 582: Oberlin Early Childhood Center],
[Folder 583: Oberlin Education],
[Folder 584: Oberlin Elsewhere (See also Oberlin Village–North Carolina)],
[Folder 585: Oberlin Evangelist],
[Folder 586: Oberlin Evangelist Extras (2f)],
[Folder 587: Oberlin's Founding Families],
[Folder 588: Oberlin Great South Woods],
[Folder 589: Oberlin Heritage Center],
[Folder 590: Oberlin High School–Mascot Controversy],
[Folder 591: Oberlin History, 1960s],
[Folder 592: Oberlin History, 1980],
[Folder 593: Oberlin History–Articles about],
[Folder 594: Oberlin History–Blodgett Sketch],
[Folder 595: Oberlin History–Miscellaneous clippings and letters about (4f)],
[Folder 596: Oberlin History–Oral History],
[Folder 597: Oberlin History Publications],
[Folder 598: Oberlin Hospital],
[Folder 599: Oberlin Houses (2f)],
[Folder 600: Oberlin Hurricane Relief],
[Folder 601: Oberlin in Japan (Obirin Gakuen in Tokyo)],
[Folder 602: Oberlin Improvement and Development Co.],
[Folder 603: Oberlin in the 1840s],
[Folder 604: Oberlin Inn (3f)],
[Folder 605: Oberlin Inn–Ephemera, 1894, ca. 1970s],
[Folder 606: Oberlin Interagency Council],
[Folder 607: Oberlin, John Frederick (4f)],
[Folder 608: Oberlin Korean Students Association (OKSA) (See also RG 19/3/10)],
[Folder 609: Oberlin Land],
[Folder 610: Oberlin Latino Alumni Association (OLAA)],
[Folder 611: Oberlin Latitude and Longitude and Elevation],
[Folder 612: Oberlin Little Red Schoolhouse],
[Folder 613: Oberlin Maps],
[Folder 614: Oberlin Mayors and City Managers],
[Folder 615: Oberlin Medical Center (See also Allen Memorial Hospital)],
[Folder 616: Oberlin Meteorological Records],
[Folder 617: Oberlin Municipal Light and Power],
[Folder 618: Oberlin Music],
[Folder 619: Oberlin Newspapers],
[Folder 620: Oberlin News-Tribune],
[Folder 621: Oberlin News-Tribune–"Historic Oberlin Today"],
[Folder 622: Oberlin Night School],
[Folder 623: Oberlin Online],
[Folder 624: Oberlin Partnership],
[Folder 625: Oberlin Police],
[Folder 626: Oberlin Population],
[Folder 627: Oberlin Post Office],
[Folder 628: Oberlin Prank Stories (See College Pranks)],
[Folder 629: Oberlin Project, The],
[Folder 630: Oberlin Properties],
[Folder 631: Oberlin Public Library (2f)],
[Folder 632: Oberlin Public Library–Educational Research Center],
[Folder 633: Oberlin Public Library Issue],
[Folder 634: Oberlin Public Schools (4f)],
[Folder 635: Oberlin Public Schools and College Archives],
[Folder 636: Oberlin Public Schools Famous Oberlinians Banner Project],
[Folder 637: *Oberlin Public Schools History, compiled by Prue Richards],
[Folder 638: Oberlin Public Schools–Publications],
[Item 639: Oberlin Quilt],
[Folder 640: Oberlin Race Relations Committee (RRC)],
[Folder 641: Oberlin Radio],
[Folder 642: Oberlin Repertory Company (See Apple Tree Project)],
[Folder 643: Oberlin Reservoir],
[Folder 644: "Oberlin Resistance", 1968],
[Folder 645: The Oberlin Review],
[Folder 646: The Oberlin Review–Articles by Maxine Kaplan],
[Folder 647: The Oberlin Review News Service],
[Folder 648: Oberlin Sanctuary Project],
[Folder 649: Oberlin School of Commerce],
[Folder 650: Oberlin Seniors, Inc.],
[Folder 651: Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team (SAST)],
[Folder 652: Oberlin Steel (See Can Consortium)],
[Folder 653: Oberlin Summer Theater Festival],
[Folder 654: Oberlin Sustainable Agriculture Project],
[Folder 655: Oberlin Telegraph School],
[Folder 656: Oberlin Telephone Company],
[Folder 657: Oberlin Torah],
[Folder 658: Oberlin Town Meetings (See also Norm Craig Papers)],
[Folder 659: Oberlin Transportation–Bus, Taxi],
[Folder 660: Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen by Margaret Christian, 2016],
[Folder 661: Oberlin Underground Railroad Center (See also Gasholder House)],
[Folder 662: Oberlin Village–North Carolina],
[Folder 663: Oberlin Violin Restoration Workshop],
[Folder 664: Oberlin Visting Nurse Association],
[Folder 665: Oberlin Wetlands],
[Folder 666: Oberlin-Wellington Rescue (See Wellington Rescue)],
