Scope and Contents: The ten autograph albums in this collection are those not associated with a personal paper group; they date from the mid- to late nineteenth century. Some of the albums were kept for a long period of the owners’ lives, chronicling the persons that were of most influence for the owners. One of the albums, that of Kittie Mason Purdy, contains entries dating from 1867 to 1885. Four of the albums were owned by students who attended the Preparatory School operated by the College, a group not well represented in the College Archives.
Box Name Class or Prep School Album Dates
Box 1
Adams, Susan C. OC 1861 1828-40
Alvord, Mary Jane (Mrs. B.B. Loughhead)
OC 1874 1874-76
Avery, Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
OC 1862 1841-87
Brigham, Emma F. (Mrs. Howard B. Taft)
OC 1864 1859-69
Childs, Truman D. OC 1870 1870-73
Box 2
Ely, Martha A. (Mrs. Doolittle)
Prep School 1848-49
College 1850-53 1852-65
Hayward, Celia K.
Prep School 1856-58, 1860-61
College 1861-62 1857-65
McCullough, Fletcher
Prep School 1859-60 1856-62
Mead, Georgiana (Mrs. E.L. Clarke)
OC 1887 1881-84
Phillips, Edward N. 1883-85
Purdy, Kittie Mason (Mrs. Boyd) (photostat)
Prep School 1867-69 1867-85