The collection is divided into the following series: 1. Biographical File; 2. Instructional Files; and, 3. Writings.
Series 1. Biographical File, 1917-18, 1933, 1936, 1938, 1944 (1 Folder)
The biographical information for Simon Fraser MacLennan includes photocopies of articles from The Oberlin News-Tribune, The Oberlin Review, and The Oberlin Alumni Magazine. A copy of a faculty biographical form for Simon F. MacLennan is contained in the folder. In addition, there is a reprint of an article concerning the career of Ronald Fraser MacLennan, son of Simon F. MacLennan.
Series 2. Instructional Files, n.d. (5 Folders)
This series consists of typescript copies of syllabi written by Simon Fraser MacLennan for the teaching of courses in Ethics. Also included are handwritten notes used for courses in Comparative Religion, including Japanese religions, religions of India, and Mohammedanism.
Series 3. Writings, 1897, 1911, 1929, 1932, n.d. (9 Folders)
The writings are divided into two subseries: Subseries 1. Writings by Simon Fraser MacLennan; and, Subseries 2. Writings of Other Authors. Subseries 1 consists of published and unpublished writings of Simon Fraser MacLennan, including MacLennan's writings and reprints and a typed manuscript for "A Functional View of Morals" (n.d.), a typed manuscript and a bound volume of "Four Phases in the Development of Morals" (n.d.), and a typed manuscript of "John Bull's Navy" (n.d.). Subseries 2 contains a reprint of the article titled "A Philosopher-King: Justice Holmes", by James H. Tufts (1932).