[Folder 667: Oberlin Zoning],
[Folder 668: Obiegame],
[Folder 669: The Observer],
[Folder 670: OCOPE],
[Folder 671: Ohio Agricultural College, Oberlin],
[Folder 672: Ohio–Areas and Towns miscellaneous],
[Folder 673: Ohio Census Data],
[Folder 674: Ohio Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)],
[Folder 675: Oldenburg's Free Stamp],
[Folder 676: Oldenburg's Giant Three-Way Plug (See also RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication FIles)],
[Folder 677: Olmsted Brothers (See Architectural Records for Brick Walks)],
[Folder 678: One Oberlin (See also Academic and Administrative Program Review)],
[Folder 679: "On Going to College, or Ten Commandments on the Academic Approach to Knowledge," by A.F. Duppert for Mary Lou Duppert, x1943],
[Folder 680: "Organize Ohio"],
[Folder 681: Organs–Oberlin],
[Folder 682: Orientation],
[Folder 683: Pageants],
[Folder 684: Palestine],
[Folder 685: Palestinian Israeli Conflict (See Israeli-Palestinian Conflict), 2023-2024],
[Folder 686: "Parker Press"–African-American Abolitionist Newspaper],
[Folder 687: Parking (campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Student Motor Vehicles [On Campus])],
[Folder 688: Pastors for Peace Caravan–Carpenters for Christmas],
[Folder 689: Peace Corps],
[Folder 690: Pease, H. Alonzo],
[Folder 691: People of Color (POC)],
[Folder 692: Perpetual Scholarships],
[Folder 693: Peters Hall],
[Folder 694: Phelps, Anson Scholarship, 1890],
[Folder 695: Photography],
[Folder 696: Plan for Oberlin],
[Folder 697: Plug, Three-Way (See Oldenburg's Giant 3-Way Plug; RG 9/3 Allen Memorial Art Museum; RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 698: Plum Creek],
[Folder 699: Plum Creek Review (See Enchiridion)],
[Folder 700: POC (People of Color) Coalition],
[Folder 701: Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc. (9f)],
[Folder 702: Posse Foundation],
[Folder 703: Powers Travel Grants],
[Folder 704: Pranks (See College Pranks)],
[Folder 705: Presidential Initiative on Racial Equity and Diversity],
[Folder 706: Presidential Search, 1974-1975],
[Folder 707: President's House–Sit-in Protest],
[Folder 708: Public Service Studies],
[Folder 709: Publications],
[Folder 710: Race Relations],
[Folder 711: Racial Tensions, 2010s-2020s],
[Folder 712: Racism and Freedom of Speech at Oberlin College],
[Folder 713: Radio–Oberlin College],
[Folder 714: Railroads],
[Folder 715: Ransom, Louis–painting "John Brown Going to Execution" (See John Brown files; Art files in Associate Archivist's Office)],
[Folder 716: Rathskellar],
[Folder 717: Reading Girl Statue],
[Folder 718: Real Food Campus Commitment],
[Folder 719: Reamer Family],
[Folder 720: Recreation],
[Folder 721: Reflecting Pool (Conservatory)],
[Folder 722: Refugees (See also Immigration)],
[Folder 723: Refugee Scholarship],
[Folder 724: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1830s-1850s],
[Folder 725: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1850s-1870s],
[Folder 726: Reminiscences of Oberlin, 1880s-1900s],
[Folder 727: Reproductive Rights],
[Folder 728: Rhodes Scholars],
[Folder 729: Ripley, Mississippi (See RG 30/427 Oberlin and Civil Rights Collection), 1964],
[Folder 730: Rocks (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 731: Rollins, Sonny],
[Folder 732: Rooming Houses],
[Folder 733: Roosevelt, Eleanor],
[Folder 734: ROTC (United States Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps)],
[Folder 735: Ruger, Albert (artist) (See "Bird's Eye View of Town of Oberlin")],
[Folder 736: Russia Township],
[Folder 737: "Safe Space", 1980-2009],
[Folder 738: "Safe Space" Controversy, 1999-2002],
[Folder 739: Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, Elyria, Ohio],
[Folder 740: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps],
[Folder 741: Santa Elena Project of Accompaniment (SEPA)],
[Folder 742: SAST (See Oberlin Sexual Assault Support Team)],
[Folder 743: Scholarships and other funds–conditions of their use],
[Folder 744: Schools],
[Folder 745: Science at Oberlin],
[Folder 746: Science Center (See RG 0, Series 24. Building and Dedication Files)],
[Folder 747: 'Sco (College Disco)],
[Folder 748: SCOPE],
[Folder 749: Seal–College Seal],
[Folder 750: Secret Societies],
[Folder 751: *SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity],
[Folder 752: Seeger, Pete],
[Folder 753: SEN (Senior Education Network)],
[Folder 754: SEOP (Special Education Opportunities Program)],
[Folder 755: September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks],
[Folder 756: Seventeen Magazine Article, 1983],
[Folder 757: Sex],
[Folder 758: Sexual Assault–Barnard Hall, 2001],
[Folder 759: Sexual Harrassment Policy (See Equity, Office of in Departmental Vertical Files)],
[Folder 760: Shansi (3f)],
[Folder 761: Sheffield School, Sheffield Manual Labor Institute],
[Folder 762: Shipherd Windows (Talcott)],
[Folder 763: Shouse Scholars],
[Folder 764: Shule Ya Kujitambua–School for Black Reidentification],
[Folder 765: Shurtleff Cottage],
[Folder 766: Silsbee, James Lyman (architect)],
[Folder 767: Singing and Songs],
[Folder 768: SIP (See Oberlin College Sustainable Infrastructure Project)],
[Folder 769: SITES (Spanish in the [Oberlin] Elementary Schools)],
[Folder 770: Slave Ship],
[Folder 771: Slavic Languages at Oberlin],
[Folder 772: *SM/BD Club–Renamed SECURE: Students Exploring Consent and Understanding Regarding Equity],
[Folder 773: Smith, Gerrit Papers],
[Folder 774: Smoking at Oberlin (See also Tobacco at Oberlin)],
[Folder 775: SOA (School of the Americas)],
[Folder 776: Social Activism–Burned Churches],
[Folder 777: Social Customs (Dating, etc.)],
[Folder 778: Social Justice],
[Folder 779: Solar Eclipse, 2024],
[Folder 780: Solar Power],
[Folder 781: Solomon Amendement],
[Folder 782: South Africa and Namibia Conference, 1979],
[Folder 783: South African Divestment (See South African Investment)],
[Folder 784: South African Investment (3f), 1972-1990s],
[Folder 785: South Amherst Quarries Development, 2005-2006],
[Folder 786: South Asian Student Association (SASA)],
[Folder 787: Spanish in the Elementary Schools (See SITES)],
[Folder 788: Spanish Flu, 1918],
[Folder 789: Spaulding Manuscript (5f) (See also 30/028 Spaulding Manuscript; 30/294 Dale Broadhurst Papers)],
[Folder 790: Spectrum],
[Folder 791: Spencerian School of Penmanship],
[Folder 792: Spring Fling],
[Folder 793: Statistical Profiles of Undergraduates (Oberlin College)],
[Folder 794: Statues, Busts, Portraits (See Portraits, Statues, Busts, etc.)],
[Folder 795: Steel Drum Band (See Can Consortium)],
[Folder 796: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)],
[Folder 797: Stevenson Dining Hall],
[Folder 798: Stewart, Cynthia Case],
[Folder 799: "Stewart Plan", 1956-1957],
[Folder 800: Strategic Plan, 2015],
[Folder 801: Structural Deficit Program Files, 1995],
[Folder 802: Student Demographics],
[Folder 803: Student Employment],
[Folder 804: Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)],
[Folder 805: Student Motor Vehicles (On Campus) (See also Oberlin Car Policy; Parking [Campus])],
[Folder 806: Student Organizations (See RG 19 Student Life for specific organization files)],
[Folder 807: Student Organizations Charters–files relating to],
[Folder 808: Student Organizations–Funding],
[Folder 809: Student Organizations–Miscellaneous],
[Folder 810: Student Senate],
[Folder 811: Student Theater],
[Folder 812: Student Tutoring],
[Folder 813: Student Working Group for Institutional Change],
[Folder 814: Students for a Democratic Society],
[Folder 815: Students with Disabilities],
[Folder 816: StudiOC],
[Folder 817: Sudan],
[Folder 818: Suffrage],
[Folder 819: Summer Institute for Office Workers],
[Folder 820: *Summer News (Obeserver), 1993],
[Folder 821: Summer Session (School)],
[Folder 822: Sustainable Community Associates, Ltd. (See also The Catalyst)],
[Folder 823: Tabernacle Tent ("Big Tent")],
[Folder 824: Tappan Brothers–Arthur and Lewis],
[Folder 825: Tappan Hall Painting],
[Folder 826: Tappan Square (2f)],
[Folder 827: Telephones],
[Folder 828: Temperance],
[Folder 829: Temperance "Sit-in", 1882],
[Folder 830: Ten Thousand Strong (College Song)],
[Folder 831: Terrorist Attacks (See September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks)],
[Folder 832: "Think-in", 1967],
[Folder 833: *Third World (Price)],
[Folder 834: Time Capsule–1976 Bicentennial],
[Folder 835: Timeless Topics],
[Folder 836: Title IX],
[Folder 837: Tobacco at Oberlin],
[Folder 838: Toni Morrison Society],
[Folder 839: Torah (See Oberlin Torah)],
[Folder 840: Town and Gown],
[Folder 841: Transgender (See also Gender)],
[Folder 842: Travel–Transportation],
[Folder 843: Trees in Oberlin],
[Folder 844: Tuberculosis],
[Folder 845: Tuition (general) (See also Oberlin College Tuition Scholarship Plan)],
[Folder 846: Tuition Investigation],
[Folder 847: Turkey],
[Folder 848: Tuskegee Airmen, Oberlin by Margaret Christian (See Oberlin Tuskegee Airmen), 2016],
[Folder 849: Twilight, Alexander (See Middlebury College)],
[Folder 850: UAW],
[Folder 851: UAW–Layoffs, 2020],
[Folder 852: Ukraine Conflict, 2022-2024],
[Folder 853: Ultimate Frisbee Team (See Club Sports)],
[Folder 854: Underground Railroad (13f)],
[Folder 855: Underground Railroad–Student Project Winter Term (2f), 1980],
[Folder 856: Underground Railroad Center (See Oberlin Underground Railroad Center; See also Gasholder House)],
[Folder 857: Union Library Association],
[Folder 858: United Way],
[Folder 859: UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)],
[Folder 860: Upward Bound Program],
[Folder 861: Varsity Restaurant],
[Folder 862: Veterans],
[Folder 863: Vietnam Era (See also Activism)],
[Folder 864: Vietnam Era Reunion, 1990 November 03-05],
[Folder 865: Vietnam War–"The College and the War"],
[Folder 866: Visitors (See Oberlin College–Visitors)],
[Folder 867: VOCES],
[Folder 868: Volunteerism],
[Folder 869: Voters, Voting],
[Folder 870: VSA-H.K. Goodkind Collection],
[Folder 871: Walker, Peggy],
[Folder 872: Ward, Artemus],
[Folder 873: Waterworks (Morgan St.)],
[Folder 874: Watson, Thomas J. Fellows (See also Fellowship and Grant Announcements)],
[Folder 875: WAVE Program (Words are Very Enjoyable)],
[Folder 876: Weather],
[Folder 877: Website, Oberlin College],
[Folder 878: Welcome Nursing Home],
[Folder 879: Wellington],
[Folder 880: Wellington Rescue (2f)],
[Folder 881: Wellington Rescue–150th Anniversary, 2008],
[Folder 882: Weltzheimer/Johnson House (See Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio)],
[Folder 883: Western Reserve Historical Society],
[Folder 884: Westwood Cemetery (See Cemetery–Westwood)],
[Folder 885: What's Happening at College Lanes Newsletter (2f)],
[Folder 886: Wheatley, Phyllis Center],
[Folder 887: Wheeler, Robert–Professorship in Conservatory (re. Margaretta McLelland Nichols)],
[Folder 888: White, Michael (Mayor of Cleveland)],
[Folder 889: Wilson Bruce Evans House],
[Folder 890: Wilson, Woodrow Fellowships (See Fellowships: Woodrow Wilson)],
[Folder 891: Winter Term–Transferred to RG 0],
[Folder 892: WOBC (See Radio [Oberlin College])],
[Folder 893: Women, sermon by Samuel J. May, 1846 November 18],
[Folder 894: Women's Activities (2f)],
[Folder 895: Women's Caucus for Art],
[Folder 896: *Women's Equality Day],
[Folder 897: Women's History],
[Folder 898: Women's Issues–Women's Publications],
[Folder 899: Women's Liberation (3f)],
[Folder 900: World War I],
[Folder 901: World War I Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 902: World War II],
[Folder 903: World War II Memorial (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 904: Wright, Frank Lloyd (architect) and House, Oberlin, Ohio],
[Folder 905: Wright, George Frederick House],
[Folder 906: Wright, G.F., ed., A Standard History of Lorain County, Ohio],
[Folder 907: Wright Park (See RG 0, Series 30. Monuments and Memorials)],
[Folder 908: Year of the Queer, 2012-2013],
[Folder 909: Zechial Debate, 2001],
[Folder 910: Zionism],

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